Updates & Reminders
- All camper forms and tuition are due June 1st.
- The Camper Health History form is now live in the registration portal.
Click Here for a copy of the BR Physical form. This must be signed and dated by a physician.
- The next auto-payment date is May 20th. You can check your balance in the registration portal.
All sessions are full except for 3rd session - we still have room on the waitlists!
We have started a BR Parents Facebook group! Click Here to Join!
The New Parent Meeting is on March 22nd at 6 pm.
- Please email the office if you are interested in attending but haven't received any information.
Mother-Daughter Retreats:
Mother Daughter tuition is due May 1st and forms are due June 1st.
If you are interested in hosting a private alumni weekend this fall please contact Maddie in the office.