Summer 2013                                                                                                    Issue 2 
  Storm Season Approaching: Business Continuity via Telecommuting

Don't Wait for an Emergency to be Prepared:
Get Ready for Outages & Emergencies with a Business Continuity Plan Via Telecommuting

Who can forget the freak Halloween snowstorm in 2011 or last year's Hurricane Sandy? New England is known for its unpredictable weather, but careful planning can keep your business and customers covered during times of crisis.

"With little or no investment in technology, businesses are including telecommuting in their business continuity plans." says Drew Kaliszewski, Director, Partner Consulting, and a Telecommute program and field expert.

Read more on Business Continuity Planning and the Connecticut Department of Transportation's  free telecommute consultant services.
Telecommuter Emergency Checklist

Plan Ahead: Use this Telecommute Check-list to ensure business continuity during critical times. 


CT Water Stays Connected

"One of the most important benefits of having telecommuters at CT Water is the ability to provide service continuity during major storms and to ensure the safety of employees." says 
Donnel Brown, telecommute liaison for CT Water.

"CT Water is a perfect example of a company whose leadership got behind the formation of a telecommute program and made it a win-win for both employees and the organization," adds Patrice DeFilippo, Telecommute specialist for CTrides.



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500 Enterprise Dr # 3B
Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067-3916






Connecticut's Commuter Resource
The Connecticut Department of Transportation wants to help you find the best way to work.
Thats why we offer, Connecticut's centralized commuting resource.


Whether it's sharing a ride in a car, vanpool, bus, train, riding a bike, walking or telecommuting, there's a solution that works for everyone.