Hello Capital Family!

Capital Compassion continues to have new developments every day. We have new volunteers coming to serve and groups that want to partner with us so they can utilize the goods and services that we send out from our warehouse location. It is exciting to see how many people's lives are being touched.

Right behind me we have a lot of our food supplies. Just in this last week we had a new group of special needs individuals come serve and volunteer. It becomes a part of their development. We now have four special needs individuals in our CARE (Capital Access to Resources for Employment) program that serve weekly. They help put the bags of groceries together for our outreaches. It's amazing to see the connections and the synergy that happens. Our volunteers partner with the special needs community and mentor them and help them in the journey. Everyone needs a job, a home, and a friend.

We connected with a young man name Ty a couple months ago. He had come to our warehouse looking for food. From our relationship with him, we learned where he lives in downtown Sacramento. The last outreach we had to our unhoused guests, we found him in his location. Just today, he sent us a message asking for more help. Our team took 5 pizzas, dog food, body armor sports drinks and more down to their camp to help make their day. Our relationships are growing. It's not just, "Hey, we saw you and met you one time." But it's a way to continue to build relationships ongoing and see Jesus change their lives.

Yesterday, a young man came in from a friends referral. Johnnie. He sat down with us and we spent some time feeding him breakfast and hearing his story. He came back to the warehouse today! We sat with him again to hear more about the challenges he is facing and see how we could help further. We were able to call 211 for him and get him on the housing waitlist. He has been living homeless for three years after suffering from a brain injury. While with us he wrote an acrostic for the word HOPE - Hope Opens Perspective for Eternity - we love that his time with us got him thinking about hope.

We have people like Amy Kimmons that works for the Sacramento County as a peer specialist. She is faith-filled and helping us connect services to individuals we meet. She is helping us with Johnnie too by learning how to get access to a free phone, Cal Fresh, and Cash Aid.

We are seeing one individual after another, let alone the multitudes that get helped when supplies go out from here. We are helping refugee families. New opportunities are coming that we will keep telling you about as we grow.

For today, there is an long update! We are excited about what is happening. Thank you for helping. Thank you for donating. Those that are giving, please keep it up. Our needs are expanding and our opportunities are growing and it will take supply. Anything you can do goes to growing God's kingdom and helping people in our city. Thank you for being part of Capital Compassion!

In His love and grace, 

Pastor Rick and Cathy


We will be hosting our next Homeless Outreach to the unhoused community Saturday, May 18, from 10am-12pm. Our outreach program includes distributing food, hygiene items and other essentials, and visiting the unhoused by Richards Blvd near C Street, Union Gospel Mission, Loaves and Fishes, the American River, and Cesar Chavez Park.

Those who sign up for this date in Planning Center will meet at the Warehouse at 10am for a rally with Pastor Rick and carpool to the various distribution locations. You can simply show up to serve as well if you want to check it out! 

More info here.


Pastor Rick will be speaking at Refuge Church in Manteca, CA, on Sunday, May 19, at 10am. You can watch the live service from their website: www.rcmanteca.com/watch

Pastor Rick is available to speak at your next event, church service, or conference at no cost. Do what is right, not what is easy. If anybody has taken this message to heart, it’s Rick Cole. Over his 28 years as Senior Pastor at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, Rev. Rick Cole has been an active ally for social justice, taking a hands-on approach to issues of racial reconciliation and homelessness in his community as well as serving countries all around the world by leading teams through global missions work. Cole transitioned as the Senior Pastor of Capital Christian Center in September 2023 to expand the Capital Christian Outreach ministry in the city of Sacramento. Complete this form to inquire about speaking engagements.

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