January 2024

behind the SCENES

Resolutions Resolve

Entrepreneurs need to stay motivated to succeed

Aundréa Cika HeschmeyerPresident

As January wind whips around us, it carries the chill of winter and the exhilarating scent of new beginnings. For many of us, this is the season for resolutions, boldly charting our course, and setting ambitious goals. And what better time for a marketing firm to ignite its internal fire?

Chasing new business, chasing innovative ideas, chasing that next level of excellence is not for the faint of heart. Entrepreneurs learn fast that not everything is guaranteed. At MARQUEE, we value the process. Refining our strategies and tools is a part of our daily commitment to improvement. Our year is sure to be exciting! 

Here are some ways to stay focused:

  • Embrace the discomfort: Stepping outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Take that leap of faith, knowing you’ll land stronger and wiser even if you stumble.
  • Celebrate small victories: The path to success is rarely paved with overnight triumphs. Recognize and cherish every milestone, every hurdle cleared, every client won. These small victories are the stepping stones to greatness.
  • Fuel your fire with passion: What lights you up? What makes your heart sing? Let that passion be the driving force behind everything you do. It’s the secret ingredient that turns ordinary work into extraordinary results.
  • Support your fellow warriors: We’re not in this alone. Everybody plays a crucial role. Offer your staff, vendors, clients, and customers encouragement, share knowledge, and celebrate each other’s successes. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.

We encourage you not to let go of that New Year enthusiasm and keep your resolution intact! We plan to do the same. 

Here is our 2024 resolution: MARQUEE resolves to continue the pursuit of excellence for ourselves and our clients. We will not shy away from the big challenges and will embrace the unknown with open arms. We will inspire clients with our audacity, wow them with our creativity, and deliver results that exceed their wildest expectations.

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the creative SCOOP

— Agata Khoury, Art Director

shining the SPOTLIGHT

SLAVidays Highlight Reel

Enjoy the Slavidays Recap

In the heart of downtown Youngstown, a festive celebration awaited the community – SLAVidays, a multifaceted Christmas extravaganza held at Penguin City Brewing Company. Marking half way to the next Simply Slavic Festival, this first time event drew the largest crowd that Penguin City Brewery has ever held. Behind the scenes, an intricate marketing strategy unfolded, combining creativity, promotion, social media, and meticulous event management to ensure a magical experience for all.

The first step in organizing any successful first-time event is establishing a unique identity that resonates with the target audience. SLAVidays' unique identity was established through captivating graphics and branding. Vibrant posters and engaging social media banners conveyed the essence of Slavic traditions, enticing potential attendees.

A multi-channel promotion strategy, including traditional methods and collaborations with local media, ensured broad visibility. The event's Facebook page served as a hub for information, as well as a way to connect with others attending the event.

Meticulous event management ensured a seamless experience. Coordination with vendors, performances by Chardon Polka Band and Jaslickari carolers, and strategically positioned culinary offerings added to the festive ambiance.

Home for the SLAVidays, with its well-executed marketing strategy, celebrated Slavic culture and created cherished memories. As the echoes of SLAVidays lingered past 11:00 pm on December 15, Youngstown's community basked in the joy of a successful event.

— Megan Duden,

Director of Client Success

in the KNOW


the industry TRENDS

The Rise of the Meta City

What is a Meta City and why does it matter to your business? With remote work, global economy, and collaborative efforts, there is a whole new meaning to regional. Think beyond immediate geography to define your market. 


Corporate event changes for 2024

There is a lot happening! Growing awareness around sustainability, diversity and inclusion, as well as the impact of rising event costs, AI and new technology will make this a dynamic year for events.


Trends in cybersecurity

The return on investment (ROI) time for cybersecurity technology is a critical metric for businesses and organizations to consider as more of our business becomes digital. Learn how to how to stay safe and current in today’s business climate. 


MARQUEE shows you all the coming attractions in marketing.



241 W. Federal St., Youngstown, OH 44503 • 330.234.9396



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