Steve Alten October Newsletter
MEGheads, Cove Dwellers, and the rest of my wonderful readers:

I found myself in a very strange situation last week. My wife, son and I were staying with a close friend at another friend’s beach house in Bethany Beach, Delaware. It’s a wonderful place we’ve been privileged to be invited to many times over the last 30 years, but this was the first time we were there in September. We really enjoyed the cooler weather and empty restaurants, plus we basically had the entire beach to ourselves. And then one evening about 7pm, I was watching the news on TV and saw this story:

For those of you who are fans of my DOMAIN-Mayan Doomsday Calendar series, you know that La Palma island plays a big part in the third book in the trilogy, PHOBOS: Mayan Fear. I wrote the scenes based on the evidence covered on a Discovery Channel show about MEGA-tsunamis and the unique threat posed by La Palma’s volcano. The link between the eruption of Cumbre Vieja and a mega-tsunami that could strike the eastern seaboard of the U.S. comes from a 2001 scientific study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. After investigating the effect of the volcano's eruptions in 1971 and 1949, the authors believed that the entire western slope of the volcano could drop between 150 and 500 km³ of rock into the sea, which could result in a series of powerful mega-tsunamis that could transit the entire Atlantic ocean, striking the eastern coast of the U.S. at heights of 33 feet and 82 feet. The paper cites over 200 references.
And here we were, staying in a home that was less than a football field from the water. 

Was I concerned? Hell yeah, so much so that I was mentally planning an escape route just in case. A quick check on the internet showed I wasn’t the only one who had watched the MEGA-tsunami show. 

Escaping a 33 to 82 foot rogue wave is one thing; a tsunami is another, the latter being a continuous wall of water pushing inland. In lower Delaware there’s one major road in and out of Bethany and even a 25-foot tsunami would easily submerge it. But there is the Indian River Inlet Bridge which was a few miles to the north. It was 45-feet above the waterline – offering us a shot at survival – assuming we could get there.

My wife, son, and friend thought I was nuts. We went to dinner and the rest of the vacation went undisturbed. But La Palma’s volcano continues to erupt, and earthquakes are expected to continue for another few weeks.

My advice? If you’re on the coast… plan for “the what if”… you’ll sleep better.

Enjoy the newsletter.

Steve Alten to Host Panel
Sunday Oct. 3 for Coast Day 2021 
The University of Delaware (where I earned my masters degree) invited me to their annual Coast Day this weekend. I have been given the honor of hosting and appearing on their opening panel, Sunday October 3rd, from 10am – 11am, the subject: “Storytelling and Science.” 

MEG: Purgatory Package Update and another new bonus…
Last month I announced the presale of the MEG: Purgatory Collector’s Limited Edition Package and the response has been tremendous. Orders will continue until the manuscript is turned in to our printer a few months before the MEG-2: The TRENCH movie opens in theaters in the summer of 2023. Remember, the Purgatory Package will not be sold in stores or on; it must be pre-ordered from one of these two websites and There will only be one print run.

Here’s what you get (so far):

MP Package Features:
Front cover (different from Tor’s) will identify the book as a Limited Collector’s edition hardback. Inside will be a certificate on the signature page, along with a number. That’s right – each hardback will have a number matching the order in which books are purchased. As with LOCH-3, all books will be personally signed (but not personalized – that would take a month). These books will also be numbered in the order placed. Unfortunately, we were unable to add the number to your receipt, but no worries – we have posted an updating list at just below the link to order.

More goodies… 
Interior artwork: We have already begun contacting some of the best Great White/Megalodon/sea monster artists from all over the world, inviting them to participate in our celebration by creating one of the 20-30 action scenes we’ll feature in the novel (or their favorite scene from one of the other MEG novels.) Their artwork will be placed in the final manuscript. Your recommendations are welcome!

Special bonus sections featuring stories or memories from those individuals who made this all possible – including my good friend, MEG movie producer BELLE AVERY who brought the movie from near extinction to an in international box office hit. 

SUPER MEG: Purgatory package bonus feature:

Everyone who purchases three or more books over the course of the pre-order sale will receive an email about a week after the manuscript goes to print. The email will include a link and password that will give you immediate access to a private website where you can access a colorized version of the novel in PDF format for free. This Enhanced Ebook(will feature the artists’ works in their original color versions. And we’ll be adding much more to come… drawings to win prizes (using your book number(s), raffles to win movie premiere tickets, posters… this will only get bigger and better!

COSTS: At first I thought the package would run $50–$60 per book (simply numbering and signing each special insert pages requires hiring someone to number each insert page by hand and then ship them to me for signing, then sent back to the printer to be reinserted in the books’ spine). But I was able to negotiate a far better price by guaranteeing a minimum print run of 5,000 presold copies (and by taking a lower share).

You price: Only $34.95 ! Current sales = 1,352.


Cover Art: I considered a few graphic artists but in the end there really was only one person I trusted to work with me: my friend who has delivered15 Steve Alten covers – the one and only ERIK HOLLANDER. Yeah, he costs a little bit more, but this will be the last MEG cover ever, and let’s face it, when it comes to creating a MEG cover there s no one better. The final cover image I have in mind promises to be one of the best.

Special bonus (to help pay for Rembrandt): Order #s 1,353 thru 2,000 will receive an 8 ½ x 11 inch glossy poster of the MEG: Purgatory cover with your book, perfect for framing! (Larger 24 x 36 inch posters may be offered later.)

Remember my guarantee: If you buy three copies and sell one 6-12 months after you receive your copies – you’ll at least break even! Buy three and you will get the MEG-7 Enhanced color Ebook for free!
LOCH 3: Heaven’s Lake Update
I am making great progress and am still targeting mid-JANUARY to finish the edited manuscript. Because of the COVID effect on everything from houses to used cars, I won’t know a shipping date until the final LOCH-3 manuscript is turned in.
Terrifying proto-whale hunted on
land and in the sea!
Kelly found this excellent feature article (good job, K-girl).

Sunday October 17, 2021 at 3pm:

Zoom with Steve alten and special guest… ?? 

All members are welcome. To receive an invite, email Kelly at

Coming in early October: WHERE SEA MONSTERS ROAM: THE VIDEO GAME! Beta testers will get first shot in the next week! This is a far more complex game than RUN LAYLA RUN and Paul has been working on it day and night for eight months. If you are not a current member NOW IS THE TIME TO LOCK IT DOWN AT only $4.95. Our November price goes up to $6.95 for all new memberships!

In early to mid-October we shall introduce E.V.E., our long awaited Enhanced Visual Education program pioneered by Barbara Becker, myself, and teachers and educators in the Adopt-An-Author teen reading program. After more than twenty years of success, we have discovered that the more visual the assigned reading material, the more positive the reading experience – especially among reluctant readers. E.V.E. has been designed to be used in both Virtual settings and real classrooms. Each E.V.E. novel is a self-contained downloadable PDF file of a Steve Alten original thriller, with these added features:

  • Each E.V.E novel contains dozens of graphic color images and maps intended to enhance the visual reading experience.
  • Each E.V.E. novel features vocabulary word links throughout each chapter, giving the student immediate access to the definitions within the framework of the story. 
  • Each E.V.E. novel features additional curriculum materials located at the end of each chapter. These exercises are intended to reinforce the vocabulary words with the color visuals so they are stored in the student’s long-term memory. Additional materials include fill-in-the-blank, true-false, and/or multiple choice questions, along with additional questions that can be used as “extra credit.”

If you are a high school English, Reading, or Science teacher interested in Beta testing the program, contact Barbara Becker at
Music Video of the Month:
The Other Side (Aerosmith)
Just a great tune by a great R & R band.

You love me, you hate me, I tried to take the loss 
You're cryin' me a river but I got to get across...
Recipe of the Month:
Oatmeal Raisin-Chocolate Chip Cookies
These delicious homemade oatmeal raisin-chocolate chips cookies are only 60 calories each! You can use any flour you prefer, but whole wheat pastry flour and whole wheat-white flour are variations of whole grain that are softer and work well in baked goods.

1½ cups old-fashioned rolled oats
1/2 cup flour, preferably whole wheat pastry flour or whole wheat-white flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 egg whites, lightly beaten
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup raisins
1/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Preparation: Preheat oven to 350˚ F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a medium bowl, add oats, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nu meg and mix thoroughly. In another bowl, combine applesauce, egg whites, maple syrup and vanilla extract. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix just until everything is incorporated. Fold in raisins. If using optional chocolate chips, add them to batter. Use about 1 tablespoon of batter per cookie and drop onto baking sheet. Press down lightly with fingers to slightly flatten cookies. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Let cool for 2 to 3 minutes.
*IF YOU HAVE A RECIPE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put RECIPE in the subject line.
Living Tips
Do not wash your chicken and other meats
Washing chicken actually spreads germs! Raw poultry can harbor bacteria, including Salmonella and Campylobacter. You may not have heard of the latter, but it's linked to an estimated 2.5 million foodborne-illness cases annually in the U.S. (often from eating raw or undercooked poultry). Now, imagine adding a splat of water on top of the bacteria that may be on your chicken. This stream is going to splash all sorts of chicken--tainted water into your sink (where you wash other things), on your countertops and onto nearby food. In fact, research has found that washing chicken can spread bacteria up to 3 feet from your sink. That means you've potentially contaminated a good portion of your kitchen. Yuck! If you were washing your chicken to try and remove the viscous liquid that can sometimes accumulate in the packaging, the safe fix is to simply pat the meat dry with paper towels instead. It will also help it brown better.

Joke of the Month
If you’ve never watched my WRITING TIPS, check out my story that begins at the .30 second mark. (This was videotaped less than a week before my left knee replacement, which is why I am seated.)
IF YOU HAVE A JOKE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put JOKE in the subject line.
Your monthly dose of the three wise men Go easy on Moe, he actually broke his ribs on the stunt at the 2:12 mark.
Stay safe… and please get vaccinated with the REAL COVID vaccines. This is not a political issue; it is a matter of life and death… although at times it looks like a competition for the Darwin Awards. Laugh at the Stooges, don’t take advice from one. Remember… if something sounds incredibly stupid – it probably is!

Steve Alten, Ed.D.
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