In case you missed the special announcement in April, the MEG trailers debuted on April 9th and in theaters on the 13th. There are 3 trailers:
They look amazing... but it's only the beginning.
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I am in the home stretch of completing the manuscript to MEG: Generations, the 6th and best book in the MEG series... but not the last. The writing led to an amazing plot twist to set-up for Book 7 - MEG: PURGATORY.
The MEG: GENERATIONS hardback will not be sold in stores, it must be pre-ordered at
www.SteveAlten.com . With the movie trailers out in theaters and the manuscript still being readied, I decided to push back the pre-order deadline. If you ordered before April 22 and we pre-sell 10,000 copies, you will receive a FREE 24 x 36 inch MEG: GENERATIONS poster (a $24.99 value, S&H not included). Please spread the word (and the link).
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To help raise money to support the Adopt-an-Author teen reading
program, Warner Bros. has allowed us to print special Collector Edition MOVIE POSTER dust jackets for the remaining MEG 20th Anniversary edition hardbacks. As I compose this email we are below 950. (only 1,700 will have these covers). Both MEG: GENERATIONS and the movie poster hardbacks will ship in June.
With love and appreciation,
Steve Alten
Not only is it a great read, it has the BEST cover art of the series AND the amazing 3D artwork of Mr. Tan Ngo. Take a peek at this action scene that takes place in the Panthalassa Sea when a 95 foot, 100 ton Leed's Fish is being gutted by a vicious pack of Helicoprion.
MEG COMIC Now On Sale!
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Six issues,,, here we go!
Soon to be a major motion picture and based off New York Times best-selling author Steve Alten's novel "MEG".
The comic will feature Navy deep sea submersible pilot, Jonas Taylor as he finds himself face-to-face with the largest and most ferocious predator in the history of the animal kingdom. The sole survivor of the mission, Taylor is haunted by what he's sure he saw but still can't prove exists - Carcharodon megalodon, the massive mother of the great white shark.
* The Standard Edition comic issue of "MEG" will ship as 6 part monthly comic series, starting April 2018.
The full cover art for the last 1,700 20th Anniversary editions...
Alten interviewed by MEGhead Allen Foster
Know your target audience. Who are your most important customers, clients or prospects, and why? Know what is important to them and address their needs in your newsletter each month. Include a photo to make your newsletter even more appealing.For over two decades, readers have been spellbound by the gripping writing of Steve Alten. His absorbing work has traversed the entire timeline of existence from the dawn of life on earth to 12 million years in the future. He mingles fact with fiction to create mesmerizing tales of wonder driven by a palpable sense of urgency. However, as solid as his writing has remained over the past 22 years, behind the scenes, his career has been filled with vacillating waves of unfathomable twists and turns that have resulted in both devastating gut punches and rousing triumphs.
Click here to read the full interview.
Living Tips - New Treatment for Advanced Cancers:
I have recently been given permission to discuss a breakthrough cancer protocol that had cured two of my friends from stage-4 cancers, including one with stage-4 pancreatic cancer that had spread into his liver (he was given 3 months to live, 4 years later he is alive and well! The microbiologist responsible for creating this natural extract is the same genius who makes my Parkinson's formula that allows me to stay off the harmful PD drugs and returned my ability to play the drums (see video). He recently saved the lives of some very generous individuals who just donated a sizeable amount of money to his research. He is willing to use some of these funds to offset most of the costs of the protocol IF the cancer patient agrees to pay it forward after they are cured by providing a video testimonial as well as spread the word and help raise funds for future patients.
This protocol is completely under the radar, so I must vet each patient. If you are interested, email me at Meg82159@aol.com and I will send you links to video testimonials, before and after images, and support materials. Once I feel comfortable and you are ready to move forward, I will put you in touch with the doctor. How the extract works:
This highly concentrated formula is derived from certain vegetable extracts that have been proven to alter the cancer cell's DNA, causing the P-53 cancer-killing gene (which the cancer shuts down) to work again and cause the cancer cell to self-destruct... without side effects! Instead of weakening your immune system like chemo, it rejuvenates it.
NOTE: I receive NOTHING for this other than the joy of helping someone in need. My father died of cancer 7 years ago, so I have skin in the game.
Laugh of the Month:
In addition to the Three Stooges, I grew up watching GET SMART. This opening scene is my favorite of the entire series:
IF YOU HAVE A JOKE OR VIDEO YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at MEG82159@aol.com Put JOKE in the subject line.
Recipe of the Month: Barbequed Flavor Thin Steaks
Many thanks to Venus Wilker for this month's recipe.
½ - 1 bottle of squeeze Jelly/Jam (I like strawberry)
1- 2 Bottle of BBQ Sauce (I prefer Honey)
½ bottle of Italian Dressing (I use regular Italian)
2 Pkgs. Thin Steaks.
In a skillet, cover the steaks with water. Cook the steaks to your liking. Make sure to keep water in the pan, and flip the steaks. You may have to cook your steaks separately, depending on how large the steaks are or your skillet is. While the steaks are cooking, combine the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well, using a fork or sturdy whisk. Once the steaks are cooked, to your preference, empty any leftover water. Pour the sauce mix over the steaks until covered. Simmer for about 30-40 minutes, flipping your steaks every 3-5 minutes. You can put all your steaks in the pan at this time, if you wish. You can mix BBQ flavors, if you like.
MEG82159@aol.com Put RECIPE in the subject line.
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Jon Stewart used to close The Daily Show with his moment of Zen.I offer you my favorite Three Stooges moments of woob woob woob - Curly, guaranteed to put a smile on your face. This selection honors the MEG movie.
Stay well, stay safe... and know this author really appreciates you.
-Steve Alten, Ed.D.