Steve Alten August Newsletter
To my readers, family & friends… 

One year from today, August 4, 2023, MEG-2: The TRENCH will debut in movie theaters across N. America. To whet your appetites, I’ve included a lot of shark links in this month’s newsletter.

Be sure to read LIVING TIPS. While in Israel with my wife years ago, we had plus 95 degrees F. temps on tours midday – brutal. I must have poured cold water over at least two people having heatstroke.


Beware the Megasharks
Tiger sharks and great whites are taking advantage of protected no-fishing zones and growing to monstrous proportions.

Check out the article below.
Greenland Shark shows up in Belize
The Greenland shark makes its home in the icy arctic waters around Greenland and Iceland. So researchers were shocked when they found one of the ocean giants apparently taking a tropical vacation in the coral reefs off the coast of Belize.

Full article below:

Many thanks to Jeff Gordon for the article.
Sharks Swimming Closer to Shore!
Several reports of shark bite injuries and a spate of sightings of the marine predators off the Northeast coast of the United States have rattled summer beachgoers.

Check out the article below.

Many thanks to Linda Parker for the article.
Hunting in the Sea of Cortez
Location for the B story in MEG: Purgatory. Many thanks to Kelly Rollyson for the article.
Tik Tok Quickies by Kelly Rollyson:
MEG 2: The TRENCH fan art.
LIVING TIPS: Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke READ THIS!
This could save a life! Heat exhaustion: Sweaty, weak, needs fluids and cool off. HEATSTROKE: Red-face, hot to touch – LIFE & DEATH could depend on what you do next! Me? I pour cold water right on top of their heads like their brain is on fire – because it is.

Check out the article below.
Music Video of the Month:
“Set on You” George Harrison
Just a simple, happy tune from my favorite Beatle.
Sneak Peek: Artist Joshua Vallse
UPDATE: The LOCH: Heaven’s Lake
Man, this book is a bear… somedays I got this bitch, and somedays my brain tosses a new piece of red meat onto the page from out of nowhere and I’m like – are you kidding? I just got out of the woods and you’re luring me back in again?  

Pushing through to the next section where the creatures are assembling… waiting for Zach and True to arrive…

The LOCH-3: Heaven Lake will be printed by A & M Publishing, the entity that published MEG: Generations.

Copies must be preordered on before we go to print.
Sea Monster Cove members – I have not forgotten about you!
Some unannounced treats coming to in August – be sure to check the website periodically or you might miss one of the treats!
July Zoom Call:
ZOOM call with Steve Alten:

Sunday August 28, 2022 at 3pm est.

Reserve your spot with Kelly at

Recipe of the Month:
Teriyaki Grilled Shrimp and Pineapple
This tasty grilled teriyaki shrimp and pineapple skewers could not be easier to make. You simply marinate the shrimp in a quick, easy and tasty homemade pineapple-teriyaki sauce, skewer it up along with some pineapple slices, and grill it to perfection.

Ingredients for the teriyaki sauce:
1/4 cup soy sauce (or tamari for gluten-free)
1/4 cup pineapple juice
1/4 cup brown sugar, packed
2 teaspoons garlic, grated
2 teaspoons ginger, grated
1 tablespoon sriracha (If you don't do HOT, leave it out).

Ingredients for the teriyaki grilled shrimp and pineapple:
1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined,
1 pineapple, peeled and sliced into 1/2 inch by 2 inch pieces.

Directions for the teriyaki sauce:
Simmer everything until the sugar has melted before setting aside to cool.

Directions for the teriyaki grilled shrimp and pineapple:
Marinate the shrimp in the marinade for 30 minutes, skewer the shrimp and pineapple slices and grill over medium-high heat until cooked and slightly charred, about 2-4 minutes per side.

*IF YOU HAVE A RECIPE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put RECIPE in the subject line.
Joke of the Month - Fun Puns
I only get sick on weekdays. I must have a weekend immune system!

Did you know that in the Canary Islands, there are no canaries? Similarly, in the Virgin Islands.

Why don’t pirates shower before they walk the plank? Because they’ll wash up on shore.

Why didn’t the pirate play cards? Because he was standing on the deck!

What did the pirate say when he turned 80? Aye, Matey.

A pirate walks into a bar with a ship’s wheel on his crotch. Bartender asks, “What's that?”.Pirate responds (in best pirate voice), “I don't know but it's driving me nuts.”

Einstein said the faster you go, times slows down. So, as we grow older and start slowing down, everything goes by faster!

A group of cows decided to smoke weed and play some poker. The steaks were high!

A friend decided to open a fitness center for pet insects. He still hasn't worked out the bugs.

Thanks for teaching me the meaning of – PLETHORA – It means a lot!

I was going to tell you all a joke about paper. But it really was tearable!


Statistics mean never having to say you are certain.

Isn’t it strange? The same people who laugh at gypsy fortune tellers take economists seriously.

The cost of living is going up and the chance of living is going down.

No matter how bad things get, you get to go on living, even if it kills you.

I’m leaving my body to Science Fiction.

He who laughs, lasts!

Dang – thought I spilled coffee all over my keyboard. But it’s all under control.

Many thanks to Pete Cyrog, DVM for sharing.

If you have a JOKE or FUNNY VIDEO CLIP YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put JOKE in the subject line.
Finally, The Stooges help
prep your kids for school!
IF YOU HAVE A JOKE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put JOKE in the subject line.
Stay well, stay cool (get out of the heat), stay safe… and know I appreciate you.

Steve Alten, Ed.D.
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