An Update from the Steuben County Community Foundation
Dear Friends of the Community Foundation,

Our mission is to connect people who care with the needs that matter to our community, and this has never been more important. In uncertain times, we often hear from people who are searching for ways to make a difference. As a community foundation, we also hear from local nonprofits who are experiencing changes in their programming and fundraising abilities. The board and staff are prepared to continue providing services, even as we shift to remote work during these times.

An Update For Community Members
The SCCF Board of Directors has designated $100,000 to activate the Steuben County Disaster Response Fund. This non-permanent fund will be used to mobilize grant dollars for community organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The board approved an initial grant of $50,000 from this fund to Cameron Memorial Community Hospital, as Cameron has taken the lead in addressing the immediate health challenges in Steuben County posed by this crisis.

We are so pleased to share that since announcing this fund last Thursday, SCCF has received an additional $75,000 in donations to the Steuben County Disaster Response Fund from generous community donors. If you wish to support this fund, you can make a donation on our website here and type "Steuben County Disaster Response Fund" in the box. You may also mail a check to the SCCF office.

SCCF is regularly reassessing the current situation and listening to our community organizations. Our board will allocate future grants to Steuben County nonprofits as they address the changing needs in our community.
An Update For Nonprofits
We know that many of our nonprofits are facing new challenges at this time. While some are experiencing an increase in demand for their services, others are being forced to work remotely and cancel planned events for their volunteers and community members. SCCF would like to hear from Steuben County nonprofits about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting their work and ways the community can help provide support. We encourage our nonprofit leaders to please reach out via phone or email . We've also created a very short survey to gain further information about the effects of the current situation, which can be completed by nonprofits here.
And finally, some good news.
Community Foundations were built to provide support for donors and nonprofits through good times and bad. Last week, we shared some good news in the video below to show that even during challenging times, SCCF remains committed to serving our community.

Last month, an anonymous donor at SCCF made a gift of $10,000 to establish a designated endowment fund for the  Downtown Angola Coalition ! (insert applause, balloons, jazz hands, etc. here). SCCF origin ally intended to announce this last week. However, the SCCF office is closed due to the current situation. DAC organizes a variety of community events and programming to help "promote the heartbeat of the community," and this endowment fund will allow this donor and others to support DAC's work in the community forever. This is the newest example of how SCCF can connect people who care with the needs that matter, which is something we've done with more than 200 funds since 1991.
Please know that we are available by phone or email at any time. We will be sharing information about more ways you can help support others soon. If you have questions about the community's response to changing needs, let us know.
On behalf of the entire SCCF board and staff, thank you.


Jennifer Danic
Steuben County Community Foundation
