Weekly Prevention Resource
Pandemic Updates
July 6 - 12
"Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else."
  Fred Rogers
Here are this week's updates of news & resources.

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have grappled with the impact of this crisis on children. Many of us think children are uniquely resilient, able to bounce back from anything. But like all pediatricians, we know that children are not simply small adults.

Children and adolescents are experiencing acute mental trauma right now -- especially as the pandemic continues alongside mounting protests and civic unrest. We must urgently pay attention.

Suspected overdoses nationally jumped 18 percent in March, 29 percent in April and 42 percent in May, data from ambulance teams, hospitals and police shows.

From Toni Tomkins, BSN, RN: "I decided to create a Top 10 flyer for parents in hopes it would help them be more proactive & perhaps ease some transition anxiety for them & their children. I created it because I know as a parent, especially a mom of an ASD child, I would want the same thing provided for me."

Reports of serious, even deadly, vaping-linked lung injuries dominated the headlines late last year, then COVID-19 took over the news. But those lung injuries haven't gone away, and signs of e-cigarette or  vaping  product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) can look a lot like a COVID-19 infection, federal and state health officials warn.
Be well. Stay well. Stay strong.
Prevention is Key | 25 W. Main Street, Suite A. Rockaway, NJ 08766 (973) 625-1998 | mcpik.org | info@mcpik.org