January 17, 2024

Greetings Presbytery Family,

As we reflect on the enduring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and his unwavering commitment to justice and equality, may we be inspired to continue the journey towards a community marked by love, compassion and the pursuit of God's righteous peace. This edition of Staying Connected provides updates for the upcoming Winter Stated Meeting, highlights new ministry opportunities and shares updates about other events taking place around the presbytery.

Winter Stated Meeting

The Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., at Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center. The offering is designated for summer scholarships at Montgomery Camp. Click here to give.

To register for the meeting, click here.

To purchase lunch, click here.

To register for childcare, click here.

News From Around the Presbytery

Designated Associated Pastor

Palms Presbyterian Church is seeking a non-installed associate pastor. The Designated Associate Pastor supports the vision of Palms and assists with implementing the strategy for the Palms community. This position serves a key function in leading the Pastoral Care, Serve and Disciple Connection ministries and Congregational Care. The position supports the Pastor and the Worship Ministry in the worship life of the congregation. The Associate Pastor is responsible for resourcing and assisting the global and local missions. The Associate Pastor supports the Deacon Ministry of the church. This is a full-time position. Click here to view the job description. To apply, send a resume to Bryant Anderson, pastor.

Opportunity to Serve

The Board of Trustees (BOT) carries out an important function: to care for all the properties held in trust by the congregations of the presbytery. What does this mean? It means they review requests for loans to congregations and all requests to sell or lease real properties held in trust by the congregation. The BOT meets once a month on the fourth Tuesday of the month via Zoom. The chair provides meeting-related documents ahead of time, so trustees have ample opportunity to read materials, come prepared with their questions and keep meetings to 60 minutes or fewer. The BOT has been particularly busy the last couple of years as some congregations closed and some requested loans. It’s an ebb and flow, a ying and yang, if you will; the sale of a property provides funds to other ministries so they may thrive. Approving a loan often means there is something exciting happening. They don’t know what’s in store for 2024, but whatever may come, they strive to serve faithfully, always seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Three current trustees are rotating off the board, one has moved to another presbytery, there are two vacancies for the class of 2025 and one nomination for the 2026 class, leaving them short (too short) of members. Please prayerfully consider serving as a trustee for the 2025 and/or 2026 class. This is serving God’s people in another way. If you “feel the call to serve,” contact Ana Lugo-Berrios.

From the Lead Presbyter

Back Together Again

A Training Event for those involved in Church Leadership

Elders, Sunday School teachers, Church Staff, etc.

We would like to encourage your participation in our upcoming leadership training. We have made a number of announcements in our Wednesday Staying Connected, but wanted to make sure you were aware of the opportunity. Montgomery Center is hosting our Back Together Again event on Saturday, January 20, 2024. There are a variety of workshops being offered. You can find all the details on the Montgomery Center website www.montgomerycenter.net


Please share this with anyone in your church that might be interested, especially elders. 



Rev. Dr. David Rollins

Lead Presbyter

Presbytery of St. Augustine

Back Together Again

Our “Back Together Again” event is next week! This will be a joyful return to a time of shared learning and fellowship among all members of our presbytery.

What: This event will inspire and equip leaders. It is our prayer that, during our time together, you will be inspired and come away with practical tools to strengthen your ministry.

Who: Elders, Sunday School teachers, Church Staff etc.

When: Saturday, January 20, 2024, at Montgomery Center.

Registration: Registration is $35.

Click here to register.

Click here to pay.

Learn more about the workshop sessions here.

Prayer Corner

Please pray for the Lord to guide the following church (its staff and session) this week:

First Presbyterian Church of Crescent City


Deb Henning

Susan Frazier

Presbyterian Women

40th Annual Gathering of the Presbyterian Women

The 40th Annual Gathering of the Presbyterian Women will take place on January 27, 2024, at Montgomery Center. The keynote speaker will be Olive Mahabir, author of our current Bible study. Please share this information with your PW members.

Click here to view and print the flyer (for paper registration).

Click here to register online.

News From Montgomery Center

Summer Camp

Registration is open now for Summer Camp 2024.

Special Features:

  • Day camp programs are for children ages six to 10, and run Monday through Friday.
  • New this year is Science Camp for ages eight to 11.

For more information about 2024 Summer Camp, click here.

Upcoming Events at Montgomery Center

Training and Resources

NEW Training Program: What is (WHO is) a CRE?

A Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) in the Presbyterian Church (USA) is a congregationally based ruling elder who has demonstrated skill for church leadership and has successfully completed CRE training. The role of the CRE is an expansion of the office and work of the ruling elder. The Book of Order states that “commissioning ruling elders to limited pastoral service” is a way that a presbytery nurtures the covenant community of disciples of Christ (G-2.1001).


The Presbytery of St. Augustine is launching a new CRE training program in 2024! If you feel called to be better equipped to serve beyond your home congregation, or if you know someone who might have interest, please plan to attend an Inquiry Session, Saturday, February 3, 2024, immediately following the Winter Presbytery meeting at Montgomery Camp and Conference Center. An overview of the program will be provided along with time for Q&A.


If you have any questions, please email Jerie Lukefahr or Cliff Lyda.

Flagler Forum

You're invited to enjoy a pre-forum gathering in beautiful Markland House at Flagler College on Friday, February 9, from 4:00 to 5:45 p.m. (drop-in). Connect with other PC(USA) youth ministry professionals and volunteers before the Flagler Youth Ministry Forum kicks off and enjoy some refreshments. Contact Rev. Rachel McNeal for more information.

Association of Smaller Congregations Conference

The Association of Smaller Congregations (ASC) Conference: The Gift of Small promotes smaller congregations and highlights their unique beauty and immense potential. Despite their size these close-knit communities can nurture deep relationships and create a profound sense of belonging. In a world that claims that “bigger is always better,” smaller congregations know that passion and love define faith, not size. Smaller congregations can cultivate unity, and shared purpose, and become beacons of hope. Join the ASC at Epworth-by-the-Sea on February 29 through March 4, to celebrate The Gift of Small as we explore the powerful impact smaller congregations can and do have on the lives of individuals and communities. Learn more here.

Key Events

Positions Available In Our Presbytery

Check out the many ministry opportunities throughout our presbytery here.


Susan Rose, Moderator of the Presbytery

Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk

David Rollins, Lead Presbyter

Previous Staying Connected emails are available on our website.