April 24, 2024

Greetings Presbytery Family!

Warm greetings to you today. May this newsletter inspire us with stories of faith, service and community as we journey together in the love of Christ. This edition of Staying Connected shares registration information for the Spring Stated Meeting, details about a Matthew 25 presbytery event and other upcoming events from around the presbytery.

Spring Stated Meeting

Register for the Spring Stated Meeting

The Spring Stated Presbytery Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., at Silver Springs Shores Presbyterian Church.

To register for the meeting, click here.

To purchase lunch, click here.

To register for childcare, click here.

Mission Project

One of the mission efforts of Silver Springs Shores PC is its food pantry. Through their pantry, they try to provide the basic three meals each day. As part of our offering and a combined mission effort of the presbytery, we are going to help them stock their pantry. Here is a list of items they can use: Cereal, peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti sauce and pasta, macaroni and cheese, canned chicken or tuna, canned ravioli, canned vegetables, canned fruit and canned soup. It would be wonderful to see every person attending bring at least one item on the list.

We are a Matthew 25 presbytery. One of the foci of Matthew 25 is eradicating systemic poverty. Our mission project at Silver Springs Shores will help people who are struggling with food insecurity.

News From Around the Presbytery

Youth Participation Survey

Last fall the Youth Ministry Team was able to gift $100,000 to six churches through the generosity of an anonymous donor. These gifts were made possible by participation in the annual youth ministry survey per the donor’s wishes. This year we will, again, be sharing the donor’s gifts with six churches. To be eligible, your church must complete the survey! If you have even one youth in your church, your congregation is eligible. We look forward to hearing about the participation of young people in your congregation.

Health Fair

Spring into good wellness at Woodlawn PC's Health Fair that will be held this Saturday, April 27, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be free screenings, Zumba, the Buddy Bus, massages, blood pressure checks, food trucks, door prizes and more! For more information, call 904-768-5905.

Blue Hymnals Available

St. Giles PC has an abundance of the old blue hymnals, in great condition, that could use a new home. If your church is in need or interested, please contact Susan Rose.

Updates from the Stated Clerk 2024 Presbytery Grants

In 2024, the Presbytery will be accepting applications for funds from two grants.


The first grant is the Designated Funds Grant. The application deadlines are May 13, and November 11. Click here to view the available funds for the May 13, round of applications, as well as an application for those funds. Please note that the Peacemaking and Pentecost funds are available for Presbytery Committees, Commissions and Teams. The Williams fund is available for congregations under 200 members.


The second grant is the Sale of Church Property Grant. Applications for this grant will occur once in 2024. The deadline for this grant is October 7. Click here to view the information/application form for this grant. Please note that this grant is available for all congregations, committees/commissions, members of the presbytery and ministries of the presbytery.

Prayer Corner

Please pray for the Lord to guide the following church (its staff and session) this week:

Highlands United Presbyterian Church


Olive Mahabir

Sharyn Going

Matthew 25

We are a Matthew 25 Presbytery

Join the Presbytery of St. Augustine for a Gathering around Matthew 25 on Saturday, June 1, at Memorial PC, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be special guests from PC(USA) with breakout sessions in the morning and afternoon. The cost is $30 per participant, and that includes the cost of lunch. Click here to register. For more information, contact Julie Reffel.

Matthew 25 Continued Conversations: Eradicating Systemic Poverty

Special guest Nicole Mitchell Gantt, American jazz flautist, educator and author of, "The Mandorla Letters: For the Hopeful," will join us in a conversation that seeks to ocatalyze solutions-focused imagination, attitudes, planning and action. This conversation will take place on Wednesday, May 2, at 7:00 p.m. Click here to register.

Matthew 25 Continued Conversations: Vital Congregations

Join ministry leaders for support, explore the Seven Marks of Vital Congregations and share ideas, dreams, challenges and resources. These conversations will take place May 1, 15 and 29 from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Register Here

Matthew 25 Continued Conversations: Eradicating Systemic Poverty

Join ministry leaders for support and share ideas, dreams, challenges and resources. These conversations will take place May 2, 9, 23 and 30 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Register Here

News From Montgomery Center

Upcoming Events at Montgomery Center

LIT Program

A big part of building a quality summer staff team is leadership development. Leaders-in-Training Camp is a specialty 12-day camp from July 8 through 19, that engages young leaders to learn different leadership styles, develop a servant's hears and build community in the first week of camp. During the second week, campers put what they have learned into practice as they lead activities for our day camp and overnight camps. LIT Camp is for youth ages 14 to 16. Learn more and register by clicking here.

Summer Camp

Registration is open now for Summer Camp 2024.

For information about 2024 Summer Camps or information about joining the summer staff, click here

Family Fun Day

Save the date for Family Fun Day, at Montgomery Center, on June 1. Swimming and archery will be available from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. for guests, and camp tours will be available at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. This is a FREE event.

Presbyterian Women

Churchwide Gathering

Save the date for the Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women, in St. Louis, Mo., on August 8. This year's theme is, "Do everything in love."

Gift Card Collection

Presbyterian Women will be receiving a gift card offering at the Gathering in St. Louis. If you would like to contribute to this offering, please mail Lowe's, Target, Walmart or Amazon gift cards, with at least $10 or more on each card, to Nancy Carlton, PW Moderator. The gift cards will be given to Bethel Hills and Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services.

Nancy Carlton

2511 Sam Rd.

Jacksonville, FL 32216

Synod of South Atlantic

Meeting Highlights

Click here to view the meeting highlights from the Synod Assembly.

First Wednesday Sack Lunch

Join the Synod of South Atlantic for their First Wednesday Sack Lunch via Zoom on May 1, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. The topic for May is Presbytery Leadership. Click here to register.

Sabbath by the Pool

The 2024 Sabbath by the Pool: A Continuing Education Event for Women will take place on August 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The event includes yoga, spiritual direction, good food and good conversations. Priority registration for women in the Synod of South Atlantic is now through June 30. Click here to learn more. Click here to register!

Southeast Region National Black Presbyterian Caucus Conference

Save the date for the Southeast Region National Black Presbyterian Caucus Conference that will take place July 19 through 20, in Jacksonville.


Pentecost Offering

Pentecost Sunday is May 19! The Pentecost Offering supports children at risk, ministries with children and youth, including the Youth Triennium, and the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program. Let’s join together to ensure that our younger siblings in Christ begin life with a solid foundation of faith. Click here for resources.

Key Events

Positions Available In Our Presbytery

Check out the many ministry opportunities throughout our presbytery here.


Steve Crowley, Moderator of the Presbytery

Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk

David Rollins, Lead Presbyter

Previous Staying Connected emails are available on our website.