Today we remember and pay tribute to the 2,977 people killed and those who were injured during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, in New York, Washington, DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
A September 11th Moment of Remembrance will be held today at 10:00 AM at Freedom Park, 96th St & Seng Place, next to the Stone Harbor Fire House.
September 11, 2020
Dear Family in Christ,
How many of us spend every day counting the calories that go into our mouths, watching our cholesterol or our sodium intake? We are thoughtful and engaged with our physical health. By focusing on our health we will live longer in our bodies because we are more cautious. But are we as equally as concerned about what comes out of our mouths in the form of lies,
anger, impatience, profanity, judgments and all the other sins which Jesus would identify as corrupting our spiritual health?
Let’s spend some time looking at our spiritual diet together.
On a call today, the Bishop reminded us that the context in which we worship has changed, but the mission remains the same, “To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” As part of that mission, we’re following Jesus into loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with the earth as we seek every day to love God with our whole heart, mind and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
As we come together again, in person may we continue to Listen for Jesus' movement in our lives and in the world. Give thanks. Proclaim and celebrate it, inviting the Holy Spirit to do the rest. May we remember to embody the loving, liberating, life-giving way of Jesus with one another.
Things will be different, there will be quirks and hiccups. Some of us maybe disappointed, others may be excited and thrilled to come together and still many of us will experience a mix of emotions as we re-enter the church. I am sensitive to the array of all the emotions we will be feeling. May we be gentle with one another, patient, loving, and hold good sense of humor as we navigate this new, yet familiar space. May we also be mindful of those who are with us in spirit but unable to attend.
Blessings and Peace,
Mo. Allison+
A Prayer for the Commemoration of 9/11
God the compassionate one, whose loving care extends to all the world, we remember this day your children of many nations and many faiths whose lives were cut short by the fierce flames of anger and hatred. Console those who continue to suffer and grieve, and give them comfort and hope as they look to the future. Out of what we have endured, give us the grace to examine our relationships with those who perceive us as the enemy, and show our leaders the way to use our power to serve the good of all for the healing of the nations. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord who, in reconciling love, was lifted up from the earth that he might draw all things to himself. Amen.
The doors of our Sanctuary will reopen this weekend.
One service will be held on Saturdays at 5:30 pm and
one on Sundays at 9 am.
Please enter the church through the 95th Street doors.
You do not need to join Facebook to view the Service. To better participate online, our service bulletin may be downloaded for print or viewing here.
Things to remember during this time
If you do not feel well, have a cough or fever, we ask that you kindly participate from home and refrain from in-person worship.
Masks must be worn inside the building.
Some things to expect:
o You must check in with the Usher
o Some pews will be closed for seating
o The doors will be left open
o The aisle is marked with tape at 6-foot distances
o Hand Sanitizer will be visible at the doorway and at the center of the church
o Masks are required of everyone who enters the building and must remain on throughout the service.
Some things to note about our liturgy:
o We ask that you refrain from kneeling
o We ask that you refrain from singing
o We ask that you keep six-foot distances and refrain from shaking hands
o Our reader will sit and read from the Altar
o The Eucharist will be the final act during the service, offered with the blessing on p. 399 of the BCP
o Eucharist will be consecrated in both kinds, but only one kind (the body of Christ) will be offered and distributed by the Priest alone
o Eucharist will be distributed from the center of the church (please take your belongings)
o After receiving the Eucharist, you will leave via the 3rd Avenue Doors. (An exception will be made for those in need of the 95th Street Ramp.
Note: Coffee hour is not yet permitted, and the Hall is unavailable at this time. Should you need to use the bathroom facilities, cleaning products will be available, and we kindly ask that you wipe down any surface after use.
Social Distancing requires us to limit the number of people allowed in the church at one time, therefore, we need to ask that you "Reserve a Pew." Please either call the church office 609-368-5922 or reserve a place through our website.
Good News from The Branches
Last Friday was "End of Summer Luau Day" for the kids and families at The Branches. We want to thank Anne Morrisey for completing our day with an ice cream truck. The kids as well as parents were so excited.
A very big Branches "Thank You" to Penny and Lena King who came by Branches with their parents to donate school supplies. Thank you King family!
Many thanks to the YCSH Community Outreach and the Pickle Ball Group for their really good work on behalf of Branches and those in need. We have benefitted so much from the collection of food items left by renters, and a check for $2000. We are truly grateful.
Liam and Maeve Stanford from Seaville have been at it again. Thank you so much for the blessing bags. Also Revolve Church Discipleship Group for their blessing bags.
We wish a lifetime of happiness to John and Abby Hanstein. They donated the food from their wedding reception when the reception was spoiled by rain.
We are so blessed at Branches! Sandra and Terri
Dear Friends,
For this weekend’s offertory, I will play Aria for Organ by Baldassare Galuppi (1706 - 1785).
Galuppi was a composer of the Venetian School. He and his contemporaries (including Johann Hässe, Giovanni Sammartini and Carl Philip Emmanuel Bach) bridged the gap between the Baroque and Classical Periods. Their music was shaped by the emerging structure of Classicism, but also used many devices still rooted in the Baroque.
Galuppi spent his youth writing a variety of operas, which afforded him much practice in the writing of vocal arias. In later years, he worked primarily as a church musician and composer of sacred music. Galuppi was considered a virtuoso organist, and his compositions for keyboard were admired across Italy.
Though written in his maturity, Galuppi’s Aria for Organ is reminiscent of the lyricism he perfected in his youthful operas. Enjoy the music - and until we meet again, take care and stay well!
Wednesday afternoon concerts
with David continue Live on Facebook at 3 pm. Please join us for some of your favorite hymns. This week's concert is linked here.
A Blessing of the Animals will be held at St. Mary's in honor of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi on Sunday, October 4th. If your pet walks, slithers, crawls, flies, or swims, it is welcome! More details will be forthcoming.
Please Help the Altar Guild
If you are feeling called to this important ministry, please contact Janice Haines,
Lectionary Text this Week
Worship Services and Zoom
Saturday 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Sunday 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary
O Almighty God, who brings good out of evil and turns even the wrath of your children towards your promised peace: Hear our prayers this day as we remember those of many nations and differing faiths whose lives were cut short by the fierce flames of anger and hatred. Hasten the time when the menace of war shall be removed. Cleanse both us and those perceived to be our enemies of all hatred and distrust. Pour out the spirit of peace on all the rulers of our world that we may be brought through strife to the lasting peace of the kingdom of your Son; Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.