October 23, 2020
Dear Family in Christ,
If you ask a teenager what 13 x 13 is, they will pull out their calculator.
Want to bake a cake?
Simply open a box and add the water and cooking oil. It seems Iike for the sake of expediency we have neglected the basics of many skills. This is fine if we are baking a cake. But there are other basics in life that we cannot skip over, such as learning patience, or unconditional love, or how to forgive.
In the Gospel, our Lord reminds us of the two basics of love which form the basis of every relationship we have as Christians. To learn to love God with all your heart, soul and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves (still the basic commandment for healthy relationships) is not something we can figure out on a calculator or buy in a box. It is learned if we are willing to be taught and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Come let us remember the basics that Jesus taught and see how we may apply them to our high–speed fix–it lives.
May God's Peace be with You+
Mo. Allison+
New book by our Presiding Bishop The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry
Stewardship "United in Love"
Love in Action, Caring for One Another
This week let's give a Hand for Our
Ministries and Outreach!
It’s easy to take the people who work tirelessly behind the scenes for granted!
We recognize and give thanks to each of you for your tireless efforts as the Body of Christ in the World!
It is important to celebrate the “Good Works” of our ministries and outreach, and all those who labor in them with Love. Here are just some of the things our members have been doing through these unprecedented times:
Collecting, Preparing and Delivering groceries for the hungry
and Seeking shelter for the homeless through The Branches
Visiting the sick and homebound
Bringing The Eucharist to those who cannot attend service
Counseling the depressed and lonely
Participating in Spiritual guidance and Formation
Beautifying the church
Preparing and setting-up for liturgy
Knitting Blankets for the newly baptized
Making phone calls to those at home
Playing music and offering performance
Donating items to This n'That
Managing, Operating and Providing care and attention to those who shop our Thrift Store
Supporting our finance and accounting
Laboring in sanitary preparation to meet Covid-19 regulations
Praying for one another
And finally, we celebrate all of you, our generous parishioners who continue to support our ministries through your pledges and donations.
This is only some of what has been happening in the life of St. Mary's. What a blessing each and everyone of you is to the Body of Christ in the world!
Thank You!
God Bless.
Together we are United in Love.
2021 Stewardship packets were mailed this past week.
Please prayerfully consider your pledge to the mission and ministry of
St. Mary's and return your Pledge Certificate to the church office or place it in the offering plate by November 4th. If you did not receive a packet and would like one, please let the church office know. Thank you!
Get Their NAME
A Leadership Retreat
Calling all Leaders...
Want-to-be Leaders...
Curious seekers and more!
NOV. 21
11:00 am - 2:00pm
Based on the book Get Their Name by Farr, Kotan and Anderson together we will explore in practical terms how to change the habits of leaders and entire congregations, so that invitation is natural, constant, systemic, genuine, and easy.
Get Their Name equips us to share our faith in a way that is effective, biblical, and transformational.
Purchasing the Book is not required but recommended and can be found HERE.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
PS. Don't forget to invite a friend!!!
All Saints' Day November 1st
We will celebrate All Saints' Day with Prayers of Remembrance. Please send the names of loved ones you would like to be remembered to the church office. The names will be read from the altar at both the Saturday and Sunday services,
October 31, and November 1.
Advent Study: The Incarnation, Dec. 2
His parents gave him the name Jesus. But the prophets, the shepherds, the wise men, and the angels addressed him by other names. They called him Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh.
In "Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas", author Adam Hamilton examines the names of Christ used by the gospel writers, exploring the historical and personal significance of his birth.
Mo. Allison will facilitate our study for Advent based on Adam Hamilton's new book beginning Wednesday, December 2nd, and continuing on the Wednesdays of Advent via Zoom at 6 pm.
You may purchase a copy of Incarnation on Amazon HERE.
Brian & Corine Reynolds on October 31st!
Kay Denson on October 23rd, Chase Diller on October 24th,
Margaret Conrad, Dave Kowalski, & Marshall Ciccarone on October 27th and William Dowd on October 28th!
Large and small print issues of the Forward Day by Day for November, December and January have arrived. You may pick up a copy in the church narthex or we will be happy to mail one to you. Call or email the church office.
Thank you to The Branches volunteers
Sandra and Terri honored their volunteers at a luncheon
at the Mad Batter Restaurant in Cape May this past week.
Many thanks to Barbara L, Karen, Joanne, Becky, Janet, Barbara and Sean for all their hard work, especially during the past difficult months.
To keep up with news from The Branches, hours for donation drop off, or to make a donation, see their website: www.thebranchesoutreach.org
Dear Friends,
For this week’s prelude, I will play Fugue in C major by Johann Ernst Eberlin (1702 - 1762).
Eberlin was a German organist and composer whose work bridged the Baroque and Classical periods. This transitional period is often referred to as the Empfindsamer Stil, or, more commonly, the Galant Style. Music of this period was purposefully less florid than that of the Baroque, and more influenced by emotional context.
Eberlin was a contemporary of Leopold Mozart, the father of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The elder Mozart admired Eberlin, and was a great proponent of his music. When his young son was introduced to Eberlin’s music, however, he dismissed it out of hand. Despite the younger Mozart’s rejection, Eberlin was revered throughout Germany as one of the era’s most distinguished composers.
Enjoy the music this weekend - and until we meet again, take care and stay well!
Wednesday afternoon concerts
with David and Cheryl Barton continue Live on Facebook at 3 pm. Please join us for some of your favorite hymns. This past week's concert may be downloaded here.
Gospel Music Program October 28th
David and Cheryl will celebrate All Saints' Day with a special program of Gospel Music via Facebook Live at 3 pm on Wednesday, October 28th. It will be made especially meaningful by the inclusion of names and pictures of your loved ones.
-- Names may be submitted to the church office by email, mail, or call 609.368.5922.
-- Pictures may be brought to the church on Saturday/Sunday, or the church office/chapel during the week,
-- or take a picture of a photograph you have and email it. We can print it and place it in a frame.
Please Help the Altar Guild
If you are feeling called to this important ministry, please contact Janice Haines, jbhaines1@verizon.net
Lectionary Text this Week
Saturday 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Sunday 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary