October 16, 2020
Dear Family in Christ,
It is with a sad and heavy heart that I share with you the passing of Bradley Mott, husband of the Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott who served at Church of the Good Shepherd in Pitman, here at St. Mary’s, and Trinity Church in Asbury Park.
Recently Lisa and Bradley connected through a clergy spouse group in which he offered his support. Lisa said, "Bradley had a great sense
of humor, was deeply compassionate, and asked how everyone at St. Mary's was doing. He will be deeply missed and I'm glad we had the chance to connect."
Bradley's spirit, his love of life and faith deeply touched us all. I know, many of you upon hearing of his passing are grieving and in that grief we are rembering the life he gave to us and to the life of St. Mary's.
Remember Jesus Christ, who bore our suffering and opened the gates of heaven for us, is also present with this day and every day to strengthen us in love and faith that we might be consoled even in our despair and grief. We give thanks for the life of Bradley among us, and look forward to the time when we may, through the great mercy of God, rejoice with him at that heavenly banquet.
May Bradley Rest in God's Eternal Peace and Rise in Glory.
Please join Lisa and me in praying for the Repose of the Soul of Bradley Mott and for Rev. Susan, their family and all whom they have touched. May Perpetual Light Shine upon Him.
May God's Peace be with You+
Mo. Allison+
If you would like contact information to send Rev. Susan a note or card, please contact Julie in the office or Mo. Allison.
Diocesan Wide Stewardship Sunday
20 Pentecost – Proper 24 – Year A –
October 18, 2020 Stewardship Sunday
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10; Matthew 22:15 – 22
The Right Reverend William H. Stokes, Bishop of New Jersey
Stewardship "United in Love"
Love Compels Us to Give
In this second week of our stewardship program, “United in Love,” we are focusing today on the virtue of love. In Romans 5:8 Paul wrote, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God has never stopped pouring out his love for us. We can love because God first loved us. “For God so loved the world that he gave . . .” (John 3:16).
He is the source of the love that we give to him and others.
Most of us are giving people. We give gifts on birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and other special occasions. Sometimes we give out of a sense of obligation, often hoping for or expecting something in return. At times, though, we give purely out of love and for the joy of giving. This is giving that best emulates God’s giving. We also emulate God by giving our first and best, just as he did in sending us his only begotten, perfect Son.
God is pleased when we give to him as faithful stewards out of love rather than out of obligation. To illustrate this, let’s say I give my spouse a dozen roses for their birthday. Upon greeting her I simply say “Happy Birthday!” In reply, “They are beautiful, but you shouldn’t have spent so much money.” I respond by saying, “Don’t mention it. Today is your birthday, and as your spouse it is my duty to get a gift for you. Besides I had a coupon.” Of course, my spouse wouldn’t be pleased. If I had responded differently by saying, “Honey, there is nothing I’d rather do with my money than use it for you because I love you so much,” their response would be much different. It is the same money and the same gift. However, one gift is motivated by duty and obligation and one is motivated by love. God is pleased when we give to God cheerfully and willingly because we love God.
Abraham, King David, Zacchaeus, and Barnabas are just a few of the many people who gave out of love for the Lord. The widow in Luke Chapter 21, who gave her last coins, provides a wonderful example of how love compels us to give so sacrificially. Her love for Jesus was so great that she gave everything she had.
Through faith, we have experienced God’s wonderful love, and that love will compel us to give freely.
Together we are United in Love.
**** 2021 Stewardship packets will be mailed on
Monday, October 19th.****
Please prayerfully consider your pledge to the mission and ministry of St. Mary's and return your Pledge Certificate to the church office or place it in the offering plate. If you do not receive a packet and would like one, please let the church office know.
Thank you.
All Saints' Day November 1st
We will celebrate All Saints' Day with Prayers of Remembrance. Please send the names of loved ones you would like to be remembered to the church office. The names will be read from the altar at both the Saturday and Sunday services,
October 31, and November 1.
Advent Study: The Incarnation, Dec. 2
His parents gave him the name Jesus. But the prophets, the shepherds, the wise men, and the angels addressed him by other names. They called him Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh.
In "Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas", author Adam Hamilton examines the names of Christ used by the gospel writers, exploring the historical and personal significance of his birth.
Mo. Allison will facilitate our study for Advent based on Adam Hamilton's new book beginning Wednesday, December 2nd, and continuing on the Wednesdays of Advent via Zoom at 6 pm.
Terri Mascione today, Carol McIntire and Janet Proulx on October 18th,
Sandra Lockhart on October 20th and David Kowalski on October 21st!
Large and small print issues of the Forward Day by Day for November, December and January have arrived. You may pick up a copy in the church narthex or we will be happy to mail one to you. Call or email the church office.
A Reverse Advent Calendar
Here's an idea for a different kind of Advent Calendar which will help our food bank at The Branches. Check it out here. (Please note: Donations need to be received the week prior to Christmas Eve for delivery to our guests.)
What's Happening at The Branches
It was a special week at Branches. Thank you "Faces of Autism," Jumbo's on the Wildwood boardwalk, First United Methodist Church of Courthouse, Cape May County Sisterhood of the Traveling Wine,
Savanna Hope, Chris from Ocean Isle Camping Resort and his nephew Logan, Ocean Isle, Seaville Shores and Plantation Campgrounds.
Many thanks to the Pickle Ball Group from Stone Harbor Yacht Club, our special group of ladies who are among our most generous and faithful, Green Street Market, The Beyers family, Roseann Karter, and Kay Turney for handmade warm hats for our folks this winter.
Things are getting more difficult for families every day. We are trying our best to keep up with the needs of our community. We are truly blessed by the generosity of all who respond to us.
Sandra & Terri
To keep up with news from The Branches, hours for donation drop off, or to make a donation, see their website: www.thebranchesoutreach.org
Dear Friends,
For this week’s Communion voluntary, I will play Andante religioso from Mendelssohn’s Fourth Sonata for Organ.
Mendelssohn was born in 1809 to a prominent Jewish family, but the role of Judaism did not figure prominently in his upbringing. At age seven, he was baptized as a Reformed Christian and adopted the surname Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Mendelssohn was recognized at an early age for his great musical talent, but his parents were cautious not to exploit his gifts.
Mendelssohn is remembered as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic period. He wrote numerous symphonies and other orchestral scores, and is perhaps best known for his musical setting of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He also wrote many works for keyboard, including six sonatas for organ.
This week’s voluntary is from Mendelssohn’s Fourth Organ Sonata. A sonata is an instrumental work with numerous, often contrasting, sections called movements. Andante religioso is the middle movement of this work, written as a purposeful contrast to both the first and final movements of the sonata.
Enjoy the music this weekend - and until we meet again, take care and stay well!
Wednesday afternoon concerts
with David and Cheryl Barton continue Live on Facebook at 3 pm. Please join us for some of your favorite hymns. This past week's concert may be downloaded here.
Gospel Music Program October 28th
David and Cheryl will celebrate All Saints' Day with a program of Gospel Music via Facebook Live at 3 pm on Wednesday, October 28th. It will be made especially meaningful by the inclusion of names and pictures of your loved ones.
-- Names may be submitted to the church office by email, mail, or call 609.368.5922.
-- Pictures may be brought to the church on Saturday/Sunday, or the church office/chapel during the week,
-- or take a picture of a photograph you have and email it. We can print it and place it in a frame.
Please Help the Altar Guild
If you are feeling called to this important ministry, please contact Janice Haines, jbhaines1@verizon.net
Lectionary Text this Week
Saturday 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Sunday 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary