November 12, 2020
Dear Family,
We are called to participate in God’s work to multiply goodness in our communities and wider world.
Many people struggle with projects when there is no deadline. Because there is no particular time it must be done, there is often the temptation to leave it, to do other things.
In this week's Gospel message, Jesus gives us the image of a Master who entrusts his possessions to his servants. I think we often skip over to the actions of the servants, and miss this central element of the story: The master entrusts his possessions to them! Jesus is calling us to recognize that God has entrusted us with his gifts, and we must use these gifts to multiply what he has entrusted to us. This is a serious task, and many of us have likely struggled to act with the urgency such a task demands.
Saint Paul points out that, as Christians, we know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night.
And yet, we think to ourselves, “Sounds great, maybe, but right now I need to focus on other things.” So often, there is the temptation to turn our attention to God’s work … later. Maybe when the children are older, we can follow up on that idea the Holy Spirit keeps prompting us with. Maybe when we’ve gotten to a certain place in our career, we can start volunteering for that ministry we’ve always felt drawn to. Maybe when … maybe when ….
We have been entrusted with the possessions of our Lord – with time, with skills and personal gifts, with experiences and perspective. We’re blessed with relationships, with material goods and, most importantly, with the love and grace of God poured out to us in the sacraments and through the Church. We have been given everything. And we know Christ will come again. There is no “maybe when,” there is only “now!”
Where are we being called to participate in God’s work to multiply goodness in our community and world? What is the call from God that we have been hesitating to answer? God wants to give us all we need to shine the glory of his light into our corner of the world. Let us open our hearts in together to receive God’s grace and strength so that we, too, may be faithful in small matters and great responsibilities.
May God's Peace be with You+
Mo. Allison+
Stewardship "United in Love"
Transformed by Love:
In Romans 5:8 Paul wrote, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God has never stopped pouring out his love for us. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
He demonstrated his tremendous love not because of our worthiness, but because he is a God of unfathomable love. Jesus’ love for his heavenly Father and for us changed the world. Through his birth, life, death, and resurrection from that death, we through faith have received the forgiveness of our sins and life eternal. God’s love to us in Christ is that power that enables us to love him. “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
The love of Jesus empowers us to be his stewards. Because of Jesus’ love, we become people responding out of love to serve those he places in our lives. When needs arise, Jesus opens our eyes and hearts so we can respond to those needs. Because Jesus’ love for us motivates us, we find joy in our serving and giving. Love changes our giving from an obligation to a privilege. He is the source of the love that we give to him and others.
There is a story of two brothers who were farmers. They farmed together, and their agreement was to share their crops equally. One brother was single while the other brother had a wife and three kids. The brother who was single did not think it was fair for him to receive half of the crops because his brother had a family to support. At night, he would get up and take some of the harvest from his pile and put it on his brother’s. The brother with the family thought it wasn’t fair for him to receive half of the crops, because his single brother would have no one to take care of him in his old age. At night, he took some of the crops from his pile and put it on his brother’s. One night they met each other as each was performing his act of love. They were blessed knowing how much they loved each other.
How wonderful it is that, as Christians, we know that Jesus loves us even more than the brothers loved each other. Jesus continues to love us even when our love and faith wane. He continues to provide for us even when we jealously hoard his blessings. But let this not be the case with us who have experienced his great love. Let us instead live lives that genuinely reflect Jesus’ love for us.
God Bless.
2021 Stewardship packets have been mailed.
Please prayerfully consider your pledge to the mission and ministry of
St. Mary's and return your Pledge Certificate to the church office or place it in the offering plate as soon as possible. If you did not receive a packet and would like one, please let the church office know. Thank you!
Get Their NAME
A Leadership Retreat
Calling all Leaders...
Want-to-be Leaders...
Curious seekers and more!
NOV. 21
11:00 am - 2:00pm
Based on the book Get Their Name by Farr, Kotan and Anderson together we will explore in practical terms how to change the habits of leaders and entire congregations, so that invitation is natural, constant, systemic, genuine, and easy.
Get Their Name equips us to share our faith in a way that is effective, biblical, and transformational.
Purchasing the Book is not required but recommended and can be found HERE.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
PS. Don't forget to invite a friend!!!
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Nov. 22
The Annual 7 Mile Island Thanksgiving Service will be held this year at Maris Stella Church, 5012 Dune Drive, Avalon on Sunday, November 22 at 7 pm. Clergy from St. Mary's, Our Saviour Lutheran, Avalon Methodist, and St. Brendan the Navigator Parish will offer prayers of thanksgiving. Masks and social distancing will be observed.
Thanksgiving is just two weeks away and The Branches is hoping to supply as many families as possible with a Thanksgiving meal. If you receive a free turkey, we would love to pass it on to one of our families. Other needed items are turkey gravy,
Stove Top Stuffing and pies of any kind.
Items may be left on the table outside The Branches Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 to 1 pm. Or, you may drop off your donations at St. Mary's. The Chapel is open 24 / 7 and we are in the office if you need to call for a pick up. We will be happy to take your items to The Branches for you. 609-368-5922
Thank you for helping us serve those without.
We are blessed beyond measure. Sandra & Terri
To keep up with news from The Branches, hours for donation drop off, or to make a donation, see their website: www.thebranchesoutreach.org
Advent Study: The Incarnation, Dec. 2
His parents gave him the name Jesus. But the prophets, the shepherds, the wise men, and the angels addressed him by other names. They called him Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh.
In "Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas", author Adam Hamilton examines the names of Christ used by the gospel writers, exploring the historical and personal significance of his birth.
Mo. Allison will facilitate our study for Advent based on Adam Hamilton's new book beginning Wednesday, December 2nd, and continuing on the Wednesdays of Advent via Zoom at 6 pm.
You may purchase a copy of Incarnation on Amazon HERE.
Dear Friends,
For our Communion voluntary this weekend, I will play Pastorale by English organist and composer Charles Wesley (1757 - 1834). He is often referred to as “Charles Wesley Junior” to avoid confusion with his more famous father, the noted hymn-writer and the co-founder of Methodism.
Wesley was considered a musical prodigy from early childhood, and began playing the organ before the age of three. In later years, his organ playing met critical acclaim, but Wesley never enjoyed public performance. He worked mostly as a private organist, at one time for the Prince Regent.
Wesley remained connected to the royal family for much of his adult life, having first played for the Queen’s House at the age of eighteen.
Enjoy the music this weekend - and until we meet again, take care and stay well!
Uplifting music from David and Cheryl comes to you every Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm on Facebook Live. Join us!
The link to their Veterans Day concert may be found here.
William Lehr on November 19th
and Stanley Casper on November 20th!
This week's altar flowers are given in loving memory
of Frank Adkins and Alma Squassoni
by Audrey Buckingham and Pamela Ritterhoff.
When we closed the church building in March, altar flowers were also put on hold until we re-opened the sanctuary in September.
We plan to re-assign the dates chosen to honor loved ones for April, May, June, July, and August 2020 to our flower chart for 2021.
Large and small print issues of the Forward Day by Day for November, December and January are in the church narthex and chapel. You may pick up a copy or we will be happy to mail one to you. Call or email the church office.
Please Help the Altar Guild
If you are feeling called to this important ministry, please contact Janice Haines, jbhaines1@verizon.net
Lectionary Text this Week
Saturday 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Sunday 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary