December 11, 2020
Dear Family,
I came across this little reflection that stirred some wonderful feelings inside of me. I wish to share it with you.
Reflecting on Incarnate:
There was this dark cave down in the ground, down under the earth. Obviously, it had never seen light, and therefore wouldn’t know what light was. And one day, the sun invited it to come up and visit.
When the cave came up to visit the sun it was amazed and delighted, because the cave had never seen light before. Naturally, the cave felt obligated and invited the sun to come down to visit it sometime, because the sun had never seen darkness. So the day came and the sun came down and was ushered into the cave, and, as the sun came into the cave, it looked around and, rather puzzled, said, “Where is the darkness?” because there wasn’t any there.
Isn't it wonderful to know, the light is with us all the time. May the light of Christ be with you wherever you are, wherever you roam, with every footstep.
Mo. Allison+
The office will be closed from December 28th - January 1st. Please call my cell directly if you have a pastoral emergency.
A Blessing Prayer for the Manger...
God of all Creation, as we look upon this holy manger, fill us with wonder and awe. May these figures help us to reflect on the wonder of Christ’s birth that silent night in Bethlehem. God of Wonder, fill us with the faith of Joseph and Mary, with the wonder of the shepherds, and with the generosity of the three kings. Bless this manger; may it be for us a sign of peace, of joy, and of your gentle love.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son.
Please join us this holy season to celebrate the nativity of Our Lord
Christmas Eve Service 7:00 PM - Prelude 6:45 pm
This service will also be streamed on Facebook Live
and posted to the church website.
Christmas Day 9:00 AM
Masks and Social Distancing will be observed at all services.
Blue Christmas, a service of healing and remembrance, will be held on Monday, December 21st at 6:30 pm.
"Blue Christmas" a Service of Wholeness and Healing
Dec. 21 - 6:30 pm
In-Person and Livestream
Blue Christmas, a time when we can, with others, acknowledge the "blue" feelings we have at Christmas time, the reasons for them, and offer them to God. This time has been called the "long dark night of the soul" and "the winter of our discontent" in which memories of past experiences and the pain of present experiences can become overwhelming.
You may download the service HERE
Advent Study: The Incarnation
His parents gave him the name Jesus. But the prophets, the shepherds, the wise men, and the angels addressed him by other names. They called him Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh.
In "Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas", author Adam Hamilton examines the names of Christ used by the gospel writers, exploring the historical and personal significance of his birth.
You may purchase a copy of Incarnation on Amazon HERE.
Our "virtual" Advent Giving Tree in support of Caring for Kids was a great success. Your donations resulted in a gift of $1,500 that will certainly make for a Merry Christmas for those in need. While we look forward to getting back to the glitter glue next year, we humbly thank our donors for sharing their blessings.
Lillian Armstrong, Treasurer
Advent-at-Home Wreath Liturgy
Dear Friends,
For this weekend’s prelude, I will play Magnificat in G major by Léon Boëllmann (1862 – 1897).
Boëllmann’s Magnificat is a short suite for organ, presented here in five movements. Each movement has its own unique motive and method of development, and each is its own reflection on the Song of Mary.
Boëllmann uses motive to convey emotion throughout the suite. The gentle, ascending gestures of the first movement, for example, might suggest the “hopeful” nature of Mary’s Song. The third movement features a duet, evocative of the dialogue between Mary and the Archangel Gabriel. Each movement offers a different perspective on the Song of Mary. What will you hear when you hear it?
Enjoy the music this weekend - and until we meet again, take care and stay well!
Special concerts for Advent are given by David and flutist, Cheryl Barton, on the Wednesdays of Advent at 3 pm on Facebook Live. This week's concert may be accessed here. Hope you can join us next week!
Christmas Flower & Music Offering
The beauty of St. Mary’s Church at Christmas is made possible through the participation of many parishioners. If you would like to make a donation to the altar flowers or our music program, please let the church office know by mail or email or call 609-368-5922. The form below can be used. The deadline for inclusion of the names of loved ones or thank offerings in the Christmas leaflet is Monday, December 21st.. Your offering to make our Church festive and beautiful for the Christmas Season is appreciated!
Christmas Flowers and Music
In Memory of:
In Thanksgiving for:
Enclosed is a check payable to St. Mary’s Church for $__________. (Please note altar flowers or music in the memo line.)
Your Name(s):
CHURCH CALENDARS for 2021 have been supplied courtesy of Radzieta Funeral Home. They can be found in the chapel and church narthex. Please help yourself.
Barbara & Michael DeLorey on December 21st, and
Andrew & Mary Lucile Johnston on December 28th!
The flowers on the altar this week are given in loving memory of Jim and Valentine Armstrong in remembrance of their Anniversary by Lillian Armstrong.
Stephen Haines today, Carter Ciccarone on December 23rd, and David Mascione & Jack Olthuis on December 25th! Happy 90th Birthday to Ervel O'Donnell Wylde on December 23rd.
Lectionary Text for 4 Advent
Saturday 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Sunday 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary