It's that time again....
Kids are getting ready to go back to school! Whether it's in person or virtual, in a matter of weeks school will be in session.
The Branches is collecting school supplies for many of our children who might find it difficult to purchase the items requested by the various school districts. If you can help, that would be great. We are open M-W-F from 9-1. Donations can be placed on the table outside of The Branches.
The following supplies are needed:
Plastic pencil cases; #2 wooden pencils; Elmer's glue; Large glue sticks;
Dry erase boards and markers (Expo brand preferred)
Washable markers; Colored pencils; Playdoh; Plastic 2 pocket folders; Safety scissors Tissues; Baby wipes; Hand sanitizer; Disinfecting wipes
Single subject ruled notebooks; Headphones; Crayola crayons|
Thank you in advance for helping these great kids get off to a good start this year. Times are tough and anything we can do to make things better for them is much appreciated. Sandra & Terri
The Branches is located at 1304 Rt. 47 So., Rio Grande
Supplies for The Branches may also be dropped off St. Mary's. Please call the church office before arriving. 609-368-5922.