We have all been the Canaanite woman – crying out to God, who may seem to be silent. It can be distressing and disheartening, and can even try our faith. Do we persevere?
Jesus answers the Canaanite woman’s prayer because of the faith with which she approaches him. She is bold and confident in Jesus’ power and goodness. If it seems that God is silent in the face of our prayers – let us be unrelenting in our prayers! Keep the faith.
No doubt, the months of being away from the Sanctuary have been difficult and has drawn us into periods of silence. I pray that in our silence our faith and resilliance has grown. I also pray that those moments of silence will propel us into action as a community of Christ followers as we regather in person.
I thank you for your prayers for Lisa and myself as well as for our church community. Though it may have seemed silent at times, know that we are working diligently to prepare for a safe reopening of our doors. The Sanctuary has been thoroughly cleaned, the books and pillows have been removed. Cleaning products, hand sanitizer, and extra masks have arrived. Pews have been marked off along with six foot markers on the floor and signs have been created for clear communication of directions. I am hoping that we will soon be able to share a date for regathering. In the meantime, I am once again permitted to make pastoral calls, so if you would like a visit or a blessing, please feel free to reach out to me.
In our short time together we have shared more than 200 services, welcomed Cleo Estelle into the community of Christ and gave comfort to the grieving. We've loved and continue to love in the Glory of Christ.
Blessings in Christ,
Mo. Allison+