A letter from Deb Wright
Weight Watchers of Philadelphia
General Manager
Dear WW Philadelphia Member,
We’re talking about one of my very favorite topics. FOOD!
Last week I mentioned a couple of tips I learned through the years. Some I found for myself, but many were shared with me by other Members.
Two of the best:
- Mix half Greek Yogurt and half mayonnaise, you pick the fat levels of each product to fit your Points budget. This is a perfect substitution for mayo in potato, macaroni, chicken, or tuna salads. A great friend and Member shared this with me many years ago, I didn’t try it until a couple of years ago because I was sure I would hate it. Wrong! It is really good; most people will not detect this hack.
- When using ground turkey, add one teaspoon of beef bouillon for each pound. I do 1 ½ teaspoons per pound but start with one and add more the next time if you wish. This adds the missing savory/umami flavors turkey needs. This was another one shared with me by a Member. I use this tip frequently.
I think the strongest food habits I have built is to turn it down or stop eating it if the taste is not satisfying or what I expected. Here’s an example, I recently was on a cruise. I admit it, one of my purposes of vacationing is enjoying really good food. Bad news, 85% of the food on the ship was very disappointing. Sure, I could have just eaten it, but the salad and fruit were good, and I had great food at a couple of the ports. I came back from the cruise down a couple of pounds. HAH!
Another huge food tip is PORTION control. Learning portions and eating foods within the food’s portion guidelines is a big move towards long term success. This is where adding ZeroPoint fruits and veggies to a meal can really help bulk up a portion and fill me up. All those vitamins, minerals and fiber are an extra good health bonus.
Get to a workshop my friend. Amazing ideas and tips are shared every week and there’s a chair waiting for you.
Be kind and stay well,