COUNCIL NEWS UPDATE One Week Left to Make Your Annual Dinner Dance Reservation at the Discount Price! Place Your Journal Advertisement TODAY!!!
Before we get to some news on council events, we want to let you know that our good friend and brother Sir Knight, PGK Bobby Palazzo, is under the weather and could use some visitors. He's in Putnam Hospital, Room 380, for another couple of days. Please give him a call or stop in to say hello to brighten his day until he's back home with his family!
Here are a couple of important event reminders. Act today and don't miss out on the fun!
Only one week left to reserve at the early-bird rate for our 45th Annual Dinner Dance & Awards Ceremony!
Our Annual is Saturday, November 5th at 7 p.m. in the St. James school gym. We're holding it there so we have enough room to spread out, set up a dance floor, and host LIVE MUSIC from The Music Connection, featuring our own brother Sir Knight, Joe Greco.
The night includes a cocktail hour with catering by Aversano's of Brewster, with plenty of hot hors d’oeuvres, a great catered buffet dinner, dancing, a brief awards ceremony, and delicious desserts & coffee.
RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY OCTOBER 28TH! $65 each or $120 per couple in advance, or $75 each / $150 per couple after 10/28, including at the door. Contact GK Rob to make your reservation. Please give your check to Joe Groneman or mail it to his attention to: Council 6318, 10 Fair Street, Carmel NY 10512.
IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to place your ad in our souvenir journal today. Advertise your business or congratulate our award winners. Please download this order form and send it with your payment to PGK Jonathan Garcia ASAP.
Ads must be in by October 28th!
Mohegan Sun Casino Excursion
Hop aboard for our Mario Antoci Memorial Mohegan Sun Casino Excursion on Saturday, November 12th!
For only $40, you get transportation, a six-hour stay at the casino, $15 lunch voucher, and $10 casino match play.
We'll start with coffee and donuts at the council at 7 a.m. Then the bus will leave our council at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Adult beverages served on the bus, but feel free to bring your own beverages as well.
We've done these in the past, and they have been nothing but great fun! We expect to sell-out again, so reserve today and don't miss out!
YOU MUST BE PREPAID BY November 1, 2016.
For information and reservations, please call PGK Bobby Palazzo at (845) 216-1997.
Please return your C&B raffle books ASAP if you have not done so already! There is still time to enter for a change to win the big prizes!
Proceeds from your raffle sales go partially to fund the many important charities supported by the KofC New York State Council, while the remainder stays with our council to help fund our own good works.
Please send in your payment with your completed stubs and back of the raffle book to DGK Steve Gheduzzi, 10 Fair Street, Carmel NY 10512.
On September 29th our Council welcomed seven new brothers to our Order and our Council: Bryan Brooks, John P. Cody, Montgomery Delaney, Joseph Fleischman Joseph Kenna, Joseph Nicotra and James G. Oster. Please join us in congratulating them, and welcome them when you see them.
Thanks to our in-house Admission (First) and Formation (Second) Degree Teams for another great job. We're planning another First Degree in December, so please forward membership applications to Membership Chairman Ralph Fleischman as soon as possible.
Finally, two quick (but heartfelt!) notes of thanks.
Thanks to everybody who came to our Oktoberfest celebration on October 8th, and thanks also to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it a great day, especially co-chairmen PGK John Adams and Mike Bock. Next year promises to be even bigger and better!
And thanks to our Ladies Auxiliary for running another wildly successful Pocketbook Bingo night on October 15th. It was another sold out house, where everybody had loads of fun. They also raised a lot of money for several worthy charities. Well done Ladies!
Once again, our sincere thanks for your support in making these council events a success. Our council continues to accomplish great things only through the participation and volunteer help from our members.
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