Celebrating our Connections to Christ, Eachother and Community


Your connections will be looking different when it arrives in your email inbox. New extensions are now used for all "group" email messaging. Look for this communication from : Christ the King Lutheran Church, Delafield, WI [mailto:office@christthekinglutheranchurch.ccsend.com]

The Connection is your weekly news update at CTK

Sunday, Feb. 18 2024


Pastor Jackie Cook

First Sunday of Lent

Services are live-streamed and available on YouTube, or the CTK Website



Visitors are always welcome. Our Greeters will help you get seated for worship and acquaint you with our facility and child-friendly sanctuary.  Available in the entrance areas and around the building are hand sanitizing stations. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID, you view the service via live-streaming. You can find this on our website. Click HERE

Read more on what to expect below.

What to Expect

Digital Safety

CTK Education Committee has speakers coming on Sunday, Feb 18 from 5:45-7:00 pm. This presentation is on Digital Safety and is being held on a confirmation evening so those students and their friends, and also many more from the area will attend. The Public is also invited!

Areas needing volunteers to assist at CTK:

We could use some help in the following areas:

  • Greeters before church service
  • Coffee Hour set up/clean up, bakery donations
  • Veterans Day Recognition Sunday in November 

If interested, contact Donna Finch at 414-322-2796 or dlfinch@wi.rr.com to volunteer or for more information. Thank you.

Communion Assistants are also needed. Speak with Pastor Jackie

Weekly Calenddar...

Feb. 16-Schedule change for Pastor Jackie. She will be working on Friday, Feb. 16, and instead taking her Sabbath day on Monday, Feb. 19th. Women’s Bible study is CANCELLED for Monday, Feb. 19th and we will meet Monday, Feb. 26th instead. The office is open until noon on Friday and will be open on Monday as usual.


Feb. 18- Digital safety presentation. 5:45- 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Feb. 19- RESCHEDULED to Feb 26th Women's Bible Study @ 9:30 am

Feb. 20- The Chosen viewing in the Sanctuary at 11 am with discussion following.

Feb 21-Wellness Wednesday Meet in the Bell Room at noon for meditation, stretching and discussion for mind, body and soul. 

Feb 21- Lenten meal @ 6 pm. Worship at 7 pm Guest speaker Hayden Hipkiss (see Article for more) Free will offering taken to support people of Malewi. (Located by Tanzania)

Feb. 23-Come and Hear us! The Waukesha Choral Union will host a concert on Friday at First United Methodist Church, 121 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha. CTK choir will sing.

Feb. 25 - Annual Membership Meeting ( Winter Weather date 3/3) In person. Everyone Welcome. Sign up for a potluck following the meeting. Sign up sheet in the upper Sanctuary.

Feb. 26 Women's Bible Study @ 9:30 am

Thursdays - Reformation Community Bible Study via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2369267500?pwd=OVZGOWpUemVBdjdFb09xOGdudGtaQT09

Meeting ID: 236 926 7500

Passcode: 8Q0X7t

*Mark your calendars - May 10th Ecumenical Breakfast at St John's Chrysostom Episcopal Chiuuch

Commitee/meeting Schedule

Nomination Appeal for Council

Dear friends in Christ. I am thankful for the opportunity God has granted me to serve in the role of council Vice President. The role has been rewarding as well as challenging, but most importantly it has offered me a chance to grow in discipleship by leading you in doing God’s work. I would encourage anyone interested in similarly serving to prayerfully consider the roles of either Council President which remains open, or Vice President. I will continue to serve on the council in whichever role remains open.  If you are interested in either role, or would like to nominate someone, please submit nominations to the council before the annual meeting on 2/25.   

Jeff Wittrock 


Welcome New Members to CKT!

Mark and Marlene Nelson

Mark and Marlene  just returned from a family reunion vacation in Balize. They are new/old members since, when their kids were little, they attended All God's Children. Before they retired, Marlene was a nurse and Mark worked at Briggs & Stratton.

Sandy Feil

Sandy used to be a member of our church, left for awhile and now we're pleased she has returned. She is a Master Gardener, belongs to the Garden Club and worked on our rain garden. Sandra is also the mother of Brooke Muente (another returning new member of our church).

Jim and Wendy Haas

Wendy and Jim moved from Milwaukee to Nashotah to be closer to their daughter and grandson. Both are retired. Wendy worked in the healthcare industry and Jim worked at Falk Corporation and Rexnord. They enjoy reading, taking walks and bird watching.

Alan and Linda Krenke

 own a company focusing on software compliance training. They are also avid pickleball players and built their own court to play whenever they want.

Marlis Porteen

Marlis  has been attending our church for quite a few months and has even been a "greeter" a couple times with her sister, Eileen. She is skilled at decorating and recently decorated the Community Room where she lives.

Eileen Kramer

Eileen is the sister of Marlis Porteen. She enjoys technology and spending time with family who live in the area. Their family comes from a United Methodist background and some of the family are in the ministry.


Brian, Brooke, and daughter Katerina. (Family picture not available). Pictured Katerina with her new Sunday School friend, Raelynn.

Wednesday, February 21—“You Shall Love the Lord Your God” temple talk


CTK’s guest speaker will be Hayden Hipkiss, a senior at Arrowhead who is in the Global Studies program and is working on an ambitious project to change the lives of countless children (and thereby the community) in Malawi.


From Hayden’s website.


I am working with Dr. Fletcher Padoko, the Executive Director for Kasupe Ministries Malawi, to achieve Quality Education in their community. Our focus is to build two classrooms because currently there are 317 students at Kasupe Ministries with only 4 classrooms. As a result, there are about 80 students confined into each one of the small, compressed classrooms. I believe every student deserves a healthy learning environment that will enhance their ability to learn. Furthermore, it will create opportunities for growth and success at Kasupe Ministries. Students will then have the resources to make a positive impact on our world, just like I am now! 


Here is a link to his website: hg55120364.wixsite.com/the-gift-of-educatio

(cut and paste into your browser-yes there is no "n"") 

Hayden is more than halfway to his goal of $16,000! You will have the opportunity to donate during the offering on February 21st

In addition to our Prayer List you are now able to click on the Icon to the left and submit a prayer at any time.

Individual Prayers: The family and loved ones of Mike, Cramer family, Chuck, Marlee, Jim, Dan, Elaine, Cindi H., family and friends of Freda, Royce, Jim, Sara, Phyllis, and for all those who grieve, and those who suffer from mental illness.

Ongoing Prayers: Tim, Maddie, all military persons and their, families all those who are in hospice and care facilities, all who are in hospice, and the healthcare workers who care for them.

Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, and those who work to end human trafficking.

2024 Midweek Lenten Series:

“You Shall Love the Lord Your God”

2/21 Midweek 1: Hear, O Israel  Special Speaker

2/28 Midweek 2: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart 

3/6 Midweek 3: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Soul 

3/13 Midweek 4: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Mind 

3/20 Midweek 5: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Strength 




Supplies and Snacks for KMSD

Drop off donations at Outreach table (back of the upper sanctuary)

 Feb. 18 - March 3

Outreach is offering a new opportunity to give back to our local students. We will collect refillable water bottles, sticky notes and various colored highlighters, along with a variety of snacks (granola bars, fruit snacks, goldfish, etc). Social Worker Mrs. Kittel stated, “Our high schoolers took a survey and 20% of them responded that they are hungry most days due to lack of food. It was similar at the middle school as well.”

Outreach feels that these simple items can make a difference for many of our Kettle Moraine students.

Come and See!!

Come to Christ the King Church on Tuesdays during Lent to watch

THE CHOSEN (Season one) on our big screen!

Christ The King is located at

1600 Genesee Street (Hwy C) in Delafield

We have a wonderful large screen and cushioned seats in our pews to comfortably watch the show on

Tuesdays at 11:00 AM beginning February 13th through

March 26th!!

Following each episode we will have a short discussion to let everyone share their thoughts. Allow about 90 minutes for this community building experience!

Lent Wellness Wednesdays with Pr. Jackie—beginning on February 21st

Noon-1:00 pm in the bell room.

During this hour, we will discuss and engage a variety of beginner level activities to tend to our bodies. Activities may include and are not limited to: listening to our bodies through breathing, mediation, and visualization. Sharing recipes, discussing healthy eating habits. Participants will want to bring light weights or soup cans for some basic exercises. The group may decide to read a book together about health such as: Women, Food, and God.

Beginning February 21st we will also have a Wellness section in the Connections weekly newsletter. Look for it after the synod section.

Come Hear Us!

The Waukesha Choral Union will host a concert at First United Methodist Church, 121 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha on Friday, February 23. Our CTK choir will participate, singing several of their own selections, and then join in a rousing combined choir piece for the finale with four other choirs. The concert begins at 7:30 PM and will be in the very historic and beautiful sanctuary of First United Methodist Church, 121 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha. The church, designed by Henry F. Starbuck, was built in the Romanesque architectural style in 1895. If you would like to sing with our choir, please contact our Director of Music for details, music, and a rehearsal schedule. More details to come.

Ministry Initiatives or CTK church goals for this year are Preparing, Caring and Sharing. How does this fit into your committee and daily life?

Click Here

Youth and Family News

Sunday School is Feb. 18th Children and teachers will be dismissed after the Communion in Worship to their classrooms. Teachers -remember to sign up to teach. You can do this on the CTK website under Sunday School. The new semester has begun!

Confirmation We will be attending the Digital safety speakers this week @ 5:45 pm. Assistance is needed for each class at CTK. Please sign up on the CTK website under Confirmation.


The Complexities of forgiveness

I forgive you. Is forgiveness as simple as saying those three words? Occasionally, it might be. Other times, it’s much more complicated.

While the benefits of forgiveness seem straightforward enough, forgiveness itself can actually be quite complex. Let’s explore some of the reasons why!

Read article

Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-anon are mission partners with CTK. Both groups meet at CTK and have for years.

AA meets Friday nights at 7 pm

Al-anon (Supporting families and loved ones of Alcoholics) Mondays at 6:30 pm

Pockets of Enthusiasm is a supporting group of both.

Please support their Chili of Enthusiasm fundraiser on Feb. 24th at CTK

5 pm Social hour

6 pm Chili with friends

7 pm Speaker

$5 ticket

This is an open AA meeting

The Missions of the Church

Outreach for Hope – A ministry that helps provide resources to inner-city and struggling congregations in our synod. 

Family Promise - Homeless prevention program and services for homeless families.

Reformation Lutheran – A Milwaukee inner-city congregation.

Click here for information on their Community Bible Study.

Serenity Inn – a drug and alcohol rehabilitation house for men in Milwaukee. Monthly, we prepare meals and enjoy a time of fellowship with men at the inn.

Boy Scout Troop #20

The Mt. Meru Coffee Store | Order Here

All God's Children ***New email address! AGCisfun@Allgodschildrenpreschool.com***


The next coffee order will be placed on Sunday, February 18th and be ready for pick up on Sunday, February 25th.


Mt. Meru coffee is available for purchase in the upper sanctuary. Orders placed by the 3rd Sunday of each month will be available for pick up on the 4th Sunday after Service.

This global outreach is helping farm families in the Meru Diocese in Tanzania. This project is giving the farmers a hand up rather than a handout.

See the display in the Narthex for more information.

Love Gift Cards – Thank you to all who wrote notes, provided gift cards and funds to purchase gift cards. We sent gift cards to 9 students and 4 military personnel. Thanks again CTK for your generosity and support of this Outreach Program.


Greater Milwaukee Synod News

Webinar Recording:

 "Meeting God in AUthentic Diversity Work"

At our January Inspired for Mission gathering, Pr. Afi Dobbins-Mays (Assistant to the Bishop for Authentic Diversity & Leadership) hosted a conversation with members from All Saints, Wales as they shared about what God is doing in their hearts as they read together, and wrestle together, around the work of anti-racism and authentic diversity.

Watch this month's recording
Past Newsletters

Pastor Jackie Cook

Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson

Music Director - Maria Tyksinski

Care Ministry - Sylvia Kreutzmann

Office hours:

Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm

Friday 9 am - noon

Worship Sundays at 9 am