Celebrating our Connections to Christ, Eachother and Community

The Connection is your weekly news update at CTK

Sunday, Mar 24, 2024


Pastor Jackie Cook

Palm/Passion Sunday

Services are live-streamed and available on YouTube, or the CTK Website



Visitors are always welcome. Our Greeters will help you get seated for worship and acquaint you with our facility and child-friendly sanctuary.  Available in the entrance areas and around the building are hand sanitizing stations. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID, you view the service via live-streaming. You can find this on our website. Click HERE

Read more on what to expect below.

What to Expect


November 2023: $671.77

December 2023: $992.25

January 2024: $1000.81

February 2024: $1650.83

 Total of Receipts: $4,478.78

1% Back to CTK: $44.78

The Previous submission of Receipts in 2023 yielded $4077.33 or $40.77 back to CTK.

On average, most submissions yield between $40.00 and $60.00. Let’s try to break $150.00 for April, May and June!

Receipts are collected in a large jar in the Upper Sanctuary.

Weekly Calenddar...

March 22 - Men's Bible @ Lumber in @ 7 am

March 23 - Practice of The Passion Reading @ 9:30 am

March 24 - Girls Scout cookies SALE after worship


March 24 - Palm Sunday with Noisy offering by CTK children for God's Global Barnyard

March 25 - Prayer Shawl Knitters @ 1 pm Knitters needed!

March 26 - The Chosen @ 11 am

March 27 - Wellness Wednesday @ noon in the Bell Room

March 28 - Maundy Thurs. "Open Spaces" 7pm with Holy Communion

Friday 29 - Good Friday a Tenebrea Service 7 pm

Sign up in the Upper Sanctuary to help or bring items for Sunday Breakfast

*Donations for individually wrapped candy is now being collected for our children's annual Egg hunt

Commitee/meeting Schedule

The Sunday School students are doing a service project! They are collecting money on Palm Sunday to buy animals for families in need through God’s Global Barnyard program: https://goodgifts.elca.org/gods-global-barnyard  

I hope you will support them in their service project!

Save the Date!

Vacation Bible School

June 10-13

"Operation Restoration!"

Watch for more details and registration


In addition to our Prayer List you are now able to click on the Icon to the left and submit a prayer at any time.

Individual Prayers: Audrey, Casey, John and Norma, Alice, Jeff, Brenda, David, Eileen R., Alice S. Sandy M, and for all those who grieve, and those who suffer from mental illness.

Ongoing Prayers: Elaine, Tim, Maddie, Dave, all military persons and their, families all those who are in hospice and care facilities, and the healthcare workers who care for them.

Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, and those who work to end human trafficking.

You are invited to Holy Week and Easter Opportunities:

Palm Sunday - 9 am Bring your change for a noisy collection by the children for God's Global Barnyard.

Maundy Thurs.Worship 7 pm.

Family-friendly worship. Instead of a sermon, there will be a time of “open spaces.” The stations will be: foot washing, prayers (with coloring pages), hand washing, healing, and

Foods of the Last Supper (foods to sample). 

Good Friday Prayers and Reflections open Sanctuary noon-1  7pm Tenebre WorshipTenebre which means there are readings, music, and the gradual extinguishing of candles. 

Easter Sunday 8:00 am (changed from 8:15 am) and 10:30 worship

Egg hunt for kids following first service

Easter breakfast at 9:30 am in the Great Hall (Freewill donation taken for youth Lutherdale Bible Retreat and ELCA Young Adult Gathering).

Nature Spirituality Retreat

May 10-12, 2024

Dear Freidns,
I would like to invite you to join me for a weekend Nature Spirituality Retreat at Lutherdale Bible Camp in Elkhorn, WI. The gathering is from Friday evening, May 10 to Sunday morning May 12. The retreat will conclude with a 10 am Wild Church Worship Event on Sunday morning.  To register you need to call Lutherdale at 262/742/2352 or register online at info@lutherdale.org.
The retreat will include reflections on how Nature Spirituality is expressed in scripture and in the Life of Jesus. There will be a session on Celtic Spirituality and other nature focused ways of looking at the world.
There will be a Burning Bush bonfire and devotional sacred hike. 
You will get a chance to walk a labyrinth, or create a St. Brigid's cross or learn to grow a forest garden.
 I look forward to spending this sacred time with you.  If you have any questions about the retreat you can call me directly at 262/344/5942.  There are scholarships available as well for the retreat.
 God's Blessings, 
 Larry Harpster (Crazy, nature pastor)

Nature Spirituality Retreat

May 10-12, 2024

This retreat will focus on ways to learn about the sacred and the divine through creation, take a look at Jesus own nature spirituality, and focus on practical ways to find the sacred in your backyard and in your heart.
Pricing includes 2 nights, 3 days, 4 meals, and 1 snack. Single rooms are $299 and Double Occupancy rooms are $249. Rooms are on a first come, first serve basis and scholarships are available.



CTK welcomes and celebrates the musicians who make our morning worship sing.

March 24 - CTK Sanctuary Choir and children lead us in the music of Palm Sunday 

March 31 -Easter Sunday morning

8 AM- Sanctuary Choir and Handbell Ensemble

10:30 AM - Heather Maciolek, song leader/soloist. Caleb Waltz, flute

"A glory, laud, and honor to you, Redeemer king, 

to whom the lips of children 

made sweet hosannas ring."

Mark your Calendars!

Pr. Gary Grindeland will be spending a month in our area and will have a Bible Study at CTK on the gospel of Mark. He will also be preaching on Memorial Day Sunday. Watch for more details.


Tuesdays at 11:00 AM through

March 26th!!

Following each episode we will have a short discussion to let everyone share their thoughts. Allow about 90 minutes for this community building experience!

Ministry Initiatives or CTK church goals for this year are Preparing, Caring and Sharing. How does this fit into your committee and daily life?

Click Here for Initiatives

Youth and Family News

Sunday School April 7th Children and teachers will be dismissed after the Communion in Worship to their classrooms. Palm Sunday - Palm waving in procession and collection of noisy gifts for God's Global Barnyard.

Confirmation Lesson online - Crucifixion

Reflections of Lent services due April 7.

Easter Egg hunt for the kids on Easter morning between services. Please only donate individually wrapped candy - no loose candy. We do not need eggs at this time. 


●    Mini candy bars

●    Mini bags of M&Ms

●    Fruit snacks

●    Individually wrapped candy that will fit into Easter Eggs

●    Quarters

Leave in the basket by the Library.

The kids are so excited to pick out animals for people! They have each been given a bank to collect change from family and friends, and they have been encouraged to do extra chores in order to earn money to put in their bank.  

On Palm Sunday (March 24th) the kids will be walking around church collecting any extra change you would like to give. I hope you will support them in their service project!

Where is my Church Photo Directory?

We received a rough copy of the directory on March 18. Right now we are currently proofing the directory for the last time. If you have had any updates in the last few months change of address, phone or email please report to the office by April 1st. After we complete the entire process to get it printed, we should receive the finished copy at the beginning of June. Thank you for your patience.


Mark Your Calendars!

Adult Education Opportunity May 8, 2024 6 pm at CTK. Please join us as

Dr. Moira Martin from the Lake Country Health Center presents, "Get Balanced in Retirement" a chiropractic perspective.

It’s Back!

Mar 24th

Support our CTK/Cushing Girl Scouts by enjoying delicious cookies! A Win-Win event! Lizzie, Anna and some friends will be set up to sell right after service. Each box costs $5.00 with possibly gluten- free cookies available for $6.00. Payment may be made by cash, check, Venmo or Zelle. Come prepared as they went fast last year!


LINE DANCING in the Great Hall   Yee-Ha!!!

We have a chance to get moving and dancing on Sunday May 5th! Dianne Thayer is a line dancing instructor who uses a variety of styles of music to get people dancing! Wear your cowboy boots is you wish but any shoes will do! We will gather on Sunday afternoon at 3pm for about an hour or so to have an introduction to line dancing – NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!! Come and have some fun – in fact, invite some friends!!! Please sign up on the clip board in the upper sanctuary if you are planning to attend so we have a rough idea of how many people will be joining in the fun. Come and have some fun!!!


Orders will be ready for pick up on Sunday, March 24th.


Mt. Meru coffee is available for purchase in the upper sanctuary. Orders placed by the 3rd Sunday of each month will be available for pick up on the 4th Sunday after Service.

This global outreach is helping farm families in the Meru Diocese in Tanzania. This project is giving the farmers a hand-up rather than a handout.

See the display in the Narthex for more information.

Annuals & Plant Fundraiser

How do you brighten up your yard, attract birds and wildlife, and support the patients at Wildlife In Need?

Just place an order during our Annuals & Plant Sale! 

Choose from Marigolds, Impatiens, Petunias, and Coleus. Each flat, 48 plants total, is just $24!


Please submit your order and payment on or before

Friday, April 5th.

Flats will arrive in mid - May, date to be determined based on growing season. Flat pick up will be at the

Wildlife In Need Center.

You will be contacted as soon as we have receipt of the flats and we cannot order specific colors however, we will

receive a nice variety.

But hurry because you don't have much time . . Orders must be received before April 5th

The Wildlife in Need Center has enhanced our Pet Blessing at CTK for the last 2 years!

The Missions of the Church

Outreach for Hope – A ministry that helps provide resources to inner-city and struggling congregations in our synod. 

Family Promise - Homeless prevention program and services for homeless families.

Reformation Lutheran – A Milwaukee inner-city congregation.

Click here for information on their Community Bible Study.

Serenity Inn – a drug and alcohol rehabilitation house for men in Milwaukee. Monthly, we prepare meals and enjoy a time of fellowship with men at the inn.

Boy Scout Troop #20

The Mt. Meru Coffee Store | Order Here

All God's Children  AGCisfun@Allgodschildrenpreschool.com***

Hey CTK! —Wondering about how to follow God in congregational renewal? Looking for new ideas? Want to gather with other congregations to share and hear inspiring stories? We’d like to gather a group of people to attend this event with possibly, Jeff Wittrock, our council president


Here’s the exciting invitation from the Greater Milwaukee Synod:


Adventures in Renewal Co-Lab Day

APRIL 28 @ 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

This event is for all who are engaged in, or curious about, mission renewal, mission coaching, and innovation! Join us as we gather to share stories of how God is renewing our sense of mission, learn from those who have been experiencing renewal, and be energized together for our next steps.


There is no cost to attend, because of the generosity of the congregations participating in the Equipping the Saints Mission Appeal. However, we do ask that each person from your congregation who plans to attend register in advance so we have an accurate count for materials.

Location: Schuetze Recreation Center (Activity Room)

1120 Baxter Street

Waukesha, 53186


For more information and to register: https://milwaukeesynod.org/event/adventures-in-renewal-co-lab-day/


If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Jackie or Jeff Wittrock

Greater Milwaukee Synod News

Equipping the Saints Greater Milwaukee Synod Mission Appeal-

Testimonies from a recent LCM Alumni Reunion about the impact of Lutheran Campus Ministry:

“When life was falling apart around me, it was the community of peers and friends living with me at The Corner House that helped care for me. I can never give back more than Lutheran Campus Ministry gave me.”

“The gifts I bring to my life and my job were formed through the opportunities for leadership as a peer minister. I would not be where I am in life without LCM.”

“Lutheran Campus Ministry at Marquette provided me with a pastor and friends and experiences of ministry that changed my life.”

Hear from students reflecting on what LCM means to them.

For over 60 years, the Greater Milwaukee Synod has taken the church to campus to meet young adults at a transitional time in life, and campus ministry has created relationships with God, other people of faith, and inner gifts and strengths that have carried people through a lifetime. As the world rapidly changes and young adults live with so much uncertainty about the future, the deep connections campus ministry provides are needed more than ever to make sure many more generations of young people can find the faith and hope they need to bring faith and hope to the world!

The congregational portion of the Equipping the Saints Campaign is underway now.  Congregations are not being asked to give through their budgets. Instead, congregations are asked to share the story of the campaign and invite your members to make a gift if they so desire.


Christ the King is giving you the opportunity to give to this campaign through April 14th. Over the next few weeks, additional information will be available through bulletin inserts, prospectus, and pledge cards. Please consider a generous donation to the work of the greater church.

Click here for ways to give.

ETS Strengthens The Work Of Lutheran Campus Ministry

One of the two primary initiatives of the Equipping the Saints mission appeal is Leadership, with Lutheran Campus Ministry designated as one of the recipients of Leadership funds. LCM received a first grant in 2022. Additional funds will be directed toward planned giving and other fundraising efforts to ensure Campus Ministry remains a strong and significant partner in raising up the next generation of leaders and sending them into the world empowered to serve for justice, hope, and peace

2024 Synod Assembly registration is now open!

We hope you'll join us for our annual Assembly on Friday, May 17 - Saturday, May 18 at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee. Pastors, deacons and lay leaders from across the Greater Milwaukee Synod will gather to worship, enjoy fellowship, and vote on business including our budget and elected positions.

Every congregation is allowed at least two lay voting members, plus one additional person, as long as that person is 30 years old or younger. Click below.

Save $25 per person if you register before April 17!

Learn more and sign up
Past Newsletters

The Heart and Soul Program

The Heart and Soul program is an initiative of Aurora Health Care, now a part of Advocate Health, that integrates spiritual practices to help people manage their blood pressure, decrease stress, and improve their health.

The program is co-led by Aurora's Faith and Health Partnerships program, the Mobile Health Team, and Community Health.


The program is designed to lower hypertension rates and stress.

There are seven sessions focused on:

  • Understanding blood pressure
  • Exploring other risk factors that increase heart disease
  • Managing stress
  • Incorporating movement
  • Eating well
  • Integrating spiritual care practices


We provide one-on-one consultations, as well as resources and tools to assist participants in taking charge and managing their heart health that can lead to lower stress, lower blood pressure, and healthier outcomes.  

To learn more, connect with us at aah-faithhealth@aah.org

Pastor Jackie Cook

Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson

Music Director - Maria Tyksinski

Care Ministry - Sylvia Kreutzmann

Office hours:

Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm

Friday 9 am - noon

Worship Sundays at 9 am