What a year so far

We get to celebrate this Black History Month marking the election of America's first woman and BIPOC vice president. Sadly, that progress came with grim reminders of how much farther we have to go. Last month, we witnessed a violent attempt to overthrow the US government with the Capitol insurrection.
And, for the first time in US history, we saw an outgoing president impeached,
for the second time. All of this against the backdrop of an ongoing global pandemic with health officials scrambling to acquire and distribute doses of a new COVID-19 vaccine.  

If you haven’t already, please take a moment to breathe

None of these events are a matter of happenstance or natural occurrence. They are the result of structural racism, an intentional design whose architect is White Supremacy Culture (WSC). WSC brought the insurrectionists to the steps of the US Capitol Building in violent revolt. It led Capitol police officers to trade their badges for selfies with rioters, while over policing non-violent demonstrations led by BIPOC people. WSC is the mother of racial Inequity – the reason why communities of color are disproportionately affected by Coronavirus, and other illnesses. And it is the father of race-based myths that lead youth of color, in our city and beyond, to live beneath their promise and potential.  
Staying Anchored

Structural racism is harm by design. Just as fire is fought with water, harm must be met with healing. That is why Trinity Boston Connects remains anchored in healing responses where WSC and structural racism have
harmed youth of color, and the adults, organizations, institutions that serve them. Waves will crash, and tides will rise. But if we stay anchored in healing community that integrates racial equity, trauma-inclusive care, and restorative justice, we will weather the storm. Please join our movement.