February 2021
Inside Look with Our Case Managers
This month, we wanted to give our readers an inside look as to how our staff are faring while working during these trying times of a pandemic and keeping our men safe and engaged in their treatment. As mentioned in our last newsletter, we moved our men in November to the Crowne Plaza Hotel to help reduce the virus spread. Two of our Case Managers, Forsythia and Stephanie, shared with us a behind the scenes look in their day-to-day life on the job.

During Covid-19, the transition from working in the more compact area at The Baltimore Station (TBS) to working in a more sprawling area of the hotel has been quite an adjustment. “The staff have all been great and flexible, as we have all needed to adjust rapidly to the everchanging landscape of treatment,” said Stephanie. “Following CDC guidelines, the treatment groups are smaller, and many are conducted via Zoom. Case Managers have been creative in coming up with group topics and activities to fit the smaller group sizes.”

“It has been a difficult year, but I am thankful to have my health and employment, as many people are struggling to make ends meet.” said Stephanie. “I have been in socially distanced contact with friends and family to help with my sanity.” Stephanie mentioned while at home, she has returned to past hobbies like painting and drawing. Forsythia has been working hard to follow the proper guidelines to ensure she is staying safe at work as well while outside of work. “Our staff must make sure we stay healthy to ensure we are also protecting the men we serve, who are some of the most vulnerable affected by this virus.” said Forsythia.

When asked about their favorite part of the job, both Stephanie and Forsythia had the same response. “My favorite aspect of the job is working with the clients and having the honor of witnessing men who have experienced homelessness and struggled with substance use disorder, find permanent housing and successfully graduate from The Baltimore Station.”

When working with the men, our Case Managers find being empathetic, compassionate, and patient to be the best approach. Stephanie said she always follows the approach of “meet the client where they are”, instead of telling them how or where they need to be. She allows the client to be a part of their own treatment team, and her role is to lend a compassionate ear and to help her clients feel empowered.

Our clinical team are front-line workers, helping our men reach each steppingstone and goal they set for themselves. All of our staff at The Baltimore Station continue to adapt and pivot during these unprecedented times to ensure they are able to continue on our mission of saving lives.

Volunteer Bingo Night
Join us for a friendly game of virtual bingo with your friends at The Baltimore Station.

Tuesday February 23 from 7:00-8:00 pm 

There is no entry fee and the deadline for signing up is Friday 2/19.

To sign up, email Adam Berger at
29th Annual Homerun for Recovery
Visit for more information and sponsorship opportunities.