October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Don't get spooked when you have a big purchase coming up: consider using a Statewide Contract.

Below you will find links to the updated Statewide Contract Reference Guide and other news. Please take a moment to look at the latest guide to familiarize yourself with all of OSD's offerings. Consider using a Statewide Contract instead of going out to bid as we have more than 100 Statewide Contracts. If we don't have something you need, let us know.

Please contact me if you have questions or if we may provide assistance.

Best regards,

Eric Murphy
Local Government Enablement Manager
Operational Services Division
Statewide Contract (SWC)
Reference Guide
Review the latest Statewide Contract Reference Guide to see all of the products and services offered on Statewide Contracts. This list is updated every two months.
The OSD Conference 2019 is November 7th!

The OSD Conference is designed to bring together public purchasers and vendors to participate in a full day of networking and learning. Register here and visit the website for the list of speakers , vendors , and buyers who will be attending.

Still not sure? Click here to view the slides from the recent webinar, "OSD Conference 2019- What's in it for Public Purchasers"
Introducing the New Buy the Way

Buy the Way has been redesigned into a bi-monthly magazine to better suit reader's needs. The first issue is out now; we invite you to share your feedback regarding the new format.

If you have success stories related to purchasing from Statewide Contracts and/or COMMBUYS, please let us know . If selected, your story will be featured in our magazine.
The Local Government Enablement Team (LGE)
If you would like a Local Government Account Manager to visit you onsite, please reach out to
 Eric Murphy to schedule an appointment.
We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about the benefits of using Statewide Contracts and COMMBUYS