July 2024 eUpdate

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Syracuse State Fair Exhibit

Visitors look at a Conservation Department exhibit about the conservation and management of natural resources on display at the 1933 State Fair in Syracuse, N.Y.


New York History Conference

On June 20th-21st the Office of Cultural Education hosted the New York History Conference in Albany, New York. The event was a resounding success, with over 250 attendees gathering to explore various facets of New York's rich historical tapestry.

Highlighting the conference was an inspiring keynote address delivered by Pedro Regalado, whose insights captivated the audience and set an engaging tone for the sessions that followed. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to making this conference a memorable and enriching experience. 

Special Thanks to our Following Sponsors

Presenting Sponsors

William G. Pomeroy Foundation

Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation


Humanities New York

Conference Partners:

Hudson River Valley Institute

Church History Library

New York Archives Magazine

Three Hills

Museum Association of New York

Cornell University Press

New York History

Lunchtime Keynote featured a presentation by Drs. Andrea Smith and Alyssa Mt. Pleasant, "Rethinking Revolutionary New York: A Conversation about Haudenosaunee Histories and the Sullivan Campaign."

Educator Workshop Sessions were offered throughout the conference and featured a variety of topics including the one pictured above by Paul and Mary Liz Stewart from the Underground Railroad Education Center.

Commissioner Ball and colleagues view records from the NYS Archives' Department of Agriculture and Markets Collections.

Commissioner Richard A. Ball along with his colleagues from the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets visited the NYS Archives to view documents ahead of the release of the summer issue of NY Archives Magazine which will feature an article written by Ag and Markets senior policy advisor, Antonia Giuliano. Read "A cold glass of milk" on our magazine highlights page.

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Great NYS Fair!

August 21st - September 2nd

Summer has arrived, and what summer is complete with going to the fair? Staff and volunteers from the Archives Partnership Trust will be joining the State Archives at the New York State in Syracuse this year! Come out an meet an archivist and learn about all the resources available from the NYS Archives. Our booth will be located in the Center of Progress Building.

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Girl with "Food Expert" sign holding up a can advertising the Bank of Consumer Protection at the State Fair, ca. 1970.

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Summer 2024

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New York State Archives

The Archives Research Room is open by appointment Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 4pm, as are our e-mail and telephone reference services. To make an appointment, call (518) 474-8955 or for assistance or guidance with our records, email archref@nysed.gov.

New York State Board of Regents | New York State Education Department 

Office of Cultural Education

New York Archives Partnership Trust, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, supports education, preservation, and outreach programs not funded by the state in order to make accessible archives from nearly 400 years of New York's colonial and state governments. Visit us at nysarchivestrust.org and considerthesourceny.org.