Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Registration: Crystal Foyer: 3:30pm
Class: 5pm-9pm
Cupping: Crestone A
Pediatrics: Crestone B
*Massage Marketing: Aspen Room
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Registration: Crystal Foyer: 7:30am-8am
Class: 8am- noon, then lunch from noon- 2pm class resumes from 2pm- 6pm
Cupping: Crestone A
Pediatrics: Crestone B
HawkGrips: Aspen Room
Exhibit hall open: Crystal Ballroom: 9:30am-2:30pm
Lunch in exhibit hall: noon to 2pm
Exhibit Hall Grand Opening 5pm-8:30pm, appetizers 6pm-8pm
Friday, April 27, 2018
Registration: Crystal Foyer: 7:30am-8am
Class: 8am-noon, then lunch from noon- 2pm class resumes from 2pm- 6pm
Cupping: Crestone A
Pediatrics: Crestone B
Anatomy in Clay: Aspen Room
Exhibit hall open: Crystal Ballroom: 9:30am-2:30pm
Lunch in exhibit hall: noon to 2pm
Exhibit Hall open 5pm-8:30pm, appetizers with Government Relations and Speakers Panel 6pm-8pm
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Registration: Crystal Foyer: 7:30am-8am
Class: 8am-noon,then lunch from noon to 2pm
Cupping: Crestone A
Pediatrics: Crestone B
*The Science of Cannabidiol (CBD): Aspen Room
Exhibit hall open: Crystal Ballroom: 9:30am-1pm
Lunch in exhibit hall: noon to 2pm
Annual Chapter Meeting: 12:30pm
*Please note that Marketing Class has moved to Wednesday evening 5-9pm and CBD class has moved to Saturday 8-noon.