May 31, 2024


State Charter Schools Commission Updates & Announcements

NEW Public Comment Procedures

We're pleased to introduce streamlined public comment procedures for SCSC board meetings. A new, user-friendly form on our website will serve as a central hub for capturing both verbal and written comments ahead of board meetings.

In addition to the new submission form, we have updated the deadline for submitting written comments from individuals unable to attend the board meeting to no later than 10:00 a.m. the day before any regularly scheduled board meeting. This change provides us with a 24-hour window to organize and integrate public input into our meetings.

Persons wishing to provide verbal public comments must submit a request on the Public Comment Form no later than 9:00 a.m. the day of a regularly scheduled board meeting and must attend and provide the verbal public comments in person during the regularly scheduled SCSC board

Visit the SCSC Website for more information and form access.

Board Meeting Public Comment 

FY24 Governance Training Reminder

Deadline: June 30, 2024

As a reminder, Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2084(f), requires every member of a governing board of a state charter school to participate in annual governing board training. The deadline for governing board members to complete training for FY24 is June 30, 2024. Governing board members who have not yet completed their annual training requirements will need to seek training from an approved alternate provider. More information can be found on the Governance Training Requirements page.

Alternate Governance Training

Board members who plan to do partial training or complete all training through an alternate training provider should review the “Alternate Governance Training - Required Sessions and Hours” document on the SCSC Governance Training page to make sure your alternate training follows SCSC requirements.  

Board members of newly approved and newly transferred state charter schools are required to attend SCSC governance training. Additionally, Pre-Opening schools must complete governance training through the SCSC and may not use an alternate provider until they become operational.

Governance Training Requirements

School Communications Policy Reminder

Schools are reminded of the standard communication and notification protocols established in the SCSC Communications Policy.

Schools should submit notifications per the policy in the School Communications Submission Form.

General SCSC notice requirements typical for this time of the year include but are not limited to: governing board composition changes, 24-25 school calendar submissions, and changes in key personnel.

Communications Policy
Submission Form

School Inventory Redistribution Opportunity

Deadline: June 17, 2024

We're excited to announce a School Inventory Redistribution Opportunity with Fulton Leadership Academy (FLA)! Secure technology, furnishings, and materials for your school through FLA's redistribution initiative. Items will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible schools based on outlined criteria. The deadline to apply is 4:00 PM June 17, 2024.

Additional information and application information are on the SCSC website.

School Inventory Redistricution Opportunity 

FY24 Petition Cycle

Replication Petition Cycle

LOI deadline: May 31, 2024

The Deadline to submit the Letter of Intent (LOI) is TODAY May 31, 2024. View the Replication below and access the LOI form here. Visit the SCSC Replicate an Existing School page for more information.



Petition Portal Opens

January 5, 2024

Letter of Intent Deadline

May 31, 2024

Petition Portal Closes (Submission Deadline)

June 14, 2024

Interviews Begin

On a rolling basis


On a rolling basis

Start-Up Petition Cycle

Capacity interviews for petitioners whose applications meet requirements are scheduled to begin June 3, 2024. Visit the Start a New School page for more information.

SCSC Bulletin Board

Charter Amendment Request Page

The Charter Amendment page of the SCSC website is designed to streamline the amendment and administrative clarification request process for state charter schools. It provides all the necessary information and the request form in one convenient location.

We encourage all schools to visit the page to understand the process.

Request a Charter Amendment

Congratulations to our 2024 Shining Star Teachers!

Earlier this month, the SCSF celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week by honoring 22 outstanding state charter school teachers across Georgia. We also surprised some of our 2024 Shining Star Teachers at Amana Academy West Atlanta, International Charter School of Atlanta, and Resurgence Hall Charter School. We loved the opportunity to celebrate these fantastic educators who have gone above and beyond to make a positive impact on their school communities. See the list of our 2024 Shining Star Teachers below.

2024 Shining Star Teachers

SCSF Book Wagon

The SCSF had the opportunity to bring the Book Wagon to more schools this spring! Kindergarten through 3rd grade students were able to visit the Book Wagon and select a book of their choice to keep. We had a wonderful time at Atlanta Heights Charter School, International Academy of Smyrna, PEACE Academy Charter, and ZEST Preparatory Academy. 

During the 2023-24 school year, the SCSF engaged with 44 state charter schools through programming and opportunities, just like the Book Wagon. Thanks for a great year!

Grad Walk at The International Charter School of Atlanta

The International Charter School of Atlanta (ICSAtlanta) honored its inaugural 8th-grade class this year as they returned to celebrate their high school commencement with the school's first "Grad Walk." This heartwarming event saw almost all of ICSAtlanta’s 2020 class reunite, now as accomplished high school graduates.

Congratulations to all 2024 graduates!

Atlanta Smart Academy's First International Learning Trip

In April 2024, Atlanta Smart Academy (ASA) students embarked on their first international learning experience, aligning with ASA's mission to build innovative solutionists. The goal was to broaden students' worldviews through cultural immersion and historical exploration, spending four days each in London and Paris.

In London, students witnessed the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, visited Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London, and walked across the Tower Bridge. They sampled diverse local cuisines and interacted with people from various cultures.

In Paris, students explored the Champs Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower. They toured Versailles, including the hall of mirrors and gardens, and participated in a cooking class, creating a traditional 4-course French meal. The trip also included witnessing the Paris Marathon and visiting the Perfume Museum.

Channel 2 Action News - May 20, 2024

Atlanta charter school students delighted to study in London and Paris

Students shared their reflections on the trip:

Students shared their reflections on the trip. 

Zolana B., a seventh grader, noted, "London seemed more polite [while] Paris seemed more welcoming. [I] enjoyed street culture…graffiti…being able to see personal style." 

Ryan D., also in seventh grade, loved Versailles' opulence and the cooking class, mentioning, "The best food we had over there we made ourselves. I remember how to make the hors d’oeuvres and we bought the ingredients to make it here! We will be enjoying it again this week!" 

Eighth-grader Carolinda H. was surprised by the number of smokers and diverse cultures, noting, "[While each] Country is small, lots of different cultures are there…more than here." 

Sixth-grader Caleb M. emphasized the importance of preparation, saying, "Prepare ahead…doing research… Kind of get a “lay of the land” and adjust your behavior to theirs.”

Executive Director Patrice Meadows shared the inspiration behind the trip: "My hope was to expose students to other cultures outside of America. When I was in middle school, I went to Spain, and it changed my life. I wanted to provide students with this life-changing experience. 

Regarding academic skills, Meadows added, "Students were able to see the things they study in school in real life. For example, different types of governments and historical events. Skills gained include communication, respect, currency exchange, and adaptation."

Georgia Department of Education Updates & Announcements

GaDOE Assessment Updates

May 2024 Assessment Updates

For more information and past GaDOE Assessment updates, click here.

CCRPI Live Data Verification Tool Update

The 2024 four-year graduation cohort data for high schools only and EOC course enrollments for middle and high schools are now available in the CCRPI Live Data Verification tool. Confirming the students in your 2024 four-year graduation cohort, as well as confirming other CCRPI-related data for your students, is one critical step your district will take in ensuring accurate data for the 2024 CCRPI. The user guide, training webinar, and webinar PPT handout for this tool are available for download by going to the MyGaDOE portal, clicking on CCRPI, and then choosing CCRPI Resources. To access the tool, log into the MyGaDOE portal, click on the CCRPI link, and then choose Live Data Verification. 

District staff must submit all appeals to the GaDOE Accountability Team no later than June 10. Please refer to the Cohort Reassignment Appeals tutorial recording and PPT handout available in the MyGaDOE portal in the CCRPI section under CCRPI Resources. 


For help accessing the portal and with any application functionality issues, please contact the Technology Services-Service Desk team by logging into the MyGaDOE portal, clicking on the Help Desk Portal link, and entering your request there, or call 1-800-869-1011. Contact the GaDOE accountability specialist assigned to assist your district with questions regarding the data. 

Charter Local Education Agencies Webinar Series

GaDOE Office of Federal Programs is providing a webinar series targeting Charter Local Education Agencies (LEA) in their first three years of operation. However, all Charter LEAs are invited to attend. The webinar schedule is available below.

For more information, contact John Wight,

Register for the Charter LEA Webinar Series Today



Jun 25

Part 2: Preparing for Federal Grants: Creating Internal Procedures

Jun 26

Part 2: Preparing for Enrollment – 1st Day: English learners, children experiencing homelessness, migratory children, children in foster care

Jun 27

Part 2: Preparing for Enrollment – 1st Day: Special Education

Jul 29

Part 3: Parent Engagement Practices; Overview of Professional Development

Jul 30

Part 3: Budget Preparation Process – All Federal Grants

Jul 31

Part 3: Data Collection and Submissions: Special Education, Homeless Children and Youth, Neglected and Delinquent, FTE

Aug 27

Part 4: Preview: Grant Close Out Process – All Federal Grants

Aug 28

Part 4: Preview: Grant Monitoring, CLIP Progress Monitoring, and Planning for FY26

Aug 29

Part 4: Preview: Special Education Reporting Requirements (MOE and Excess Cost)

Professional Learning & Development Opportunity

2024-2025 Early Intervention Program (EIP) Guidance

The 2024-2025 Early Intervention Program (EIP) Guidance documents are now available for school and district leaders. The guidance includes updated information regarding delivery models, eligibility and exit criteria and new assurance form requirements.

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, superintendents of all local education agencies (LEAs) will be required to submit an annual EIP assurance form on or before September 1, 2024, through MyGaDOE. The annual EIP assurance form will be available within the MyGaDOE portal on July 1, 2024. For more information, send an email to:

Early Intervention Program (EIP) Guidelines

GaDOE Data Collections and Validation Open Office Hours

Jun 6, 10-11 AM

Full Calendar

GAEL Spring Webinar Series

What Every Building Leader Needs to Know About GA K-12 English Language Arts Standards

June 6 - Spotlight on Practices and Text

Info & Registration

2024 Fiscal Year-End Financial Workshops

June 18-27

Info & Registration

Improving Outcomes for Federally Identified Schools Series

May 22 - Dec 11, Next Session: Jun 26

Info & Registration

DRC BEACON Pre-Administration Recorded Webinar

DRC BEACON webinar provides information about a through-year, computer-adaptive, formative, interim assessment system currently available for grades 3-8 in ELA and mathematics.

DRC Webinar

Knowledge Building for Leaders:

Setting the Foundation for Structured Literacy Transformation

Free Training Workshops for PLCs sponsored by the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy in partnership with GaDOE.

Sep 2023 - Jun 2024

Info & Registration

EIP and REP Technical Assistance Chats

Year-Long, Next Session: Jun 5

Info & Registration

2024 GaDOE Monthly Accountability Updates

3rd Wednesday of the month,

Nex Session: June 12

Info & Registration

Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) Train-the-Trainers Credentialing

June 25, 8:30 AM-12 PM

GaDOE's State Reporting System: Preparing for Parallel Year 2024-25 Webinar

Jun 25, 11 AM-12 PM

Georgia RESAs & GaDOE Bimonthly Updates

Every other Wednesday, 9-10 AM

Next Session: Jun 26

Info & Schedule

Superintendent Financial Management Training

Mar 7 - Dec 5

For dates & registration info, contact Amy Rowell - 

Lexile Certification Available at No Cost to Georgia Educators

Learn More

GSAN Statewide Afterschool Network – LEA Summer Learning Series

Info & Registration

Additional Resources

GaDoe Community

A private professional networking space to engage with other educators across the state.

Georgia Learns

GA Learns houses more than 100 courses. New courses are added monthly, covering various topics that support professional growth and classroom instruction.


The one-stop-shop site for Georgia educators to access educational resources, GA Standards of Excellence, data dashboards, professional learning and applications.

Funding & Engagement Programs

GaDOE Competitive Grants

Periodically, funding is available for GaDOE to award to districts and schools in the form of competitive grants, solidifying this commitment to Georgia's students. In an effort to streamline communication and create a consistent application process, all competitive grant opportunities can now be accessed below.

GaDOE Grant Opportunities

Heavy Equipment Operations Pathway Simulator Grant

The Heavy Equipment Operations Pathway Simulator Grant is intended to support the Heavy Equipment Operations Pathway in grades 9-12 with the purchase of industry-standard heavy equipment simulators. A maximum of $3,000,000 will be awarded in grants for the 2024-25 school year, up to $324,000 per program.

Applications Due: Jun 18, 5 PM

Grant Information


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The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC) is a state-level, independent charter school authorizing entity. The SCSC has the power to approve or deny petitions for state charter schools and renew, nonrenew, or terminate state charter school contracts in accordance with Georgia law.

Copyright © 2023 State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, All rights reserved.

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