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October Newsletter

Two New Case Studies Highlight $100 Million of Dedicated Funding for Infants and Toddlers

This month we released two new case studies about how advocates took action at the state and local levels to secure over $100 million in dedicated funding for early childhood care and education. Each case study highlights the genesis, lessons learned, and successful campaigns for kids in Louisiana and New Orleans.

Together, these efforts paint the picture of state and local communities working together toward a shared vision of supporting children.

Read the Louisiana Case Study
Read the New Orleans Case Study

What's New

Back-to-School Success Requires Strong Community-School Partnerships

The American Rescue Plan provided school districts with billions of dollars in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds to support their kids. We’ve collected examples of how districts have partnered with community-based organizations to spend these funds, as well as resources for building successful partnerships between advocates, community organizations, schools, and more.

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In Case You Missed It


American Rescue Plan Community Profiles

We have been released profiles of communities using American Rescue Plan funds for children and youth, focusing on localities and states of all sizes and parts of the country, whether they are expanding child care for infants and toddlers, providing out-of-school programs to school-age children, or offering job training to youth.

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Funding Our Kids 101

Our Funding Our Kids 101 series gives you the basic tools and knowledge on how financing programs and services for children and youth works. We have guides on starting a children's fund, fiscal maps, cost modeling, and more, including our newly updated glossary of children's funding terms.

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Special Focus on Tribal Funding

Join us today at 4 p.m. EDT for our webinar “How Federal Funding Tools Can Help Tribal Nations Support Child and Youth Programs.” The webinar will preview our new federal funding tool (including funding for tribal nations), our new federal and tribal funding map, and more.

Then, join us next month on November 2 for the final webinar in our series, “How Emerging Funding Strategies Can Help Tribal Nations Support Child and Youth Programs.”

These webinars follow our first, "How Cost Models Can Help Tribal Nations Support Early Childhood Programs." Click the webinar title to view the recording.

Additionally, any U.S.-based Indian tribe, band, nation, Pueblo or other organized group or community that is recognized as eligible for services provided to Indians can apply to our new cost model pilot project. Read more about the project here.

Register for Today's Webinar
Register for the November 2 Webinar

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Photo credit: Mvskoke Media