Inspiring all girls to be
strong, smart, and bold
Thank you Macquarie Investment Management

We are honored to have been selected as the 2017 Macquarie Investment Management's 13th Annual Charity Classic Beneficiary! With the help of the Macquarie Group Foundation, this annual event has raised more than $2 million for well-deserving nonprofit organizations across the Philadelphia region since its launch in 2005. Held on October 9, 2017, the Classic raised over $113,000 for Girls Inc. You can read more about the event, its participants, and the impact of this vital community partner in the press release here .
Girls Inc. on the Road!
Girls Inc. Ambassadors with Lorina Marshall-Blake, President of the Independence Blue Cross Foundation

On October 3, members of the Ambassador Club represented Girls Inc. at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women. The Ambassadors are high school students learning to become future leaders through public speaking, essay writing, college preparation, and building their personal brands. The girls had a chance to meet TechGirlz founder, Tracey Welson-Rossman, Girls Auto Clinic founder, Patrice Banks, and heard keynote speaker Michelle Obama and other inspiring presenters.

Six deserving Girls Inc. girls will participate in the One Day Immersion in Media, Entertainment & Technology Conference as ODI Scholars on October 20 in New York. Girls Inc. Board Director Zenita Henderson spearheads the scholarship program, aimed at connecting the industry’s most influential media and technology executives with students and recent grads — the next generation of tech savvy, creative trailblazers.

You can read the press release about the ODI and Girls Inc. partnership here.
Temple Law Alumni Association Women's Leadership Initiative

"The partnership of Temple Law Alumni Association's Women's Leadership Initiative and the Rising STARS has been a cherished and rewarding experience. As mentors, our role is to impart our wisdom and knowledge with the Rising STARS, yet we often find ourselves learning from these dynamic, intelligent, and thoughtful middle school girls. It was fascinating to hear the girls' insightful observations of the artwork during the tour of the Barnes Foundation."
-Lori Garber, TLAA Executive Board Member

On September 23, members of the Temple Law Alumni Association Women's Leadership Initiative brought over 30 Rising STARS to the Barnes Foundation for a field trip. The girls explored the treasures of the galleries while receiving quality mentoring from dedicated, career-driven women. Rising STARS is a leadership and community action program for middle school girls designed to cultivate leadership skills by teaching them to investigate their rights and responsibilities and create lasting social change within their community. Members of the TLAA Women's Leadership Initiative have served as mentors throughout 2017, and continue to work closely with the Rising STARS to develop their skills.

Vanguard Day of Caring

On September 30, Girls Inc. of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey was a partner site for Vanguard Day of Caring, welcoming 76 girls and their families to our Back to School Bash. Vanguard volunteers helped mentor our girls, participated in a leadership panel, and donated school supplies to inspire girls to be strong, smart, and bold all year long!
The 16th Annual
Strong, Smart, and Bold Breakfast
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
The Union League of Philadelphia
"Ever since I was very young, I loved playing with Legos and building whatever I could imagine. Little did I know, that is what sparked my interest in STEM. I love STEM because the idea of thinking of something that could change the world, designing it, and seeing it being built into something that would help society is what I see myself doing. Since joining Girls Inc., I have felt supported and they have presented me with many opportunities to learn more in the STEM fields, all starting with the STEM Gems program which I joined in the 6th grade. Now I am a member of the Ambassador Club and a sophomore at George Washington Carver High School for Engineering and Science and one day plan to be a civil engineer."
- Safiyyah , age 15