Attitude Is Everything

Starting the Week Off Right

July 3, 2023

Happy Day Before Independence Day,

Is the meeting of minimum requirements for the job acceptable to you? If you fly in an airplane, is a pilot who just barely passed the flying tests acceptable? What about the doctor who barely passed med school and is about to perform a major, potentially, life threatening surgery?

My answer would be: I want the best, the brightest, and most qualified when it comes to putting my life in someone's care. Hopefully, you feel the same way.

In today's society, we seem to be pushed to put proper representation of various groups of people ahead of qualification, when necessary, turning down the most qualified to meet these targets. We hear stories of qualifications being waived in favor of these so called quotas. This can be a risky, even fatal, business.

Let's face it, Good Enough is not and should not be Good Enough. The development of qualifications does not start at the job interview. It starts at early childhood, in basic education and socialization. Let's, starting at this beginning, push to bring all up to speed, to excel, to believe in the possibilities and to succeed. Let's quit telling people you can't because - - , or don't stand a chance because - - , and, instead, show and demonstrate the way. Let's get politics out of the equation and the success of all citizens in.

This week, go out into your world striving to be far more than Good Enough. While you are at it, show someone the way to excellence.


Jim Seymour

My Accounting Department

2400 South Ocean Dr. #6525

Fort Pierce, FL 34949

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