Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - September 1, 2024

All that Armor

This Sunday, one of the Bible readings we will hear is from Ephesians Chapter 6. It's a passage many of us who grew up in Christian families remember well. It was part of our Sunday school, Vacation Bible School or summer camp curriculums: "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the Devil..." (Ephesians 6.11).

Ephesians 6 then goes on to list different articles of Roman armor (right) and relates them to spiritual virtues. There is the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the shield of faith - to name just a few.

When I was younger, all this caught my imagination. Armor, and battle, and swords, what is not to like? What strikes me as I grow older is not so much all that armor but something else Paul says repeatedly in Ephesians chapter six: "Stand" (v. 11) "Stand" (v. 13) "Withstand" (v. 13 again) and "Stand Firm" (v. 14).

There is so much we don't control in life. There is so much that comes at us. Some of which, as Paul reminds us here in Ephesians 6 is not just bad things happening, but the schemes of the Devil to harm us. Sometimes the most we can do is simply stand. The good news is that it is enough. As Christians, we are armored head-to-toe in the Gospel and it turns away every "flaming dart of the evil one" (v. 16).

Stand, friends,

P.S. Thank you so much to all who gave to support the work Bishop Abraham Yel Nhail is doing to build a school for girls in the Diocese of Awiel in South Sudan. We gave $6,257.92 to this project last Sunday!

Register for Epiphany Events on the App

Did you know you can register for Epiphany events using our Church Center app on your smartphone? You can, and it's easy. Just open "Church Center" and click on the "Sign-ups" tab on the bottom right. Then click on the event you would like to register to attend. As we test this feature, we have made online registration for the Quiet Day on September 7, the Chili Cook-Off and Dad Joke Contest on Sept. 15 and the Women's Fellowship Fall Brunch on Sept. 21 active. Paper sign-ups are also available in the fellowship hall. Please only sign up in one way (paper or using our app). If you do not have Church Center and would like help getting set up, please contact Petrina Teoh ( for help.

First Coates Food Delivery is September 13

For more than a decade Epiphany has partnered with Coates Elementary School in Herndon to provide weekend meals for students who rely on free breakfasts and lunches at school. In the past we have delivered weekend food bags to the school.  Now, the school has decided to end the food bag effort and has asked us to help stock a food pantry to enable parents to feed their children on weekends. Our first delivery will be September 13. Examples of the kinds of foods needed are on display in the fellowship hall. Donations can be placed in the large bin next to the receptionist’s desk. Cash donations can also be made specifying Coates. Any questions? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Melanie Kobos (

Epiphany and Centerpointe Offering "Financial Peace University" this Fall

Do you often catch yourself wondering just where your money goes every month and how it ended up there? This fall, Epiphany is partnering with our friends at Centerpointe Church to offer Financial Peace University at Epiphany on Sundays at 2pm starting on Sept 22. This nine-lesson class covers how to budget to meet your financial needs, getting out of debt, saving for emergency and enabling generous giving. The class costs $80 for materials and will be led by David Cohen from Centerpointe. Sign-up here.

Join Epiphany's Choir Sept. 5

The new choir season kicks off on September 5 with rehearsals every Thursday from 7-8 PM. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir, all are welcome to lift their voices in song. Come be part of our musical community and make a joyful noise together.

Quiet Day Sept. 7

"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest," Jesus says to his people. Join us for quiet here at the church, Saturday September 7. If you want to join us for Morning Prayer, come at 9:00. Stay as long as you like but arrive before noon. Direct questions to Mother Pamela Sign up using our Church Center app.

Seeing and Reading Pilgrim's 

Progress this Fall (New Time)

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan is arguably the most influential Christian novel in the English language. This fall, the Museum of the Bible is offering a Broadway-quality production recounting Christian's adventurous journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. We are interested in putting together a group from Epiphany to see this production on Saturday, September 22 at 4:00 pm. We can get a 16% discount if we have a group of 10 or more. Please contact Jane Burkett ( or Melanie Kobos ( if you're interested. Starting Sunday, September 29, Jane and Melanie invite you to join them in reading and discussing a modern-language version of the classic text of Pilgrim's Progress at 9:15 on Sunday mornings. Stay tuned for more details, and please reach out if interested! 

Bishop Abraham Shares His 

Ministry in South Sudan

Family Camping is Sept. 27-28

Epiphany families are invited to our Fall Family Camping Trip at Matthews Arm Campground in the Shenandoah National Park September 27-28. This year, we will be able to drive into our camping location.  Please talk to Janelle Banta ( to learn more and sign-up.  Space is limited to 25 campers.

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

August 30 - Sept. 8

Friday, August 30

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, August 31

9:00am Band of Brothers

4:00pm Faith Day Baseball Game

Sunday, September 1

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

9:15am Marriage Ministry

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

11:30am Marriage Ministry

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

Monday, September 2


Tuesday, September 3

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, September 4

12:00 Simple Eucharist

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

Thursday, September 5

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, September 6

8:30am Men's Bible Study in Library and via Zoom

9:00am Morning Prayer

10:00am Journaling at Melanie Miller's home

Saturday, September 7

9:00am Quiet Day

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, September 8

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

1:15 & 2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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