the current

the monthly e-newsletter of UC ANR Staff Assembly | Oct. 10, 2023 | Vol. 2, No. 10

make your voice heard

Upcoming feedback sessions offer chance

to share thoughts on 2040 Strategic Vision

All UC ANR staff are encouraged to join the UC ANR 2040 Strategic Visioning Committee either in-person or over Zoom to provide feedback on the initial draft of the 2040 Strategic Vision and to network with colleagues.

It is crucial that UC ANR staff make their voices heard as the Strategic Vision is developed.

Here is what you can expect during these interactive sessions:

* Get an overview of the draft components that make up UC ANR’s 2040 Strategic Vision document – mission, vision, list of key challenges across California and correlated areas of focus for UC ANR research, Extension, and programming.

* Participate in an activity to prioritize the challenges facing California and the opportunities for UC ANR to address these challenges. 

* Break out in small groups by areas of focus to brainstorm specific ways in which UC ANR should engage with Californians to address identified challenges.

* Enjoy lunch and network with colleagues. 

Choose from these specific dates and locations. Space is limited so register now to ensure you can participate!

Please contact Kathryn Stein at with any questions about the feedback sessions.

Register today

holiday season festivities

Games and volunteers needed for UC ANR Winter Fair on Dec. 15

Once again, the UC ANR Town Hall in December will be an online Winter Fair of merriment and good cheer! It will take place on Dec. 15 from 2 to 3:15 p.m. But we need your help!

Let’s give our awesome Program Support Unit staff the break they need after supporting ANR efforts year-round. Do you have fun, Zoom-friendly games that you would like to lead? Or perhaps you’d like to help organize the Winter Fair? The more the merrier! Let us know if you're able to help out.

For ideas and inspiration, here are some games from a recent Winter Fair.


learning & development highlights

October-December: Career Development Workshops

Join one or more of the UC Davis workshops covering a range of topics, from building a powerful resume to identifying transferrable skills to interviewing with confidence. See the full calendar and learn more.

Throughout October: UC cybersecurity events

October 2023 marks 20 years of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. While security awareness has come a long way since its beginnings, it continues to evolve to identify and address new security challenges faced by all of us. Learn more and explore virtual events systemwide.

important dates

Due soon: Education reimbursement deadline is Oct. 31

UC ANR Staff Assembly provides financial assistance for career and professional training and development through the Educational Reimbursement Program.

The next deadline to apply for reimbursement is Oct. 31, 2023.

This cycle is for reimbursement for a training or career development activity taking place between April 16, 2023 and Oct. 31, 2023.

All ANR career staff employees (represented and non-represented) who have completed the probationary period are eligible to apply, as well as all UCCE County paid staff employees in good standing.

Apply for reimbursement

did you know?

Live webinars slated throughout year about retirement preparation

Thinking about retiring within the next few months (or next few years)? Webinars offered throughout the year by the UC Retirement System can help you get ready. Learn more

Recursos para la jubilación UC en español

En la Universidad de California, valoramos profundamente a nuestros empleados y reconocemos la importancia de brindarles un sólido respaldo en su camino hacia la jubilación. Nuestro sistema de beneficios de jubilación está diseñado para ofrecer seguridad financiera y tranquilidad a lo largo de toda su vida, brindando a nuestros dedicados empleados la oportunidad de planificar un futuro cómodo y estable.

Descubra cómo nuestros beneficios de jubilación pueden ser una parte integral de su carrera y su planificación financiera. Para más información visite estas páginas web Preguntas más frecuentes o descargue la presentación de PowerPoint Preparándose para su jubilación.

The Current is your monthly Staff Assembly e-newsletter, distributed on the second Tuesday of each month (read archived past issues). All staff members at UC Agriculture and Natural Resources are part of UC ANR Staff Assembly. We on the Staff Assembly Council help advise senior leadership and advocate on your behalf, and we also organize programs and events that promote your professional development and personal growth. (Note: Academics are members of our counterpart entity, Academic Assembly.)