the current

the monthly e-newsletter of UC ANR Staff Assembly | March 12, 2024 | Vol. 3, No. 3

ANR Staff Assembly Council hits the road

Learn about Staff Assembly, enjoy lunch with us!

Be sure to register soon for a UC ANR Staff Assembly Council Lunch and Learn at a Research and Extension Center in your area.

This is your opportunity to meet Council members, learn how Staff Assembly helps all UC ANR staff and find out how you can support our efforts! Plus, enjoy a free lunch and an optional tour. Three sessions are slated for spring, with each starting at noon:

March 28: South Coast Research and Extension Center (Irvine); registration closes March 21

April 11: Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center (Parlier); registration closes April 1

May 2: Hopland Research and Extension Center (Hopland)

And spread the word! Let your colleagues know about this event and print and post the flyer.

Please note that lunch is provided but staff will need approval from supervisors to attend and fund their own travel to and from the session. Space is limited so registration is required.

Registration required

CUCSA update

VP Humiston wins recognition from CUCSA

Vice President Glenda Humiston was recently honored with the Outstanding Senior Leadership Award from CUCSA, the Council of UC Staff Assemblies. The award recognizes senior-level leaders in the system who are supportive and inclusive of UC staff and who encourage equity, diversity, inclusion and community.

Working with UC ANR Staff Assembly Council members, 2023-24 UC ANR CUCSA delegates Shirley Salado and Christine Davidson nominated Glenda for the award. They presented their nomination during the winter quarter CUCSA meeting at UC San Diego, Feb. 28-March 1.

After presentation of nominations by CUCSA delegates from across the UC system, the delegates voted on an awardee for the Outstanding Senior Leadership Award, as well as the Kevin McCauley Outstanding Staff Award, Outstanding Board Member Award and Outstanding Alumni Award.

"Glenda authorized and initiated ANR’s first Staff Assembly Council in 2015 and has been a tremendous supporter throughout its history," Shirley said. "She has increased SAC's budget for a variety of programs that provide tremendous benefit to our staff, from the Wellness Reimbursement program to the Employee Experience and Engagement Challenge to the Educational Reimbursement Program."

Shirley and Christine also nominated UC ANR Staff Assembly Council Chair Scott Brayton for the Outstanding Board Member Award, in recognition of Scott’s tremendous record of service.

"Scott shows genuine care and appreciation for ANR Staff Assembly, as he is always thinking about its past and its future," Christine said. "He is always finding opportunities to recognize past officers and volunteers, recruiting potential new members for the Council and making himself available to all Council members and staff."

During the winter meeting, hosted by the CUCSA delegates and Staff Association of UCSD, Shirley continued her work in the Sustainable Workforce workgroup and Christine in the Well-Being workgroup. They are both engaging in conversations with local and systemwide leadership to grow their understanding of how to better serve UC ANR staff.

Please visit the CUCSA page on our Staff Assembly site for a full summary of the quarterly meetings.

wellness update

Record-high number of applications received for Wellness Reimbursement Program

Thank you to everyone for your interest in the UC ANR Wellness Reimbursement Program. The program is no longer accepting applications after receiving a record-breaking number of applications from staff and academics in the first 48 hours.

Applicants will be informed of the status of their applications in mid- to late-March. Applications are being reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.

learning & development highlights

March 14: Transferrable Job Skills

Have you ever looked at a job posting and thought, “I could do this job, but I don’t exactly meet all the requirements?” The key to applying anyway is in learning to identify and communicate your transferrable skills in a new context. Learn how in this UC Davis Learning and Development session. Details.

March 18: Ten Steps to Financial Success

This session teaches participants ways to financial control, including developing a spending plan, creating objectives, weighing insurance needs, and exploring other tools that will help you get on the road to personal financial success. This hybrid program (attend online or in-person) is offered by UC Davis Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being, UC Living Fit Forever, and University Credit Union. Register.

April 1: Rebuilding After a Financial Crisis

A job loss, a medical crisis, or other hardship can send a normal financial situation into a tailspin. Participants will learn how to get their finances back on track, including budgeting, repaying debt, rebuilding credit, establishing emergency savings and replenishing retirement savings.

This virtual program is offered by UC Davis Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being, UC Living Fit Forever, and University Credit Union. Register.

Check the UC ANR Learning & Development website for more workshops, webinars and classes.

important dates

Save the date for UC Moves: It's back on May style

Show up and show off with your colleagues on May 1. Get outside and move your body during this UC systemwide day of physical activity and wellness.

Make it fun by dressing up according to a theme or make posters and spread some love in the community. Either way, don’t forget to wear sun protection and take lots of photos! Stay tuned for more details.

Apply for educational reimbursement funds by April 15

UC ANR Staff Assembly provides financial assistance for a variety of career development and professional training activities through the Education Reimbursement Program.

For trainings or career development pursuits between Nov. 1, 2023 and April 15, 2024, the deadline to apply is April 15, 2024.

UC staff career development conference June 13

The NOW (Next Opportunity at Work) Conference is designed to support UC staff with career and professional development through inspiring keynote speakers, workshops, community building with peers, and career resources.

Organized by UC Berkeley People & Culture, this year's conference will be held online on June 13. Virtual pre- and post-conference group/1:1 coaching opportunities will be held June 10, 11, 12 and 14.

Check the website for details and registration information.

did you know?

'Open Conversations' your chance to chat with UC ANR leaders

Share your thoughts with ANR senior leadership in this ongoing series of informal, small-group online sessions.

Register for "Open Conversations with UC ANR Senior Leadership" on March 18, from noon to 1 p.m.

This session is your opportunity to connect with Associate Vice President for Business Operations Tu Tran and Associate Vice President for Research and Cooperative Extension Brent Hales.

You can submit specific questions and topics in advance when you register for this lively, interactive chat.


Share your staff experience through CUCSA survey

The Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) is gathering the thoughts and experiences of policy-covered (non-represented) staff members across the UC.

Take a 5-10 minute survey to help CUCSA better understand who staff across the UC are, what they value and what their experience has been.

Survey data will only be accessible to CUCSA leadership and the small group of CUCSA delegates administering this survey. Anonymized aggregate data or short quotes may be shared with the UC Regents or UC Systemwide Human Resources by CUCSA in the course of advocating for and with staff on matters such as retirement contributions, cost of benefits, pay increases and working climate/conditions.

Complete the survey by March 15.

Take survey

The Current is your monthly Staff Assembly e-newsletter, distributed on the second Tuesday of each month (read archived past issues). All staff members at UC Agriculture and Natural Resources are part of UC ANR Staff Assembly. We on the Staff Assembly Council help advise senior leadership and advocate on your behalf, and we also organize programs and events that promote your professional development and personal growth. (Note: Academics are members of our counterpart entity, Academic Assembly.)