the current

the monthly e-newsletter of UC ANR Staff Assembly | April 9, 2024 | Vol. 3, No. 4

join the Staff Assembly team for 2024-25

Submit application by 4/29 to run for a position on UC ANR Staff Assembly Council

Make a difference for all UC ANR staff by joining Staff Assembly Council! Contribute to policies, programs and processes that enhance the staff experience at ANR.

As a member of SAC, you also will have opportunities to connect with colleagues from across the state, grow your professional skills and networks, and engage with senior leadership at UC ANR (and across the UC!).

The deadline to apply is Monday, April 29, at 5 p.m.

Learn more about running for a Staff Assembly Council position; also, feel free to contact any of the current Council members for more information about their roles.

Apply for SAC position

last chance to sign up for Hopland session (5/2)

Lunch and Learn at South Coast REC spreads understanding of UC ANR, Staff Assembly

Staff Assembly Council members hosted 28 staff from Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and San Diego counties at the South Coast Research and Extension Center in Irvine for the first in a series of SAC Lunch and Learn events across the state. Thank you to all who attended!

During the two-hour event, staff heard about SAC's impact from Dohee Kim, Vice Chair; Christine Davidson, Junior CUCSA Delegate; Sue Lake, Treasurer; and Saoimanu Sope, Ambassador Chair. 

For many participants, the gathering at South Coast was their first time visiting a REC. Several advisors, academics and staff shared their research and programs with the group. Many thanks to Grant Johnson, Luca Carmignani, Gerry Spinelli, Chris Shogren and Tammy Majcherek for their demonstrations and tours, and to Darren Haver, Rita Clemons and Keith Nathaniel for supporting the event.

Registration for the April 11 Kearney REC Lunch and Learn is closed, but staff interested in the May 2 Hopland REC session can still register. Hope to see you there!

thank you to all wellness program participants

Wellness reimbursements granted to 187 staff, 42 academics thanks to SAC/AAC program

Since 2022, the UC ANR Wellness Reimbursement Program has been compensating ANR employees for purchases benefiting their personal wellness. This year, because of funding extended from Academic Assembly Council, UC ANR Staff Assembly was able to expand the program to include academic personnel.

Over 200 applications were received on the first day the program opened, with 65 applications submitted in the first minute! For 2024, we were able to grant reimbursements to 187 staff and 42 academics. "Thank you for this program," said one recipient. "You have inspired me to start something new on my health journey!"

Staff Assembly Council thanks everyone who participated in making the program such a success. And special kudos to Andrea Rayray, the ANR Wellness Committee, the volunteers who reviewed all the applications, and our approvers in Statewide Program and REC Operations and the BOC. 

learning & development highlights

April 24: UC ANR Administrative Orientation

New academics and staff are encouraged to attend this essential daylong orientation in Davis to learn about ANR's vision, mission and structure; interact with ANR leadership and directors; network with new colleagues from around the state; and get answers to your questions about health benefits, AggieTravel and more. See the agenda for more information.

Register by Wednesday, April 10.

April 24: Interview with Confidence

This workshop, brought to you by UC Davis Learning and Development, will help you understand best practices for successful in-person and virtual interview formats. You will learn tips and techniques for what to do before, during and after an interview, to ensure you make the best impression. Details.

May 1: Building a Powerful Resume

In this UC Davis Learning and Development workshop, you’ll learn the key components to include in your resume and how to customize it to a specific job opening. Discover how to incorporate accomplishments, include keywords and select a format that effectively tells your career story. Details.

Check the UC ANR Learning & Development website for more workshops, webinars and classes.

important dates

Apply by NEXT WEEK (4/15) for funds for educational activities

If you took part in trainings or other career development pursuits between Nov. 1, 2023 and April 15, 2024, you have until April 15, 2024 to apply for funds from the Education Reimbursement Program.

UC ANR Staff Assembly provides financial assistance for a variety of career development and professional training activities.

Reimbursements may be used for courses, tuition and registration fees for required certifications or position-related degree programs; registration for seminars and workshops; and books and materials for career development.

You may receive up to $499 in reimbursement, depending on the number of applications received.

Apply today

Assemble your squad for UC Moves walking, stretching fun on 5/1

For this much-anticipated day of moving and physical activity, organize your colleagues to dress up according to a theme and/or make posters and spread some love across our community!

At 1:15 p.m. on May 1, AVP Brent Hales will kick us off virtually and lead us in some stretching.

At 1:25 p.m. we will start walking and return to the workplace at 2 p.m. Feel free to discuss with your director to make sure the date/time works for your location.

Don’t forget to wear sun protection and take lots of photos and videos to share with everyone!

Get the details

did you know?

UC ANR to support staff to attend career development event

The NOW (Next Opportunity at Work) Conference is designed to support UC staff with career and professional development through inspiring keynote speakers, workshops, community building with peers, and career resources.

Organized by UC Berkeley People & Culture, this year's conference will be held online on June 13. Virtual pre- and post-conference group/1:1 coaching opportunities will be held June 10, 11, 12 and 14.

UC ANR Learning & Development funds will reimburse up to 10 staff for the general conference registration fee. First-come, first-served AND priority will be given to those who have not been reimbursed for this conference in the past. Submit your reimbursement application after the event.

Learn more

The Current is your monthly Staff Assembly e-newsletter, distributed on the second Tuesday of each month (read archived past issues). All staff members at UC Agriculture and Natural Resources are part of UC ANR Staff Assembly. We on the Staff Assembly Council help advise senior leadership and advocate on your behalf, and we also organize programs and events that promote your professional development and personal growth. (Note: Academics are members of our counterpart entity, Academic Assembly.)