Dear Friends,

Do you enjoy all four seasons? I enjoy that we have four especially in the spring. I walk around taking pictures of flowers and it never gets old.

This is Art Credo season. The church feels vibrant as we worship surrounded by many styles of paintings. We are created in the image of a creating God, so of course, we celebrate people who are creators!

Last week, we had our first ever Paint-Along. I attended and give my own attempt at the beautiful flowers of spring. I’m a harsh critic of my own attempt (so many of us are!), but I loved every minute of our instructor, artist Josie De Meo. Josie is full of wit and charm and we enjoyed learning from her! 

We have a second “first-ever” with a Poetry Open Mic this evening. It’s a full roster of well-known Ottawa poets each with a 10-minute slot: Doris Fiszer, Sandy Woods, Maureen Korp, Susan J Atkinson, Frances Boyle, Marion Jean Hall, Colin Morton, Mary Lee Bragg – and including our own St John’s poets, Muriel Scott-Smith and Brian Cameron. Come and enjoy as we befriend poets - Thursday May 11th 7.30 to 9.00 pm in the church.

In addition to the spring season and the Art Credo season, in our worship we are still in the Easter Season. The readings this Sunday offer Jesus’ words of wisdom, comfort and encouragement to his disciples before he leaves them to ascend to the Father. Let’s hear his words as meant for us this Sunday! Hope to see you as we worship at 8:00 and 10:15 a.m.



Please join us as we give thanks for the life of Cliff Parfett. The service will be held at St John’s on Saturday, May 13 at 11:00 a.m. Reception immediately following in the Parish Hall


Do you know someone who looks after a family member, friend or neighbour?

Perhaps you do? You are invited to join others on a Zoom gathering Wednesday May 17 at 10:30. to discuss how your St John's community might support you.  This will be a first step - next steps will depend on the ideas generated. (Those with previous caregiving experience are also welcome!) 

Please let us know if you plan to attend by registering with the St John's office Also, if this day and/or time does not work for you, please let the office know and we will try to schedule a second Zoom call.

Gordon Johnston – Celebration of Ministry

Gordon is retiring at the end of June! Come celebrate Gordon’s 40 years of leadership that has been formative for St John’s – Sunday, May 28, 5:00-7:00 p.m. You are welcome to contribute to the retirement gift to be presented on Gordon’s final Sunday, June 25. Please indicate “For Gordon” with your donation.

Listening Sessions for the future of music at St John's

Please join us to offer your input. What are your hopes for music? What do you hope for in our future music director?

Sunday, June 4 (in the church immediately following the service)

Thursday, June 8 (especially for the choir)

Sunday, June 11, 4 p.m. on Zoom. LINK.

Siyo Nigadv! Hi Everyone!

For those that would like to attend the Pow Wow, together on May 27, 2023, there will be a sign up sheet at church this Sunday, We can leave from St. John's on May 27, 2023 at 9:30 am and stay until lunch time unless anyone would like to stay later. There will be more details to follow. If anyone may need a ride or can provide drives to and from the Pow Wow, please let us know.

Wado! Thank you!


St John's Indigenous Engagement Coordinator

2023 Tulipathon

Please support Multifaith Housing Initiative's annual Tulipathon Walk.  Your donation will support rent subsidies for MHI tenants. If you would like to see more about present and past Tulipathons visit Tulipathon.

Tulipathon 2023 will take place at Dow's Lake on the last Sunday in May (May 28). Opening ceremonies will begin at 2:45.  The two-kilometre walk will begin at 3 p.m. 

Please donate to the St. John's Team online at St. John's. Cheque donations (with St. John's on the comment line) can be mailed to Multifaith Housing Initiative, 206-404 McArthur Ave., Ottawa ON, K1K 1G8 or given to Gay for delivery to MHI. 

If you would like to walk with the St. John’s Team, please let Gay Richardson know ( For more information, contact Gay.


Those On Our Hearts

Linda & Rick, Heather & Scott, The staff, volunteers and participants in the programs of The Well/La Source

Our Parish

Gary, Allen, Gordon, Josh, Kimberly, Kerry, Stephen, Brian, Michelle, Jill and all who minister at St John's.

Our Diocese

  • Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our Primate.
  • Belong Ottawa: Centre 454; St Luke’s Table; The Well/La Source.
  • Centre 105 (Cornwall)
  • Cornerstone Housing for Women
  • Ottawa Pastoral Counselling Centre
  • Refugee Ministry
  • Church of the Ascension, Ottawa and the Reverend Victoria Scott. 
  • Julian of Norwich, the Reverend Monique Stone and Deacon Elizabeth December.

Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)

The Rt. Rev. Michael Oulton, Bishop, and the clergy and people of the Diocese of Ontario.


The Assistant to the Bishop and the staff of the Saskatchewan Synod.

The Anglican Communion from Aba to Zululand

The Church of the Province of West Africa.

Parish Prayer Group

If you wish to have someone prayed for send an email to:


The flowers at the chancel altar are to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mary Giles and Karen Powell and are given by Stephen and Paul.

The flowers at the nave altar are to the glory of God and in cherished memory of Muriel Scott-Smith's son, Matthew Marc Flande, born May 10, 1965, a Monday.

The flowers at the font are to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jessie and John Maxwell and are given by their children Jane, John and Sue Maxwell.




 154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8


The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, Rector

The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant 

Dr Gordon Johnston, FRCCO, Music Director

Joshua Zentner-Barrett, ARCCO, Associate Organist

Kimberly Johnson-Breen, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator  

Stephen Giles, Rector’s Warden

Michelle Smulders, Deputy Rector's Warden

Brian Cameron, People's Warden 

Jill Moll, Deputy People's Warden

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