Dear Friends
Thank you for your interest in St John the Evangelist Anglican Church.
This Sunday is a full celebration and we invite you to attend:
Please note that effective this Sunday, proof of vaccination accompanied by provincial ID is required for attendance for all services. There are no longer capacity restrictions and there is no need to pre-register. Masks must be worn at all times except when receiving communion. There are no restrictions on seating but please respect each other’s comfort level with physical distancing. Note that anyone who is not able to attend in person is welcome to request a home visit with communion from the reserved sacrament.
If you support this initiative and would like us to proceed with further livestream recording, please note that it would involve an investment in equipment and training volunteer videographers.
This is our Stewardship Sunday of Gratitude and we invite you to bring your intention cards to be presented and blessed.
This Sunday’s service concludes with the unveiling and dedication of the Nativity Scene created by artist Saskia Mueffels. You are invited to linger, to enjoy the scene, and to visit with friends.
Welcome to St John's!
Listen to past Sunday sermons at:
Those On Our Hearts
Shane, Ron, Cathy, Robin, Maura, Pat, The Reverend Gary van der Meer, The Reverend Dr. Caroline Ducros, Major the Reverend Canon Catherine Askew, Ministry Intern John Holgate, Gordon, Gregory, Kerry and all who minister at St John's.(Please note Prayers will be posted for two consecutive weeks unless requested to be posted for a longer period of time.)
Our Diocese
For Anglican Social Services – Centre 454, (one of our Diocesan Community Ministries) and for their Executive Director Rachel Robinson.
Our Bishop, The Right Reverend Shane Parker, our Metropolitan, The Most Reverend Anne Germond and our Primate, The Most Reverend Linda Nicholls.
Our Companion Diocese in Jerusalem & the Middle East
The Virgin Mary Episcopal Church, Irbid, Jordan.
Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)
The people of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCIC)
The people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
The Anglican Communion from Aba to Zululand
Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil.
Parish Prayer Group
This St John’s Worship Video anticipates our in-person worship service on Sunday, November 28, 2021 – The First Sunday of Advent.
It includes:
• A conversation with the Rev. John Perkin of First Baptist Church, Ottawa
• Scripture Reflection on Luke 21:25-36
• The hymn “Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending” sung by the St John’s Choir and improvised on the harp by St John’s Music Director Gordon Johnston
The worship service for Advent 1 at St John’s will include additional scriptures and music. You are welcome to join us at 8:00 & 10:15 a.m.
Beginning this Sunday: ID and Double Vaccination checked at the door.
Welcome and I’m looking forward to meeting you!
The Reverend Gary van der Meer
Pastor & Rector
Stewardship 2022 - Taking the Next Step Together
Our Sunday of Gratitude coincides with the First of Advent. There will be a prayer of dedication over the donor response cards. If your cards have not already been returned, please bring them with you on Sunday, November 28 and hold onto them for collection during the offertory hymn. For 2022, we want to increase our donation revenue by 10% helping St John’s to continue being the living hands and hearts of God in the community beyond our doors. Thank you for all the ways you participate at St John’s. We can’t change lives without the money, time, and skills you generously share.
Send your cards in or bring them with you on our Sunday of Gratitude, November 28, when we will celebrate all our gifts at both the 8:00 am and 10:15 am services.
For our next book study please note there are now 5 copies of I Will Arise and Go Now: Reflections on the Meaning of Places and People by Herbert O'Driscoll at Perfect Books, with 5 more coming, ready for St John's folks to buy!
After several years, St John's has gathered our partners for
World AIDS Day: Challenges & Victories / Stories & Songs.
Plan to join us on Wednesday, December 1, 7:30 p.m.
Special Community Shop Opening
Sunday December 5th after 10:15am Service
Our Community Shop has been reorganized with lots of Christmas items. Do some early Christmas Shopping on Sunday December 5th right after the 10:15am service, shop our stock before its gone and say hello to our volunteers.
Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Photo Credit:Candice Camille.
is the author of the powerful Governor-General’s Award-winning novel Five Little Indians. Michelle will deliver the first lecture in a series that commemorates the 125th anniversary of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:30 pm
The lecture is a joint presentation with All My Relations, and will be livestreamed on the ADO YouTube channel:
Michelle Good's remarks will continue to be available on the YouTube channel afterwards.
Michelle Good is a Cree writer and a member of the Red Pheasant Cree Nation in Saskatchewan. After working for Indigenous organizations for twenty-five years she obtained a law degree and advocated for residential school survivors for over fourteen years. Good earned a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia while still practising law and managing her own law firm. Her poems, short stories, and essays have been published in magazines and anthologies across Canada, and her poetry was included on two lists of the best Canadian poetry in 2016 and 2017. In addition to winning the 2020 Governor General's Award for fiction, Five Little Indians, her first novel, won the HarperCollins/UBC Best New Fiction Prize, the Writers Trust Fiction Prize and the 2021 Amazon Canada First Novel Award.
We look forward to welcoming Bishop Shane Parker to St John’s on
Sunday, December 12 at 8am and 10:15am
Plan to be with us as we welcome our Bishop!
Volunteers are needed on December 5th after the 10:15 service to decorate the nave of the church for Christmas. Please speak to Vicki Milnes for details and to volunteer for this annual activity. Afterwards we will meet at Deacon Brodies for lunch and refreshments.
You can help the Altar Guild decorate the church for Christmas and remember your loved ones with flowers. Make your donation to St John's noting that it is for Christmas flowers and if applicable, please include a note to indicate the names of the people to be remembered. You can put your donation in the collection plate any Sunday or drop it off at the Office.
PWRDF Christmas Cards Almost Sold Out!
PWRDF Christmas cards will be for sale at the back of the church this week. Cards come in sets of 12 (dozen) cards to a package with one design per package and are available for a suggested minimum donation of $25. Also in the October Anglican Journal/Crosstalk you will find a copy of this year’s World of Gifts which offers a wide variety of meaningful Christmas gifts for family and friends. All proceeds go to The Primate’s Fund and to our overseas and Canadian partners. World of Gifts can be accessed online at
National Housing Day Celebration Online 2021
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154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
The Reverend Gary van der Meer, Rector
Major the Reverend Canon Catherine Askew Honorary Assistant
Dr Gordon Johnston, FRCCO, Organist and Choirmaster
Detlef Dransch, Rector’s Warden
Stephen Giles, People's Warden
Anishinabe aking ate awaso kikinawadjichigan.
This land we are upon is the traditional territory of the Algonquin people.