Exodus 24:12-18; Psalm 2; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Matthew 17:1-9
For our clergy, volunteers, and all who minister and worship here.
Diocese of Ottawa
The Director of Mission, The Venerable Dr Peter John Hobbs; the Community Ministries Committee, Monica Patten, chair; for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)
Bishop David Edwards, the people and clergy of the Diocese of Fredericton.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCIC)
The dean, council and congregations of the Grand River and Thames Areas of the Eastern Synod; Resurrection Lutheran Church, Ottawa, Pastor Mei Sum Lai.
For the Election of a New Bishop
O God, source of all things, you call us through baptism to discipleship with Jesus Christ. Inspire by your Holy Spirit the hearts of those who have offered themselves to be ordained as Bishop. Give them faithful courage and generosity of heart. And may the one who is elected build up your people in this diocese, to your glory and for the sake of the world you love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Parish Prayer Group
Sunday, February 23rd
Noon, Nave
Please join us for our annual parish decision making and budget setting meeting.
Those eligible to be elected and to vote at Vestry must be able to sign the following declaration: "I solemnly declare that: I am a member of this congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada; I am of the full age of sixteen years; I am a regular worshipper with this congregation; I do not intend to vote as a member of any other Vestry in the election of Churchwardens or of Members of Synod during the ensuing year; and I am a supporter of this congregation by regular contributions to its maintenance."
Please bring finger foods to share as we get down to Vestry business. These should be placed in the Chapel before the 10.15 am service, if possible. Thank you!
Tuesday, February 25th
5.30 to 7.30 pm, St Luke's
(760 Somerset Street West)
2 Anglican Parishes + 2 Anglican Community Ministries + Pancakes and Sausages = A great evening of food and fellowship! A free will offering will be gratefully received.
For catering purposes tickets are required and are available at St Luke's Table and The Well, at the St Luke's and St John's church offices, or on-line at:
Pancake Supper Tickets.
You won’t want to miss it!
Wednesday, February 26th
Ashes to Go
Noon to 1 pm; 4.30 to 5.30 pm
A drop-in, short, quiet, reflective opportunity to reflect and repent.
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
7.30 pm
A moving, communal experience of receiving ashes and communion.
Wednesday, February 26th
5:30 pm, Hall
Each year on Ash Wednesday at St John's the work of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is celebrated by sharing a pot-luck meal of soup and bread. All are welcome to this educational and fundraising event! This year's Guest speaker is Ian Myles - Director-General Southern and Eastern Africa, Global Affairs Canada speaking on “The Impact of Climate Change on Developing Countries”.
We would be most grateful for contributions of home-made soup, or rolls/bread. Please sign up on the sheets posted on the bulletin board.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursday
11.45 am to 1.15 pm
During Lent, the Stations of the Cross will be displayed in the church. There will be a booklet available for individuals or small groups to use as a resource for meditation on the Stations. During Open Doors is a perfect time to enjoy this Lenten spiritual practice.
Sunday, March 15th, 2 pm - Funeral for Isobel Cameron
Sunday, April 5th, 2 pm
- Requiem Concert
April 17th to May 3rd
- Art Credo
The nominees for Bishop are: The Venerable Dr Peter John Hobbs; The Venerable Brian Kauk; The Venerable Kathryn Otley; The Very Reverend Shane Parker; The Reverend Mark Whittall. Please visit the website to see their photos, nomination forms, and question responses:
Episcopal Election Nominees. All members of the Diocese are welcome to attend the Electoral Synod Regional Meetings to hear from and meet the nominees. These meetings will be held during the first week of March, and the schedule may be found on the website:
Regional Meetings. Please keep each of the nominees in your prayers, along with the members of synod who will vote on Saturday, March 14th.
Many other events are happening in our Diocese!
First Sunday in Lent
Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Psalm 32; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11
154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
On facebook! here --->
The Reverend Canon Beth Bretzlaff, Rector
The Reverend Dr Caroline Ducros, Deacon
BGen (Ret’d) The Venerable John Fletcher, Honourary Assistant
The Reverend Canon Dr Gary Hauch, Honourary Assistant
The Reverend Michael Hicks, Honourary Assistant Emeritus
Dr Gordon Johnston, FRCCO, Organist and Choirmaster
Laura Macdonald, Church Administrator
Detlef Dransch, Rector’s Warden
Kathleen Arsenault, Peoples' Warden
Bev Humphries, Deputy Warden