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Dear Parish Family,

I greatly appreciate your prayers and have been touched by those reaching out to check in on me while I was down with a double-whammy of infections - both Covid and strep. I am thankful for Deacon Suzy and everyone else who stepped in and stepped up during my illness.

For quite some time, I have had a continuing education trip planned for next week. While my plans have shifted slightly while I catch up following my illness, I will still be taking some time away from Sunday, September 10 to Saturday, September 16. During this time, I will be rejoining my cohort of Trinity Leadership Fellows in New York as we transition into our second year of the program. I am thankful for Fr. Rod Pierce, who will be preaching and celebrating in my stead this Sunday, September 10.

I look forward to being back at St. James on Sunday, September 17. In the meantime, please contact Deacon Suzy (417-848-0081) for any pastoral needs or emergencies.

In Christ,
Fr Isaac

Animal Blessings and Mass on the Grass:

Saturday, October 7 - 11am

Youth Game Night

Get ready to game! Friday Evening, September 15, the Diocesan Youth Missioner will be hosting a Youth Game Night at St. James. Youth from 6th – 12th grade will be invited for an evening of food, games, and fun!

Learn more and register here

Children's Sunday School
9:30 am in the Conference Room
Adult Formation
9:30 am
A study of Ecclesiastes
As I mentioned in Sunday's announcements, I encourage each of you to subscribe to our diocesan newsletter. Not only are there numerous diocesan events and stories from around the diocese worth sharing, it is critical that we all stay informed in this season of episcopal transition. At our Annual Convention in November, we will be voting both on a brand-new budget (created "from the ground up" with input across the diocese at every step of the way) and on the proposed process of electing our next bishop.

As Episcopalians, we are not merely an association of parishes but are members of our diocese, The Diocese of West Missouri, which functions with collaboration and collegiality under a bishop (an episcopos). The "basic unit of the Church," then, is the diocese, rather than the parish. Our participation in the diocese is more than paying our share, being visited by the bishop, and hosting diocesan events; we send delegates to our deanery (local grouping of parishes within the diocese) and diocesan meetings, your clergy participate in the councils and committees of the diocese, our own Dr. Jeremy Chesman sits on the diocesan Standing Committee (the counterpart to the Bishop), and in many additional ways we share in the life of our diocese.

These are a few ways you can be informed on our diocesan life:
  • Subscribe to the twice-monthly diocesan newsletter and event updates here: NewSpirit Sign-up
  • View and register for upcoming events here: Diocesan Events
  • Upcoming events include youth game night, youth lock-in, diversity workshop, book club, trainings, webinars, retreats, and more
  • Learn more about the bishop search process and apply to serve on one of the committees for that process here: Bishop Search
  • View the preliminary information for our Diocesan Convention and learn about serving on diocesan committees or submitting resolutions here: Annual Convention

Do note that our diocesan website ( and the parallel news ( and administration ( sites will soon be streamlined into a brand-new and much more helpful website, with an intended launch in late October.

I think it is highly important for us to remember and live into the shared life of our diocese. Christ prayed that his followers would be united and love one another, and this expression of ecumenism allows us one way to express that unity and love.

In Christ,
Fr Isaac

Celebrations & Prayers This Month

This Week

Happy Birthdays

Michael Bishop-Jones    09/18

Collin Larimore                09/19

Karli Monteleon               09/20

Robert Lanning                09/22

Jim Parmenter                 09/22

Gerald Snow                      09/23


 Happy Anniversary

  Prayers for Families This Week

Larimore, Luther, Lynch

Flowers were given in the glory of God


Altar Schedule
Altar Guild

Terry Abshire, Vickie Hamilton

Celebrant, Preacher

The Rev. Isaac Petty  

The Rev. Suzy Lynch

1st Reading
2nd Reading

Lisa Pruitt    


Mary Torres

Prayers of the people
Eucharistic Minister 1
Eucharistic Minister 2

Dr. Chris Dodson

Jim Lynch

Jim Lynch