
July 14, 2024

15th Sunday, Ordinary Time

To know the Holy Spirit and Live the Life of Christ


27 years ago today I was ordained a priest at Saint Mary’s Cathedral in Portland, Oregon. I cannot be even begin to tell you the love and joy I share with you on this journey. And we only gettin’ started! From my heart to yours – thank you. 

It is amazing to reflect on where God has taken me physically on this earth, but infinitely more amazing where he is taken me spiritually into his very own life. Look where he has me today as a priest- in Australia sharing His endless Good News, which is ever new. It has been so powerful! 

Here are a few photos of my journey. A picture of me as a young child in Sublimity, Oregon and then some recent photos of celebrating His love and the Eucharist! Also, there is a video of Charbel Raish, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and myself at the famous Bondi beach in Sydney Australia.

All Glory to God!

You are loved!

+Fr John Amsberry

3 Things You Need to Know

July 28 - RSVP: HERE

Burgers RSVP: HERE

Tongan Luau - August 24

Upcoming Parish Events

July 23 - Burgers n Brew night (women), FJs backyard 6:30-8:00 pm

$20.00 at the door - all welcome. RSVP

July 24 - Burgers n Brew night (men), FJs backyard 6:30 - 8:00 pm

$20.00 at the door - all welcome. RSVP

July 28 - Father John's 60th Bday Celebration after 10 am Mass

Phil's BBQ and more. RSVP

August 24 - Tongan Luau - Save the Date

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Special Announcements:

July 27 - One Day Retreat for Men & Women who have lost a spouse by divorce, separation, & death. Flyer

Youth Ministry

Gathering High School Youth Ministry

Summer Events

July 14-19 - Edge Camp (Middle School)

Logan Boles Youth Minister: WEBSITE / EMAIL

Patrick Harris Jr High Youth Minister: EMAIL

Young Adult Ministry

Upcoming YAM events

July 13 (Sat.) - Beach Hang

5pm La Jolla Shores

Please bring a beach chair & towel

July 18 (Thurs.) - Bible Study

6:30pm-8pm Borromeo Room

July 25 (Thurs.) - Bible Study

6:30pm-8pm Borromeo Room

Charmagne Marsala - Young Adult Minister: Email Website

Social Media: Insta - scb_yam

Daily Mass Intentions for this Week

Sunday, July 14, 8:00 - Father John Amsberry (birthday)

Sunday, July 14, 10:00 - People of the Parish

Tuesday, July 16 - Karen Hoffman†

Wednesday, July 17 - Erik Findling

Thursday, July 18 - Colleen Damron

Friday, July 19 - Niel Nielsen†

Giving Update

Plate 3,013.00 • Envelopes 1,104.00 • Online 10,754.00

Total: 14,871.00

Thank You



FJ's Podcast


FJ's FB and Videos

3 BIG Things

Saint Charles Borromeo Church

(619) 225-8157


2802 Cadiz Street, SD, CA 92110

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Reporting Sexual Abuse: Complaints about sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or by a parish or Catholic school employee or volunteer can be made by contacting the Diocese, at 858-490-8353 or Click Here.