St. Bride's Church
621 N. Sparrow Road; Chesapeake, VA 23325  
  (757) 420 - 7033
September 1, 2021

Fr. Jesse Lassiter, Celebrant

Mass this week:
11:00 am Sunday, High Mass

9:00 am Wednesday, Low Mass
Bible Study
 7 PM Wednesdays
at St. Peter's in the Library.
We will be studying the readings for Sunday.
Enter through the door by the office.

The Rosary Group and the Choir

Both the Rosary and Choir practice will resume on Thursday September 9th.
Rosary 7:00 pm
Choir practice 7:30 pm

In preparation for resuming services with a full compliment of acolytes, Fr. Jesse will be holding a training in September. If you are interested in participating as lay reader,
torch bearer, thurifer or server please let Fr. Jesse or Mary Lovell know.
Flower and candle dedications
Some Dates for flower and candle dedications are available
through the end of the year. 
They are:
Mary Candle: available on any date until December and on December 26
Advent Candle (big candles in wreath) Available 11/31, 12/7, 12/14 and 12/21
Mary Flowers: September 19 and 26, October 3 and 17, November 21
Altar Flowers: September 19 and October 17

Your dedications may be in thanksgiving for an event or person or in memory of a person.
Suggested donations are:
Mary Candles      $5.00.
Advent Candles   $5.00.
Mary Flowers      $10.00.
Altar Flowers       $45.00.

Mark the Sunday on the Flower and Candle chart on the bulletin board and fill out a form for the office.  You may place your donation in the alms basin or turn it into the office. Please mark it “Flowers” or “Candles”. 
Sharing our Wealth
Prior to her death Carolyn Martin made a bequest of her
Prie Dieu (Prayer Desk) to St. Bride’s. It is used in the Priest’s office and at the Altar of Repose. Recently, we received a telephone call from a local church asking if we had a prayer desk they could borrow for the installation of their new pastor. We were happy to be able to accommodate them. We are grateful for all bequests, both monetary and corporal, which we have received over the years. Please know that we cherish them and remember the donors often in prayer.
Flower Vases Needed
As you begin your Fall clean up at home, please bring any glass vases in which you may
have gotten delivery flowers to church. We use them to take flowers to our shut-ins.
You may leave them in the kitchen.

At this time, although the Diocese is not imposing any diocesan wide mandates, the Diocese strongly encourages indoor masking during public worship.

  1. Please mask if you are un-vaccinated
  2. Please mask if you are un-able to be vaccinated
  3. If for any reason you are uncomfortable un-masked, please mask.
  4. Please do not mask if you have a medical reason not to.

Remember that a person's reason for masking or un-masking IS NOT OUR BUSINESS. We ask that you refrain from discussion of vaccination or masking in keeping with our long standing policy of avoiding political discussions at St. Bride's.

Please sit where you like, but do be aware of people's need for space. Social distance as possible.

While it is helpful if you bring bulletins or trash out to the bins, missals, prayer books and hymnals may remain in the pews.

As we have a number of people for whom close contact is still not a good idea, we will continue to pass the Peace with a solemn bow.

The Passing of the Peace should be managed reverently and with no talking other than the authorized responses in the missal. If someone offers to physically Pass the Peace it is fine to fold your hands and bow instead of shaking hands.
Please do what is safe for your situation.

We know that some people are not yet able to participate in church in person.
The absent members of the congregation will be remembered in prayer.

Lovely Plates
These lovely plates were found in the kitchen cabinets.
Do they belong to you?
Please pick them up on Sunday or let the office know they are
yours so that we may return them.
Baby Announcement
Fr. Jesse and Sophia are pleased to announce that they are expecting their first child.
The baby will arrive in Mid-March.
Happy September Birthdays!
September 2nd - Sandy Lynn
September 3rd - Florence Cupschalk
September 10th - Jacob Zepnikowski and Zachary Zepnikowski
September 11th - Selma Harriet-Hodge
September 13th - Glen Hodge
September 16th - David Greenfield
September 17 - Pete McCoy
September 21st - Ardel Williams
September 24th - Chris Kuhn
September 26th - Kathy Probst
Happy September Anniversaries!
September 24th - David and Lynn Greenfield
Anniversary of Ordination
September 22 - Fr. Jesse Lassiter
Geralyn will be on vacation September 5 - 9.

Mary Lovell's office hours: Wednesday 9-11.
Please call Mary Lovell at 757-237-2503, if you need anything! 

Fr. Jesse's regularly scheduled days off are Tuesday and Saturday.
Appointments available.
In case of emergency call Fr. Jesse at 1-386-566-1967