Распоред Богослужења зa наредну недељу:

Четвртак, 27. септембар - Крстовдан - Литургија у 9 ч
Субота, 29. септембар - Вечерње - 18 ч
Литургија недељом је у редовно време у 9 ујутру.

Schedule of Services for the next week:

Thursday, September 27th - The Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross - Liturgy at 9am
Saturday, September 29th - Vespers - 6 pm
Every Sunday Liturgy is served at 9 am.
Честитамо од срца Дону и Милици Погорзелски на заслуженој Грамати, хвала вам за све што сте учинили за Српску Православну цркву.
Congratulations to Don and Milica Pogorzelski on receiving a well deserved Grammation, thank you for everything you have done for Serbian Orthodox Church.
In Memoriam
Alexander Grkovich
Alexander Grkovich, age 69, passed away peacefully surrounded by family and friends by his side on Sunday, September 16, 2018 after a courageous battle with cancer.

He was born on November 25, 1948, in Jackson, Michigan to Rada and Bozidar Grkovich. He was a graduate of University of Windsor, Ontario with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He was married to Ljiljana (Kondic) in December 1974.

Alex loved life and had many hobbies and pursuits. Early in life he became an accomplished violist while also developing a love for the outdoors and nature. Living on a farm in Michigan he discovered his lifelong passion for collecting butterflies. Butterfly collecting took him to many beautiful places around the world and culminated in the development of an impressive collection which he delighted in sharing with others. He contributed to the advancement of scientific research in lepidoptery, and has had several works published. Later in his life, while actively fighting cancer, he set out to achieve a life-long goal of mastering martial arts. After several years of dedicated practice, he earned his black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do. He was also an avid sports fan, particularly of the Detroit Red Wings and Tigers. He had a childlike love and appreciation for animals, especially his beloved Siamese cat – DC.

Alex was kind and caring, beloved by many for his friendly, optimistic disposition. He was a positive influence in many lives. He loved spending time with friends and family – having coffee, watching old movies, and telling jokes. He was a devout Orthodox Christian with a deep interest in the study of scripture and was devoted to sharing a wealth of knowledge and insight. He was a founding member, board member, Sunday school teacher, altar server, and tonsured reader at St. Sava Orthodox Cathedral in Cambridge, MA. He was also a longtime parishioner of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Boston, MA. He derived great joy from attending services and listening to hymns.

Alex is preceded in death by his parents, Rada and Bozidar. He is survived by his wife Ljiljana, his sons Andrej and Danilo, their wives Christine and Anne, his grandchildren Olympia and Sophia, his brother Milan, his nieces Veronica and Melanie, his nephews Jack and Danny, his brother-in-law Mickey, and his sister-in-law Dusanka.

Donations to honor Alexander Grkovich can be made to the Cathedral for the Seminary Student Fund. 

Obituary posted on  Rogers Funeral Home  where you can leave an electronic message.
Позивамо вас на концерт ансамбла Талија из Београда, у петак, 5. октобра, 2018., са почетком у 19 ч , у сали Српске Православне катедрале Свети Сава у Кембриџу.

Купите карте унапред, по сниженој цени (кликом на постер изнад добијате више информација).

Цене улазница:
  1. Уколико купите унапред - $20
  2. На улазу - $30
  3. Студенти и пензионери - $15
  4. Улаз бесплатан за децу млађу од 12 година.
You are invited to the Talija Performance on Friday, October 5th, 2018 at 7 pm. at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral Hall.

You may purchase your tickets by clicking on the poster above.
For adults (if purchased online prior to the event) - $20
If purchased at the event - $30
Students and senior citizens - $15
Children under the age of 12 - free.
Промоција новог романа Владимира Пиштала
Са великим задовољством вас позивамо на промоцију новог романа Владимира Пиштала „Сунце овог дана: Писмо Андрићу ", уз присуство писца:

Субота, 20. октобар, 19:00ч
Сала Храма Св. Саве у Kембриџу
Адреса:    41 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Cambridge, MA 02140
Улаз слободан
Ово књижевно вече организујемо четири године након успешне промоције на истом месту Пишталовог романа „Тесла, портерт међу маскама".
Од прошлогодишњег изласка романа „Сунце овог дана," Владимир Пиштало, наш ,такорећи, локални писац, је пропутовао више од 40 градова у Србији, и такође је имао веома успешне промоције по Kини, Немачкој, Аустрији, Аустралији, Индији и свим земљама региона.
Нови роман и друге пишчеве књиге ће моћи да се купе на лицу места, а после промоције, књижевник ће потписивати своја дела читаоцима.
Недеља 17. по Духовима

"(И изишавши оданде) Исус отиде у крајеве тирске и сидонске. И гле, жена Хананејка изађе из оних крајева, и повика к Њему говорећи: Помилуј ме Господе сине Давидов! Моју кћер врло мучи ђаво. А Он јој не одговори ни речи. И приступивши ученици Његови мољаху Га говорећи: Отпусти је, како виче за нама. А Он одговарајући рече: Ја сам послан само к изгубљеним овцама дома Израиљевог. А она приступивши поклони Му се говорећи: Господе помози ми! А Он одговарајући рече: Није добро узети од деце хлеб и бацити псима. А она рече: Да, Господе, али и пси једу од мрва што падају с трпезе њихових господара. Тада одговори Исус, и рече јој: О жено! Велика је вера твоја; нека ти буде како хоћеш. И оздрави кћи њена од оног часа." (Мт.15,21-28);

Сав наш свакидашњи живот препун је поуке о истрајности, која представља слику оне духовне истрајности коју ми треба да имамо у глачању и култивисању нашег срца, у исхрани и богаћењу наше душе, нашег унутрашњег непропадљивог и бесмртног бића.
Данашње Јеванђеље такође говори о прекрасном примеру истрајности у вери и молитви једне обичне жене, и то једне незнабошкиње. Нека тај пример падне као живи огањ на савест свих оних који се зову вернима а који су у молитви као тврдо и мртво камење.
Господ и Спаситељ наш Исус Христос отишавши из Галилеје и дошавши у крајеве Тирске и Сидонске одседе у једној кући, желећи да нико не чује за њега. Међутим, једна жена Хананејка, силом своје вере, ипак га пронађе и "повика к њему говорећи: смилуј се на мене, Господе сине Давидов! Моју кћер мучи ђаво".
Погледајмо, браћо и сестре, колика је вера ове жене незнабошкиње. Чувши истинита сведочанства о чудима Христовим која су се разнела по околним народима, она је снагом вере дознала о доласку Христа у њен крај, пронашла га и молила у њега милост ословљавајући га Господом и сином Давидовим. Колико има нас назовихришћана који не знамо за веру у њеном духовном значењу, у њеној свемоћи коју Бог даје свима који је развију у души својој. Многи од нас имају само веру као средство за распознавање, као нешто по чему се разликују од других. Међутим, вера је нешто друго, нешто о чему се говори у данашњем јеванђељу, нешто што нам Господ појашњава преко примера жене.
Господ је желео да ова жена послужи као пример свим будућим генерацијама хришћана како треба да верујемо у Бога и свемоћ његову, како треба да се надамо у милост његову, како да смирено примамо понижења која нам доносе разноврсне ситуације и догађаји. Из тог разлога Господ не одговора на молбу жене Хананејке, што код његових ученика изазива сажаљење те моле Учитеља "да је отпусти како не би викала за њима". Али, Господ је хтео да потпуно открије величину женине вере и заблуду скучених јеврејских појмова, па одговара Својим ученицима: "Ја сам послан само к изгубљеним овцама дома Израиљева". Овим одговором ученицима, Господ одговара читавом јеврејском народу да Бог не води бригу само о Јеврејима, него и о сваком створењу Своме у коме обитава "душа жива". Господ жели да ученици увиде како је схватање јеврејског народа утолико погрешно уколико се тај народ изметнуо и од Бога одметнуо, те Христа Господа одгурнуо и презрео. Са друге стране, одговор Господа ученицима даје повод жени Хананејки да клекне пред њим и замоли га за помоћ. Она чврсто верује да Господ може исцелити њену болесну кћерку и ћини све да и телесним покретима покаже своје душевно стање. Она је засигурно обишла све лекаре и врачаре у своме народу, али без успеха. Бесомучна кћер је остала бесомучна.
Застанимо мало, браћо и сестре, на овом делу приче и погледајмо свој живот: да нисмо и ми као та несрећна жена? Да не тражимо и ми, као и она, помоћ тамо где је нећемо наћи, него ћемо још веће зло навући на себе и своје породице? Да и ми не обилазимо разне самозване лекаре, гатаре и врачаре и код њих тражимо помоћ? Сетимо се и ако тога има, покајмо се за то и приђимо Христу, код кога је изобиље свега што нама треба како у овом земаљском животу, тако и у оном вечном, који и јесте живот у свој пуноти. На тај вечни живот увек треба да мислимо и много жртве и труда улажемо да бисмо га својим овоземаљским делима заслужили, надајући се на милост и помоћ Божју.
Вратимо се јеванђелској причи и послушајмо шта Господ Исус Христос одговара жени Хананејки: "А он одговори и рече: није добро узети од деце хлеб и бацити псима". Овим одговором Господ обелодањује мане народа којима су припадали његови ученици и жена Хананејка. Наиме, Јевреји су само себе сматрали децом Божјом и све остале народе псима, а незнабошци су служили демонима кроз кипове и остале мртве предмете, кроз разне гатарије и нечисте жртве. Господ је одговором хтео да револтира своје ученике против јеврејске злобне искључивости, а жену Хананејку да одврати од службе ђаволима, од којих је и дошла болест њезиној кћери.
Тада је ова изузетна жена - већа по вери и од изабраних Јевреја и од презрених незнабожаца - одговорила Господу: "Да, Господе! Али и пси једу од мрва што падају с трпезе њихових господара".
Видимо, браћо и сестре, колика је кротост ове смирене жене пред Господом и колика је љубав њена према својој болној кћери. Њу не вређа ни називање псетом, нити се она - мада боља од Јевреја - либи да назове Јевреје господарима. Њена вера јој омогућава да брзо схвати сликовите и пренесене речи Спаситељеве. Вера је умудрује и омогућава јој да изговори најпогодније речи. Да је ова жена била рођена кћер Аврамова не би могла јасније показати своју веру него што је показала. То потврђују речи Спаситељеве у наставку приче: "О, жено! Велика је вера твоја; нека ти буде како желис. И оздрави кћи њезина онога часа".
Вера састављена са кротошћу и смирењем учини да оздрави кћерка жене Хананејке. Вера која види испред себе Господа који чини чуда може све и не познаје никакве препреке. Научимо се и ми да пробудимо веру у душама својим као жена Хананејка. Не чекајмо да нас задесе невоље па да почнемо веровати, него похитајмо да чистимо душе своје од прљавштине греха молитвом и постом, те хришћанским делима љубави према Богу и ближњима својим. Прилазимо Богу делима учињеним из љубави и негујмо истинску веру, смирење и кротост, исповедајмо грехове своје и кајмо се због њих, опраштајмо другима сагрешења њихова према нама да би Бог опростио наша сагрешења која смо учинили према њему и закону његовом.
Негујмо веру у душама својим и узносимо хвалу Богу, Тројици једнобитној и нераздељној, Оцу и Сину и Светоме Духу, за све и за сва, вавек. Амин.
The 17 th Sunday after Pentecost
The Canaanite Woman
Matthew 15:21-28

Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. {22} And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. {23} But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. {24} But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. {25} Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. {26} But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs. {27} And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. {28} Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. [i]
Today is the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost and also the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Precious and life-giving cross. Therefore, we have as one of the gospel readings the passage about taking up the cross and denying oneself, which is always read on the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross. We also have before us the spectacle of the Canaanite woman. Indeed at that time, when she begged for and received the healing of her daughter, she was surely quite a spectacle. She was crying after our Lord, crying after his disciples, and trying to get his attention, because of her extreme need. We can learn many things from this woman. Of course, we can learn about humility, but there is something even more profound about this woman. Our Lord names it himself -- her faith. Out of her faith came her humility. 

Our Lord is going along the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. This was the land of the Gentiles. He was actually escaping from the Jews, who could not His testimony concerning Himself, recorded only in the Gospel of St. John. He called Himself the bread of life, and told that we must eat this bread in order to have salvation. The Jews (those who did not believe of course) could not stand that. They could not understand it, because they were carnal and temporal people. After His discourse, many that had been following Him left. There was a tumult concerning him, and much anger. At this time, and even before then, there was a conspiracy among some that wanted to kill our Lord. He died at the time he wanted to die, and escaped from the conspirators many times. He would go into hiding for periods of time, in order and teach his disciples privately, and also to make available to us important incidents for our benefit, such as when he met the woman at the well, St. Photini, or when this woman of Canaan shows such great faith. 

Our Lord is in the land of the Gentiles, and he is just passing through. He is not on a mission of ministry there at all, since he said he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. The vast majority of what He said and did was to the Jews. Later, the floodgates were opened, when it was the right time, and all men were made aware of the salvation of God. This would be a task for the Apostles, and indeed, the whole church, to do. 

This woman comes and begs Him to heal her daughter, many many times. I think also of the blind men, who also entreated Him, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David. And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David.” [ii] . So also did blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus entreat our Lord with great persistence: “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.” [iii] Jesus rewarded this man with object of his desire, and also commended him about his great faith. These few also were very persistent, as this Canaanite woman was. In this society, it would have been a spectacle for a woman to do this, and even a Gentile woman at that. 

She says “Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.” [iv] . Notice that she says “Have mercy on me." Our Lord does not rebuke her for this. The desires of our heart God will give, if we ask with a pure heart, and with a persistence that shows we believe. If we ask for mercy upon ourselves, aren’t we also asking for mercy for those we love and care about? When we pray for mercy, we certainly will be thinking of our family, our brothers and sisters, and those we love, because their well being is certainly the desire of our heart. God will grant our desires, and we do not have to be so precise - “Lord have mercy on George because of this problem, or John because of that problem”-- all we need do is ask God for mercy, and in a simple way make our need known, to the One who already knows. 

When the blessed woman finally got his attention, she said what her problem was: “my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.” And he did not say anything. He ignored her, and the indication from the text is that this went on for quite some time. She was imprecating him over and over as he walked on the road, ignoring her. Even the Apostles were asking Him to send her away. The Fathers think that the Apostles had tried to be her advocate, but at length they had tired of her. This woman has no friends in the world. She is completely alone, and she is crying out to the only one she thinks can help her, and He is not listening. But she keeps trying. She comes and worships Him: ”Lord help me."

He answers her in a way that seems to our pampered egos to be very harsh. “It is not meet to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs.” [v] The children are the Jews, the bread is Him, and the dog --- is her. He called her a dog! In that time, to be called a dog was considered one of the greatest insults. This woman does not recoil from this insult. And our Lord knew this, and that her reaction would show her great faith and humility, born of faith. Or shall I say, the application of her faith. If you believe something and do not act upon it, it is completely useless to you. This woman answers wondrously: “Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." [vi]

What a spectacle we have here, of incredible humility! However, take note, brothers and sisters, this humility is founded on knowledge, and he acting upon this knowledge. She was bold. She went to our Lord, and thrust herself in front of him, and she begged mercy of him, because She knew WHO HE WAS. She also knew who she was. When He said she was a dog, she accepted that, because she knew it was true. But she also knew that He was the Lord, and that he could heal her daughter, and indeed would heal her daughter. That is why she spent so much time pursuing Him, and surmounted so many obstacles that would stop those of less faith.

The Lord said to her: “Woman, great is thy faith”, and then he healed her daughter. How can there be such a miracle? The key is to know Christ. If we know Christ, then He will teach us all things. How in the world can we do this?

The Epistle from the Sunday after the Exaltation gives us a clue. The Apostle says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God.” [vii] The sentence has seeming contradictions -- “I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." To know Christ, and to have Him live within you, that is the source of all of our knowledge, and our humility. A man who begins to know Christ will also begin to know himself, and he will know that he is a dog, or a worm, or any of the other epithets by which the fathers refer to themselves in their prayers. If you look at the way the Fathers view themselves in all of their holy prayers -- it is amazing -- they were saints, and yet they thought of themselves as the lowest of humanity, and yet, in the midst of their low opinion of themselves, they had boldness before Christ. How can this be?

It can only be -- when Christ lives within you. It is the only way that a man can have boldness before God -- to have God living in him. As God lives within you, you change in your life, because our life is full of change. We either change by going away from God, or going towards Him. The Christian life is the amendment of ourselves. It is the gradual acquisition of the Holy Spirit. It is becoming holy. As we become more holy, we acquire more knowledge, and the application of that knowledge will truly be pleasing to God.. 

A key to obtaining Christ, and having this knowledge of God, and therefore the boldness and humility, which are side by side with one another is to deny ourselves. Our society is full of self-indulgence. It is never really been significantly different, but nowadays, we have the technology to indulge ourselves almost any time we want and in any way we want. Before, it was a little harder, because if you did not scratch a living out of the earth, you would not eat. So you had to do some work, and work very diligently just to take care of the necessities of life. Now, in our industrial society, we have more free time, but so many of us are not free, because we are captive to our passions, and do not deny ourselves. 

The church, in her wisdom, knows that she must teach us this important truth -- built into our character -- that if we do not deny ourselves in a pursuit, we will not be successful in it. If you do not deny yourself when you wish to learn something that is difficult by studying it when you would rather be playing basketball or watching television, or some other indulgence, then you will not learn that which you say you want to know. If you do not deny yourself by fasting, and by attending the services even when they are difficult, and by praying even when you are tired, and by forgiving when you do not want to forgive, and by swallowing your anger when you are angry, and by looking away when you have trouble with a lustful thought -- if you do not deny yourself in these ways, and the myriad other things that your conscience convicts you of, and you know God wants you to do, then you will not grow. If you do not grow, then you will shrivel, and you will die. 

The Christian life is growing towards God, it is becoming more like Him. We either become more like Him, or we lose the likeness of Him in ourselves. If this happens, when we are judged, God will say: 'I don’t know who you are. I don’t know you because you are not like me. You had the opportunity to be like Me. I gave you every bit of knowledge that was necessary, but you squandered it. You wanted to do things your own way.'

This woman of Canaan, a pagan woman, a gentile, and outcast, she shows us the real truth of the matter. She, who not had Christ revealed to her in writing, or speech, knew Him. She was humble and bold in her humility. Again, I say, in the Christian life, the two are the same. In secular life, they are not at all the same, but in the Christian life, some one who is humble is bold before God, because he knows Who God IS, and he knows who he is, and he lives in a constant effort to be more like God in holiness and knowledge. That’s what we should try to obtain -- this knowledge, and then we will obtain the things we wish from God. God help us to be humble and to be bold before Christ. Amen
  Fr. Aleksandar Vlajkovic -  fatheraco@stsavaboston.org
Christopher Tehlirian -  president@stsavaboston.org
Stanislava Ristanovic -  parishoffice@stsavaboston.org