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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

July 24-30, 2022

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): CameronGillespie

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Paul Hance

Acolyte: Karis Ford

   Ushers: Bill Olson & Lee Conditt

Technical Support: Jon Healey

Altar Guild: Kim Dunlap & Jo Cargill-Krug

Community Meal (7/27/2022):  Team Bumpers

This Sunday’s flowers are given by Ansel Ponder & Ann Rhodes to the glory of God and in loving memory of Paul T. Rhodes on his birthday.

Upcoming Events & News

Shrimp Dinner Postponed: With the number of active cases of the AB-5 variant in our community, the Churchmen’s Club has decided to postpone its Annual Shrimp Dinner to a date yet to be determined.   

Care Team Meeting: The care team will meet on this Sunday, July 24th at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Tammy Kipfer will prepare the main dish and others are invited to bring side dishes, desserts, or appetizers. 

Pub Theology: Pub Theology will meet this Tuesday, July 26th at Las Playitas at 6:00 pm. We will meet in their private room. 

Yoga at St. Paul’s: Yoga on Monday evenings will be taking a pause for the remainder of the summer; it will resume in the fall. Future updates will be noted here. 

Forward Day by Day: The August, September, and October issue of Forward Day by Day has arrived and will be available for you to pick up this Sunday in the Narthex and in the office during the week. We will also mail you a copy if you wish – please call or email Katie if you would like her to mail one to you.

Giving to St. Paul’s: For those attending online, there are three ways to give: you may mail your gifts to St. Paul’s at PO Box 2255, Batesville, AR. 72503, or make an online contribution by going to our website ( and following the link to make a contribution. You may also set up automatic payments through your bank’s Bill Pay service. 

St. Paul’s Prayer List: 

Intercessions: Dorla Guenzel, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, John & Susan Dempsey, Clint Callahan, Jim Johnson, Mark Shreve, Rhonda Mundy, Mike Smith, Tammy Kipfer, Angela Wilcoxon, Patricia Smith and Joan Davidson.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Glynnis, David, Pam Brown, Frank Herron, Jim Wilson, Finn Mitchell, Benjamin Mitchell, David Yates, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Terry Presley, Charlotte & Jim Franklin, Larry Linder, Gary, Phyllis & Gary Bratton, Peggy, Sarah, Brady & Cody, Patsy Waren, Nick Avant, Linda Moe, Rebetta Gillespie, Olivia, Wendell, Elbert, Stacey and Will Lindsey, Tom Bradshaw, Byron Difani, Dennis Brooks, Brooks Snow, Landon Terry, Alan Sickle, Fred Denison Sr., Frances Mathis, Blaine Blakley, Carol Robertson, Suzie Coleman Rash and Megan.

In Memoriam: Claudia Hedden.

Birthdays & Anniversaries: Lua Jones (7/29).

Worship Online

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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