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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

September 11-17, 2022

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Dave Allen

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Brenda Bittle

Acolyte: Karis Ford

   Ushers: Bill Olson & Lee Conditt

Technical Support: Steve Massey

Altar Guild: Martha Healey & Janie Starnes

Community Meal (9/14/2022):  Team Wray

This Sunday’s flowers are given by Betty Bess to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for our church family, and to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

Upcoming Events & News

Office Early Closing: Katie will be in the office from 8-10:30am Monday, September 12th. Normal hours will remain the same for the rest of the week.

Sunday School: Children’s Sunday School resumes this Sunday, September 11th. It will begin at 9:30 am. As before, our children will remain in Sunday School until we exchange the peace. Parents are invited to attend our new Adult Sunday School class that will also begin at 9:30.

Adult Sunday School: This Sunday, September 11th, we will begin offering a Lectionary Study Sunday School class for adults. This class will be held in the Parish Hall. This is a simple Bible Study that requires no preparation. 

Shrimp Dinner: The Churchmen’s Club will host the long-awaited Shrimp Dinner on Thursday, September 29th at 6pm in the Parish Hall. Tickets are available for purchase in the office as well from various Churchmen Club members. This year, the number of tickets has been reduced to allow for more spacing. Make sure you get your tickets early this year!

Eighth Annual Camp Mitchell Board of Visitors Fundraiser: The Camp Mitchell Board of Visitors will hold its annual fundraiser at Camp Mitchell on Saturday, Sept. 24th, starting at 9 a.m. There will be a celebration of Eucharist (with Fr. Jim preaching), as well as updates, a silent auction, and lunch.  Register at Eventbrite before Sept. 14th if you would like lunch.

Join Episcopal Church Women and Daughters of the King for a Joint Venture Book Club on Zoom: Dee Sanders will lead in a discussion of Let Your Life Speak by Parker J. Palmer. September 29th will cover Chapters 1-3 & October 5th will cover Chapters 4-5; both times are from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Join for one session or both! Preregistration is required using the link provided; to preregister, click here. Books can be purchased through your local bookstore or through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and

Episcopal Church Women Fall Gathering: Save the date, October 22, 2022, to attend the ECW Fall Gathering at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Heber Springs. Come and see women from around the Diocese of Arkansas read their offerings from the book featuring the authors of ECW’s book Surrounded by a Cloud of Witness II. Books will be available to purchase.

COVID Update: Independence County is considered a “hot spot” for COVID in Arkansas. We will continue to serve communion from in front of the chancel steps until our numbers improve. 

Giving to St. Paul’s: For those attending online, there are three ways to give: you may mail your gifts to St. Paul’s at PO Box 2255, Batesville, AR. 72503, or make an online contribution by going to our website ( and following the link to make a contribution. You may also set up automatic payments through your bank’s Bill Pay service. 

St. Paul’s Prayer List: 

Intercessions:  Dorla Guenzel, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, John & Susan Dempsey, Clint Callahan, Jim Johnson, Mark Shreve, Tammy Kipfer, Angela Wilcoxon, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Bill Olson, Sally Fittsizer, Uwe Grahn, Dana Bone Teichart, Machelle Christiansen, Cathy McDonald, Brenda Bittle, Tedo Manley and Gary Perkey.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Glynnis, David, Pam Brown, Jim Wilson, Finn Mitchell, David Yates, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Terry Presley, Charlotte & Jim Franklin, Larry Linder, Gary, Phyllis & Gary Bratton, Peggy, Sarah, Brady & Cody, Patsy Waren, Linda Moe, Olivia, Wendell, Tom Bradshaw, Byron Difani, Dennis Brooks, Landon Terry, Alan Sickle, Fred Denison Sr., Carol Robertson, Suzie Coleman Rash, Jennifer Huskins, Yvonne Adams, Jack Ludlow & Gretchen Hines, Frances Mathis, Cathy Harrington, Evie Dowell, Perry, the families of Mossolene Smith & Tim McKinney, the Zagaar family, and Jacqueline Levey.

Birthdays & Anniversaries: Jamie Bridgers (9/12), Lachlyn Dore (9/12), Jim McDonald+(9/13), Michelle Warden (9/14), Lee Conditt (9/15), Steve Massey (9/16), Dave & Cindy Allen (9/11), Lloyd & Betty Bess (9/12), Lee & Sabrina Conditt (9/15) and Fred Krug & Jo Cargill-Krug (9/16). 

Worship Online

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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