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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

May 21-27, 2023

Upcoming Events & News

Choral Evensong: Please note that the date has changed for Evensong. Our next Choral Evensong service will be held on May 28th at 5:00 p.m. Please spread the word and invite guests. Anyone interested in hosting a small reception following the service, please contact the church office or Sarah Harmon.

Bishop’s Visit: Bishop Benfield will be at St. Paul’s on June 4th to celebrate our Eucharist and Confirm, Receive and Renew Baptismal Vows. He is retiring, so this will be his last visit to St. Paul’s. In honor of his ministry and the newly confirmed, we will have a Potluck after the 10:30 service. 

Shrimp Dinner Tickets: The Churchman’s Club will host its annual Shrimp Dinner on Thursday, June 8th at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $35.00 and are now available from members of the Churchman’s Club and in the church office. 

Prayer List: Please review the names you have placed on our Intercessions for Family & Friends list and let us know who needs to remain in our prayers. Katie will be updating the list after the 21st removing names from the list.

Coffee Hour: Join us for coffee hour after the 10:30 service! It’s more than just coffee and not an hour, but it is an opportunity to visit and enjoy some refreshments.

Episcopal Church Women’s Summer Quest: Registration is now open for ECW Summer Quest for June 2-4! You can register at; if you have any questions contact ECW Leadership at or Susan Moore at 501-691-9342.

St. Paul’s Prayer List:

Intercessions: Peyton Olson, Dorla Guenzel, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, John & Susan Dempsey, Jim & Deb Johnson, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Don Mills, Nelson Barnett, Karen Reynolds, Mark Shreve, Dennis Headrick, Shelba Avant, Sarah Shreve and Ann Stephenson.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Shawn Gott, Patrick Collins, Nancy Kramer, Chuck Jones, Pam Brown, Jim Wilson, Finn, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Terri Presley, Charlotte & Jim Franklin, Larry Linder, Gary, Phyllis & Gary Bratton, Peggy, Sarah, Brady & Cody, Olivia, Byron Difani, Dennis Brooks, Alan Sickel, Carol Robertson, Jennifer Huskins, Perry, Jody Gayle, Dan Hignight, Lucy Harris, Nancy, Kathy Kleveno, Marilyn McRoy, Pam Bachman, Autumn Celestine, Kitten Lawless, Braydyn Crabtree, Allan & Jenni Hunter, Cass, Jay, Lakyn Chambers, James Mosser, Vicki Bettis, C.J. Davis, Laura Reid, Howard Crosby, Jerry Daugherty, Ellen Handford Hooper, Jerry Daugherty, the Ronnie Melton family, Lovella Landsrud, Cindy Sellers Roach and Ed Kulik.

Birthdays & Anniversaries: Jessica Goodwin (5/22), Virginia Wray (5/22), David Carpenter (5/22), Chloe Davidson (5/22), Elizabeth Bumpers (5/23), and Clint Callahan & David Carpenter (5/27). 

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Cameron Gillespie

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Gary Perkey

   Ushers: Pat Mulick & Ardis Gillespie

Technical Support: Jon Healey

Altar Guild: Beverly Grigsby & Sarah Drake

Community Meal (5/24/2023):  Team Stalker

This Sunday’s altar flowers are given by Jon Healey to the glory of God and in honor of my spouse Martha, mother Patty, and sister Linda.

Worship Online

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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