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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

May 12-18, 2024


YAHOO!!!!! 😁🎆🎉🙌🏻

Upcoming Events & News

Episcopal Church Women & UTO Offering: The ECW is meeting this week for lunch at The River. We will meet at 11:00 am on Wednesday the 15th and we hope all the women of St. Paul’s will attend. We are organizing the UTO collection for Sunday.

The ECW will hand out the blue boxes for our UTO offering on Sunday the 19th of May. Please take one and fill it with gratitude! This fund has done a lot of good work for over 100 years. Let’s help it go farther! We will collect your offerings on Sunday the 16th of June. This way I can brag on you at General Convention.

Choral Evensong: Evensong will take a summer break and resume in the fall after Labor Day. Adult Sunday School will also take a summer break and resume sometime in the fall.

Bible Study on The Chosen (Season Three): The Chosen will take a break for the summer. It will resume in the fall and will begin at the beginning with Season 1 for anyone who missed out on the study this time around or who didn’t want to come in at the middle.

Coffee Hour: After the service, everyone is invited to the Parish House (two lefts at the bottom of the steps) for refreshments and fellowship. We promise you will still be able to beat the Baptists and Methodists to lunch afterwards.

Mark Your Calendars:

  • Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, May 19th 

  • Churchmen Club Shrimp Dinner: Thursday, June 6th at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall

Altar Flowers: There are some upcoming Sundays that are available for flowers. Those dates are: July 21st & 28th. Please contact Jo Cargill-Krug to reserve one of these dates.

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am-12pm. The office is closed on Wednesdays.

St. Paul’s Prayer List:

Prayer requests will stay on the Parish Prayer List for four weeks with the exception of parishioners with ongoing needs. If you wish a prayer request to remain on the list, please call the office to renew the request.

Intercessions: Peyton Olson, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, Jim & Deb Johnson, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Matt Stephenson, John & Susan Dempsey, Isabelle Tenace, Ellen Massey, Martha Healey, Bill Olson, and Jim McDonald.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Jim Wilson, Jay, Kitten Lawless, DeAnna McCool, Robin Goertz, Gerry Goertz & Jinny Goertz, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Mary Myers, Mason Evans, Mark & Jennifer, Susan, Ken Ortman, Jody Gayle, Stacey Lindsey, Tara Nance, the Sweet Family, Rebecca Ward, Annalynn Hart, Melvin & Jennie Smith, Howard Crosby, Pat Spence, Gina Layne, David Smith, Loresa Snow, Bill Waldrip, Lucy Harris, Adam M, Dwayne & Audra Stott, Keith Perkins, Bob & Jane Williamson, Jim & Charlotte, James Ward, Chip Rayford, Anna Snow, Jordy, Shelby & Penelope Rubio, Daniel & Steven King, Sherry Snow, and Mark Counts.

Birthdays & Anniversaries: Cindy Perkey (5/14), Steven Stalker (5/14), Deann Coleman (5/16), Mike Smith (5/16), Logan Warden (5/16), Tim & Kim Dunlap (5/12), Joe & Dawn James (5/12), and Chris & Suzanne Magouyrk (5/12).

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Celebrant: Dee Stayton

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Mike Schmidt

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Kay Forrest

Lector (10:30): Alexandre Tenace

Acolytes: Karis Ford

Ushers: Mike & Rhonda Mundy

Technical Support: David Taverner

Coffee Hour: Nelda Mitchell

Altar Guild: Beverly Grigsby & Sarah Drake

Community Meal (5/15/2024): Team Bumpers

This Sunday’s altar flowers are given by Shelba Avants to the glory of God and to all the mothers of St. Paul’s, especially mine, Tressie Mae Fudge.

Collect from 5/7/2024 EfM (Education for Ministry)

Dear God,

You have given us all we need; we are grateful for your love and protection. We thank you for turning our eyes & hearts from the lures of this world. We pray that we understand when enough is enough, so that we can turn our burdens over to you.


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Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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