February Epistle: Due to the inclement weather, the Epistle will be published next week! -Katie
Discretionary Fund: This Sunday the loose plate offering (gifts not designated for pledges, building, etc.) will be deposited into the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Fr. Jim uses this fund to assist people who come to our church in need of help, to purchase items for the Community Meals as needed, and to support charitable causes.
Children’s Sunday School: Make plans to join the St. Paul’s Mardi Gras parade down the aisle on Sunday, February 19th! Sunday School will start creating medallions this Sunday, February 5th at 9:30. All ages are welcome!
Pub Theology: This month’s Pub Theology will be held at US Pizza in their private room. We will gather at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, February 7th. Our discussion will begin once our orders have been taken. This a wonderful opportunity to bring a guest. Please us join for good discussion with good friends and good food!
Exciting ECW Food News! The Episcopal Church Women are planning a soup sale to be held on Saturday, February 11th in the Parish Hall. There will be quarts of soup available for purchase at $15.00/quart. Many varieties will be available. Stock up your freezer! A list of the types of soup will be posted soon. All monies raised will be donated for church projects and other good works. Good soup + good works = win/win!
Mardi Gras Party: The Churchmen’s Club is hosting their annual Mardi Gras Party in the Parish Hall Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Tickets are $25 and are available to purchase at the office or from someone in the Churchmen’s Club. Come out to support the Churchmen’s Club and enjoy gumbo & bread pudding!
Lent: The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (February 22nd) with two services, one at Noon at one at 6:00 pm. A couple of Lenten studies will be offered, one of Tuesday evenings via Zoom lead by the Rev. Katherine Wren, and one on Sunday afternoons lead by Nelson Barnett and Cathy McDonald. There is more information about these in the St. Paul’s Epistles.
Giving to St. Paul’s: For those attending online, there are three ways to give: you may mail your gifts to St. Paul’s at PO Box 2255, Batesville, AR. 72503, or make an online contribution by going to our website (stpaulsbatesville.org) and following the link to make a contribution. You may also set up automatic payments through your bank’s Bill Pay service.