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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

October 2-8, 2022

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Dave Allen

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Steve Massey

   Ushers: Mike & Rhonda Mundy

Technical Support: Jon Healey

Altar Guild: Ellen Massey & Jo Cargill-Krug

Community Meal (10/5/2022):  Team Olson

This Sunday’s flowers are given by Sandy & Nelson Barnett to the glory of God and as a loving tribute to all of our family members who have October birthdays: Lockie Barnett Jones, Sandra Slaughter Barnett, Ira Nelson Barnett, Charles Barnett Grace, Charles R. Barnett, & Anna Carol Heringer.

Upcoming Events & News

Discretionary Fund: This Sunday the loose plate offering (gifts not designated for pledges, building, etc.) will be deposited into the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Fr. Jim uses this fund to assist people who come to our church in need of help, to purchase items for the Community Meals as needed, and to support charitable causes. 

Blessing of the Animals: We will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with a pet blessing Sunday, October 2nd at 2:00 pm. Please gather in front of the Parish Hall, and if you wish to contribute to the Humane Society we will be collecting bags of dry dog or cat food. 

Pub Theology: Pub Theology now meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month. This month (October 4th) we will gather in the private room at Tavolo Italian Restaurant at 6:00 pm for fellowship and discussion. Please join us if you can; guests are always welcome!

Halloween Candy: This year the Main Street will celebrate All Hallows’ Eve on Saturday, October 29th from 5-8 pm. Literally thousands of children are expected so we are in need of a massive amount of candy to give out. It is not too soon to begin dropping off your donations in the Narthex or Church office. Volunteers are also welcome to help with giving out the candy that evening. Rhonda & Mike Mundy are heading this activity. If you have questions, please contact them.  

Bell Tower Repairs: The work has begun! The contractors have removed the old louvered windows, completed repairs to the interior rock wall and boarded up the openings while new windows are being constructed. The timing of this could not have been better. They discovered a crack in the exterior stone lintel that will need to be repaired. Had we waited longer much more extensive repairs would have been needed. 

Sunday Lectionary: Our Sunday readings come from a three-year cycle of assigned scriptures called the Revised Common Lectionary. Over the course of three years, we read our way through the books of the Bible. The lectionary readings for Sunday are now available on our website. Click on Sunday Lectionary to find the readings from the previous Sunday, this coming Sunday, and the week afterwards. During the current church seasons there is a choice of the Old Testament readings and the Psalm. We are using the second set. 

Adult Sunday School: We are now offering a Bible Study on Sunday mornings in the Parish Hall beginning at 9:30. No preparation is required; we are reading and discussing the Sunday Lectionary readings. 

Giving to St. Paul’s: For those attending online, there are three ways to give: you may mail your gifts to St. Paul’s at PO Box 2255, Batesville, AR. 72503, or make an online contribution by going to our website ( and following the link to make a contribution. You may also set up automatic payments through your bank’s Bill Pay service. 

St. Paul’s Prayer List: 

Intercessions: Peyton Olson, Dorla Guenzel, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, John & Susan Dempsey, Clint Callahan, Jim Johnson, Mark Shreve, Tammy Kipfer, Angela Wilcoxon, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Sally Fittsizer, Dana Bone Teichart, Machelle Christiansen and Mike Mundy.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Glynnis, David, Pam Brown, Jim Wilson, Finn Mitchell, David Yates, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Terry Presley, Charlotte & Jim Franklin, Larry Linder, Gary, Phyllis & Gary Bratton, Peggy, Sarah, Brady & Cody, Patsy Waren, Linda Moe, Olivia, Wendell, Tom Bradshaw, Byron Difani, Dennis Brooks, Landon Terry, Alan Sickle, Fred Denison Sr., Carol Robertson, Suzie Coleman Rash, Jennifer Huskins, Yvonne Adams, Cathy Harrington, Perry, the Zagaar family, Jacqueline Levey, Kay, Jody Gayle, and Dan & Kathy Higgnight.

In Memoriam: Cookie Ball (Kim Dunlap's aunt).

Birthdays & Anniversaries: Mary Bumpers (10/3), Steven Wilcoxon (10/4), Finn Dore (10/4), Jacqui McSpadden (10/5), Isabelle Tenace (10/8), Sandy Barnett (10/8), Michelle & Kirk Warden (10/5) and Nikki & Brenda Bittle (10/6).

Worship Online

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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