Church Contributions: Our pledges are typically received mostly at the beginning of the year and at the very end. Summer and Fall months tend to challenge our budget – this year is no exception. We’ve had some unusually high maintenance expenses, so our operating funds are running low. We’d appreciate your help. If you are behind on your pledge and can, please bring it up-to-date. Thank you.
Stewardship Dinners: Members are being invited to attend small group dinners and being asked to host dinners. At these gatherings we are asking you to answer two questions: “What do you like about St. Paul’s?”, and, “What would you like to see offered by St. Paul’s FOR YOU?”. If you are interested in hosting a dinner, please let us know in the office.
Holy Conversations: On Thursday, October 20th at 6:00 pm, St. Paul’s will host a meeting for our members and others in our diocese to discuss our hopes for the next bishop of Arkansas. Bishop Larry Benfield has announced his plans to retire in early 2024 and the newly formed search committee has asked St. Paul’s to host this meeting. It is an opportunity for us to share what we appreciate about our diocese and what we hope for its future.
Care Team Meeting: The Care Team will meet, Sunday, October 23rd this month at 6:00 pm. If you are a part of this vital ministry of St. Paul’s, please watch for an email with more information. If you are not a part of it, but would like to join it please let Fr. Jim or Katie know.
Forward Day by Day: As of this last week we have not yet received our new Forward Day by Day books. According to the company, there was a delay in shipment. As soon as we receive them, this information will be posted in the Announcements. If you would like for me to reserve a book and automatically send you your copy when they arrive, please either call the office during office hours or email the church office. - Katie
Episcopal Church Women Fall Gathering: Save the date, October 22, 2022, to attend the ECW Fall Gathering at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Heber Springs. Come and see women from around the Diocese of Arkansas read their offerings from the book featuring the authors of ECW’s book Surrounded by a Cloud of Witness II. Books will be available to purchase.
Domestic Violence Prevention Vigil: On Tuesday, October 25th, Domestic Violence Prevention will hold a vigil on our front lawn beginning at 6:00 pm. The Churchmen’s Club will serve hot dogs at from 5:30 to 6:00 to people as they gather to remember the victims of family violence.
Halloween Candy: This year Main Street will celebrate All Hallows’ Eve on Saturday, October 29th from 5-8 pm. Literally thousands of children are expected so we are in need of a massive amount of candy to give out. It is not too soon to begin dropping off your donations in the Narthex or Church office. Volunteers are also welcome to help with giving out the candy that evening. Rhonda & Mike Mundy are heading this activity. If you have questions, please contact them.
Sunday Lectionary: Our Sunday readings come from a three-year cycle of assigned scriptures called the Revised Common Lectionary. Over the course of three years, we read our way through the books of the Bible. The lectionary readings for Sunday are now available on our website. Click on Sunday Lectionary to find the readings from the previous Sunday, this coming Sunday, and the week afterwards. During the current church seasons there is a choice of the Old Testament readings and the Psalm. We are using the second set.
Adult Sunday School: We are now offering a Bible Study on Sunday mornings in the Parish Hall beginning at 9:30. No preparation is required; we are reading and discussing the Sunday Lectionary readings.
Giving to St. Paul’s: For those attending online, there are three ways to give: you may mail your gifts to St. Paul’s at PO Box 2255, Batesville, AR. 72503, or make an online contribution by going to our website ( and following the link to make a contribution. You may also set up automatic payments through your bank’s Bill Pay service.