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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

November 27- December 3, 2022

Lay Ministers Serving This Sunday

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Dave Allen

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Steve Massey

Acolyte: Karis Ford

   Ushers: Pam Baxter & Paul Hance

Technical Support: Jon Healey

Altar Guild: Pat Mason, Jo Cargill-Krug & Melissa Taverner

Community Meal (11/30/2022):  Team Olson

Upcoming Events & News

Stewardship 2023: If you have not been invited to a dinner it is because there are several more to schedule. We have separated our financial pledges from these dinners which focus more on how St. Paul’s ministers to us and how we my get more involved. Pledge cards were mailed to our members (if you did not get one, please call the office). We have received 40 for a total of $145,965 compared to last year’s 66 pledges for a total of $222,877. We still have a long way to go before the vestry can plan the 2023 budget. Please place your pledge card in the offering plate or mail it in as soon as you can. There are pledge cards in the Narthex and in our office, if you need one.

Little Free Library: Our Little Free Library needs more books! If you have any to donate, please bring them to the church office or call the office Monday through Thursday and Martha will pick them up. Monetary donations are also appreciated; please indicate ‘Little Free Library’ in the memo.

Advent Lessons & Carols and Potluck: Sunday, December 4th, our choir will lead us in this special service at 10:30. In response to some of the feedback we have received at our dinners, the vestry decided to have only one service that day followed by a Potluck. So, there will be no 8:00 service on that Sunday. We want to worship all together! And, we want to share a meal together! Advent Lessons is a beautiful service that tells our story from Genesis through the Gospels with readings and music. It helps us prepare our hearts and minds for the advent of the Redeemer of the Earth. Please join us. 

Episcopal Church Women (ECW): “Granny” Grahn has once again donated a gingerbread house to be auctioned off by ECW. They will be selling tickets at the potluck on December 4th. 

Christmas Parade: Main Street is set to have their Christmas parade on December 10th. If anyone would like to volunteer to be part of building the float and/or walk alongside the float and hand out candy please contact the Bittles or the Mundys. We will also have singers on the float and if you wish to be part of that, please contact Kristian Ameigh. You can also help us by contributing candy! Please bring your gifts of candy to the office.

Giving to Camp Mitchell: Camp Mitchell is recruiting monthly donors! If you sign up during November, you’ll receive some special camp swag and be registered for weekly prize drawings. As our own camp and retreat center, please consider becoming a financial supporter. You can set up an automatic gift by visiting their website Envelopes will be available in the Narthex if you would like to become a donor that way as well.

Bishop’s Discretionary Fund: The Bishop’s Fund is used to respond to disasters and work being done both in and outside of our dioceses. Last year, of the $80,000 that was distributed, $50,000 went to food pantries and related outreach programs in Arkansas. You are invited to participate in this important work by making a contribution to his fund. Gifts can be made online at or indicating the bishop’s fund on your check to St. Paul’s.  

Giving to St. Paul’s: For those attending online, there are three ways to give: you may mail your gifts to St. Paul’s at PO Box 2255, Batesville, AR. 72503, or make an online contribution by going to our website ( and following the link to make a contribution. You may also set up automatic payments through your bank’s Bill Pay service. 

St. Paul’s Prayer List: 

Intercessions:  Peyton Olson, Dorla Guenzel, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, John & Susan Dempsey, Jim Johnson, Mark Shreve, Tammy Kipfer, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Machelle Christiansen, Cathy McDonald and Don Mills.

Intercessions for Family & Friends:  Glynnis, David, Pam Brown, Jim Wilson, Finn Mitchell, David Yates, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Terry Presley, Charlotte & Jim Franklin, Larry Linder, Gary, Phyllis & Gary Bratton, Peggy, Sarah, Brady & Cody, Patsy Waren, Linda Moe, Olivia, Wendell, Tom Bradshaw, Byron Difani, Dennis Brooks, Landon Terry, Alan Sickle, Fred Denison Sr., Carol Robertson, Suzie Coleman Rash, Jennifer Huskins, Yvonne Adams, Cathy Harrington, Perry, Jacqueline Levey, Jody Gayle, Dan Hignight, Lucy Harris, Jack Ludlow, Sonny Hayes, Hunter Cowan, Jason Marteniez, Nancy O’Neal, Gary Wisnet, and Kathy Kleveno. 

Birthdays: Gary Perkey (12/1).

Worship Online

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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